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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. hmmmmm I seem to remember KK saying the same sort of thing at times
  2. They just keep getting better n better do google. http://www.google.co.uk/intl/en/landing/translateforanimals/
  3. Reading it? hes on the phone to half of them offering contracts
  4. They can sign me on a free and pay me less, doesnt mean its going to be successful.........awaits the call from Dekka
  5. Your jokes were funny 20 years ago when they were first told.
  6. Hey top marks to you mate, many of us saw a season of hard slog, you were right in predicting just how shite this league is. Now, whats your prediction for next season?
  7. What is your definition of trophy player? I'd never have had Shearer down as a trophy signing?
  8. O2 were spot on when I was with them and as soon as this fucking BT contract is up Im going to change back to them. Because you have a mobile with them its cheaper for the broadband, Im pretty sure it was £7.50p/m for unlimited service a year ago. As long as you've been with them for more than the contract then its a piece of piss, simply give them a ring to cancel, installing the new connection will be as simple as the last one.
  9. peasepud


    Sometimes I really do believe you're a cockend. Election manifestos are exactly that and no doubt once the election process is complete then I can post my thoughts, thing is doing it now and here would make it look like I was canvassing votes which is something Im clearly not doing. My election statement is exactly as it should be, my personal views on what I can bring to the table and what I think the way forward is for the Trust. Its clearly not the views of the committee as you'll have no doubt seen should you have read all of the statements. What I have said there and what I said in reply to 2J do not contradict or prove anything what it did though was answer 2Js question, I dont know whats happening with it because its moving on at its own pace and nothing can really happen either way until the new committee is installed officially. Its not rocket science dickwad and its clearly not some attempt at smoke and mirrors, as anyone with half a brain cell could tell. Anyway isnt it time for you to change your views on the football club? Its been at least a week since the last backpedal.
  10. Thats the one Ive got, it may well work great trouble is when you look at the before and after it dampens your belief.
  11. peasepud


    Pud what's happening with the takeover? Not a clue mate, personally I think a members meeting and discussion re the way forward is required as things appear to have gone a little quiet lately. At the same time though its not worth taking much forward at the moment because of the elections, could be that the new board have different views to the current one and do things differently. It would in all fairness be daft to push forward on stuff until we have the stability of an elected committee.
  12. peasepud


    Just a gentle reminder to those of you who are members that the last day of voting is on Tuesday, please make sure you read all the statements and make your votes(s) count.
  13. peasepud


    Id assumed it was the drink IPA and Snakey couldnt spell....especially when I saw Alex had the last post.
  14. You need something that sits over your screen as (I dont believe) it can be done with software alone. We got one and at first running it seems to work however after a few goes we realised that the Before and After pics were always the same regardless. At that point I lost confidence.
  15. If we were liquidated and no more then the club would start again from scratch, its worth remembering that a Football Club United of Newcastle under those circumstances would not be the same as FCUM are in that they would be the one and only Newcastle. Under that logic we'd probably still be called NUFC. Thats the club I would support NUFC is NUFC regardless of if there was a break sometime, even if it took a year or so to be setup it wouldnt matter, from that moment on they would be my team. If however FCUN was created as a protest like FCUM was then I couldnt do it, no matter how solid my reasons for protest, I couldnt walk away fully and take up another team, Id boycott* yes but NUFC would still be my team, the one I followed and cared about. *When I say boycott I mean not bother going to matches while we were in the shit league and then when we looked like being promoted Id change my whole stance and decide whatever I was protesting about wasnt really the case and it was actually a good thing and be back in time for Premiership football )
  16. WTF is with the blank replies? Start of Reservoir Dogs, the whole dialogue around to tip or not to tip.
  17. Daft thing is I only ever use it in Code view so I might as well be using friggin Notepad Really need to start using it as it as WYSIWYG and then tweaking the code afterwards!
  18. Goto Adobe.com and download the trial version of Dreamweaver which gives you the full thing for 30 days then give me a shout. Front Page may have added a load of extra gumph into your webpages which isnt required though so they could be worth tidying up in Dreamweaver first.
  19. Tell you what nae wonder hes upset if she can do that, is she Thai by any chance?
  20. Seriously kidda, you need professional help.
  21. Id assumed it meant no kex I'll get dressed then
  22. All are fucking unlikely considering hes had numerous attempts to sell and at each stage has done nothing to attract buyers, hes had numerous attempts to prove the knockers wrong and done nothing to sway them (except you). As for the last one, yeah course he has. He bought the club for exactly the last reason so hes not done too good a job on it so far has he? You also forgot...... screwed his own father out of the business dodgy business practices An investigation by the SFA which could see him jailed and lose his business. Firstly, Moat never has and never will be a contender so lets put Billy Big Mouth Bass to bed once and for all shall we? There are numerous other potential options, none of which however I agree will touch us with a barge pole for the money he'll want for us once we're up. So would I, Id also like world peace and a 18inch dick but we can all dream. Hes not our best bet, hes currently our only bet, its like saying "Ive left the kids with Gary Glitter, the only other babysitters available were Josef Fritzel and Myra Hindley so best of a bad bunch, still lets not bother checking on them eh?" Doesnt mean we have to forgive and forget, as long as there are fans like you, who desert the club with talk of boycotts while were in the Championship then reappear as soon as we're promoted then the likes of the fat man will have won. He knows he can do as he likes and there'll always be some mug to back him up. Bollocks Its hard trying to reply to you because you are currently posting like some teenage internet warrior. I appreciate you are running for election but KISS Just seen this, which part of my post reads like a "teenage internet warrior" ? and what the fuck do the elections have to do with anything? Or is that your standard response to things you dont have an answer to? Thing is CT all youve done in all of these threads is post the same factless drivel as reasons to kiss Ashleys arse, either respond to the stuff people are putting up as facts against your arguments or admit you're on the Wind Up.
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