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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Now there's a fundraiser event if ever I saw one!
  2. Long story, short version: I rent my house to NUFC via a letting agent who house the younger non-mansion owning players, in discussions with said agents they mentioned there's one "horrible" player they won't touch with a bargepole, was not named directly, but at the time I had little doubt it was Carroll. There's been many a story about players rented properties. Emre left one penthouserequiring a 5 grand clean up while Martins housed a number of illegal immigrants in his *allegedly
  3. Apologies if i'm 3 pages behind but didn't he deck another teammate last season too?
  4. Wasn't it because the bloke had tried to nick his mobile or something? the fucking bother that post caused, I had people from the NUST quizzing me about the phone cos theyd read it on here.
  5. and only about 200 witnesses plus CCTV stand in his way.
  6. Financial year end? Yep, bringing money forward to help balance books, thats not good business, people slated Shepherd for buying England strikers using sponsorship money yet again however we're getting in future ST money early which means it wont be available come next seasons transfers.
  7. 4 million? whey aye man, we'll be lucky to get shot on a free.
  8. And so the Felling Eusebio cements his place in NUFC folklore. Up there with the greats of this club Dyer, Bowyer, Barton.
  9. All are fucking unlikely considering hes had numerous attempts to sell and at each stage has done nothing to attract buyers, hes had numerous attempts to prove the knockers wrong and done nothing to sway them (except you). As for the last one, yeah course he has. He bought the club for exactly the last reason so hes not done too good a job on it so far has he? You also forgot...... screwed his own father out of the business dodgy business practices An investigation by the SFA which could see him jailed and lose his business. Firstly, Moat never has and never will be a contender so lets put Billy Big Mouth Bass to bed once and for all shall we? There are numerous other potential options, none of which however I agree will touch us with a barge pole for the money he'll want for us once we're up. So would I, Id also like world peace and a 18inch dick but we can all dream. Hes not our best bet, hes currently our only bet, its like saying "Ive left the kids with Gary Glitter, the only other babysitters available were Josef Fritzel and Myra Hindley so best of a bad bunch, still lets not bother checking on them eh?" Doesnt mean we have to forgive and forget, as long as there are fans like you, who desert the club with talk of boycotts while were in the Championship then reappear as soon as we're promoted then the likes of the fat man will have won. He knows he can do as he likes and there'll always be some mug to back him up. Bollocks
  10. And theres another thing funnily enough, if hes sorted out the finances then why the fuck do we need to flog STs now at a reduced rate? Theres only two reasons I can see to do that, either you need the cash in now to help balance the books or you know fine well that when renewal time comes people arent going to be happy with some decision or other youve made in the preceding month(s).
  11. or Ashley may never sell us and then we'd really be fucked.
  12. £147m of debt versus £70m of debt. Losing £25m a season versus losing £30m a season. That's stabalised? Id hate to see him destabilise us!!! All the above are arguments CT has chosen to ignore throughout these threads.
  13. Next CT will be arguing that Ashley is more successful than Shepherd because he got us promoted, something Shep didnt manage once in the last 16 years!
  14. Ed Harrison doesnt run it anymore, it was taken over by some of the more gobshite lunatic comment makers I believe.
  15. Quite the opposite my friend, I have every respect for Baggio in that he actually believed what he was saying and learnt the hard way. You on the other hand are a contrary fucker who changes his views more often than his kegs. You know why you wont accept the bet, its because you know that you're taking the opposing view to the majority, because that makes you seem more interesting. It gives you something to make people read and reply to your posts. You did it from day one, many people on this board believed you were actually part of some club funded plan to change around the views of the fans by coming on places such as this. Most however realised quite soon that wasnt the case, surely nobody could have been paying you to put that shit on I'd take any bet but not posting on here for 6 months wouldnt sort anything, like MF says we'd be lost without you here. Loser has to wear a t-shirt printed to the others design to the next home match after the transfer window has ended, we go to the game together (loser pays for the pair of tickets obviously).
  16. Pretty sad reading that to see just how high our hopes and expectations were
  17. Someone who mouthed off left right and centre about how good Ashley was for the club but when put on the spot by Pud and asked to put his money where his mouth was (for charity) he suddenly didn't seem so confident.. Very confident but money is money for some of us. £40 to charity seems fair to me. Thats the point of the bet though, I cant afford to go throwing a hundred quid to a charity (I wish I could) but the fact is I could have made it £500 for every million because Im 100% confident in my belief, making it a simple "yes/no" bet doesnt prove anything, wont make you think how much Ashley lost you when you do lose. This is the same sort of bet I had with Baggio and he was confident with his beliefs so he took it, he lost miserably but he paid up and topped it up with his own donation, strangely enough he was hardly seen on here since, it might have been coincidence or it could have been that hed had his arse burnt and started to realise the alternative view. The point of the whole thing is that if you have the confidence in your "saviour" that you say you have then the money wont be a consideration because you know you wont lose.
  18. But the Euro/Sterling rate is nowt these days. Then there is the new tax bracket of 40% of over 50k or whatever it is. Unless they are going to get mega wages, they wont come - unless they are really poor players. 50% over £150k
  19. Like I say, now that you deem us good enough to get your custom back then give it a go, fiver says you dont sit in the same seat twice. NUST????? NUFC. Now that youve randomly decided to end your self imposed boycott (just in time for the promotion party).
  20. Not at all but i do think we will spend about 15-20mil in the summer...we HAVE to and he knows that! Totally spot on. Ashley won't risk relegation again AND has the cash to do what needs to be done. Ok then, money where your mouth is. £14m is the set point, £20 per million either way, winner chooses the charity. If he spends £10m you pay £80, if he spends £20m I pay £120. You never know he might show hes a billionaire and spend £100m then Id be fucked
  21. Like I say, now that you deem us good enough to get your custom back then give it a go, fiver says you dont sit in the same seat twice.
  22. You do, I agree however you dont get so used to it that you look forward to the down season in order to experience the rush of promotion. Thats akin to a junkie going cold turkey with the express view that when he does shoot up it'll be so much more exhilerating. No club has a divine right to being in the top flight however some clubs have the necessary levels of support to ensure enough turnover to keep them there. We are one of those clubs. Fuck off man, you know exactly what I was saying about relegation and promotion and the nailbiting "excitement" of both. And with regard to I dont see how we do. We were not self sufficient Under Shepherd last few years and havent been since. We couldnt afford it keep on raking up the debts trying to keep up. Thats why us and so many others are / were really fucked. It amazes me that some seemingly sensible people on this board think that crowd size and tv money is enough to compete with the big boys. It simply is untrue. You need a benefactor these days. Those who simply think we can go back to the spend spend spend days of Shepherd are fucking clueless. A different approach is needed and if and I agree its a fucking huge if, Ashley has learnt his lesson and is interested, then he could be our best long term route back to a serious contender. I dont think there are any quick fixes however if some of you have any you should spell them out, rather than just moaning about Ashley. He is a British Multi million / soon to be billionaire, his empire is growing again, his brand fits in well for world wide promotion. Hopefully he will get it right in the summer. If not the prospect of a sale to a Barry Mort type is truly horrific. Its fucking Moat you spanner Barry Moat and hes got less chance of buying our club that you have of getting "One Mike Ashley" chants started in the Gallowgate. I agree however that should he take over then we truly would be fucked.
  23. What? in the way Hitler did Germany a favour by taking them to war? Ashley has no more sorted our finances out than I have. We are more in debt now than we've ever been while our income has been slashed but hey yeah we've cut the wage bill so great, every cloud and all that. As for consortia waiting in the wings, where? why? as was said last season, why buy when we're a Premiership club when we're a whole lot cheaper as a Championship one. Unlike last season where we argued nobody in their right mind would buy us after January now no consortia will step in after we've gone up as the price will shoot up. Consider this my friend, we are here in this mess until Ashley has got his pound of flesh.
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