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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I have to admit I must have misunderstood it. Id thought it was the ability of the opposition to call a vote of no confidence in the government. Currently as it stands when a vote of no-confidence is carried out you need a simple majority to have it passed. In normal circumstances thats 50.15% (326 out of 650 MPs), under the new rules you need 55% to pass a vote of no-confidence which would mean 357 MPs had to agree. Is that not the case?
  2. Fuck me thats tragic.
  3. Pitch looks fucking dismal mind, that's a disgrace for an FA cup final
  4. Allegedly fat Ash isn't charging us interest no. Like I said the other week I'm waiting with interest to see SJ Holdings accounts.
  5. piss in their coffee
  6. £6479. Therefore overnight when they bring this in, everyone who is on the standard code (and earns £10k or more) will suddenly get an additional £3521 before ttheyre taxed or rather, will be better off by £704.20 per year. Thats a serious amount of money to suddenly lose from about £20m people. Unless my maths is out thats £14,000,000,000 per year. On top of that, werent the tories also going to reverse the decision to up NI by 1%? if thats the case then thats another £45 per person on that first £10k that wont be coming in (admittedly it isnt now but it was planned to be) so take another £900m just the coffers just for that £10k never mind all the earnings on top of that. I wonder where thats going to come from then? and thats before we even start to reduce the deficit.
  7. how do you define "silly money". With hindsight ? smith, vidulka, and for his contributions to the circus, barton....for a start so its with hindsight then ? We could have overruled the manager though ....... money that would threaten the club's future. obviously clubs don't survive without debt but it has to debt that is sustainable. if we'd carried on the way we were we could have imploded. We imploded anyway. i meant financially, a la pompey or leeds If we'd carried on the way we were then turnover wouldnt have dropped dramatically, sponsorship deals would have been higher and most importantly we wouldnt have spent a year in the football equivalent of room 101.
  8. Im not sure how this whole thing works? If the plan is, as has been intimated, to reduce the losses year on year and break even in 5 years then how are people thinking we will be debt free? Seeing as we were £111m in debt to Ashley plus a £20m overdraft at the end of the 08/09 season and we allegedly lost £32.5m in 09/10 then that would put us currently £162.5m in debt. If the plan is to reduce the losses to £28m this coming season then we'll be £200m in the red. At the end of year 2 it'll be £222m, year 3 will be £238m and 4 about £245m, so by the time we break even we'll be sitting on a debt of around £250m. How is that financially stable? We'll not be debt free, we'll have bigger debts than those that took Portsmouth out however we could well be a league or two down on their position at the time.
  9. Yes we do, its called spending to accumulate, the better a team you have the higher up the league you should get. Higher up the league means more money and puts you in a better position to attract players the next season. Based on what? blind optimisim thats what. This is the same squad that got us relegated minus Martins, Owen, Viduka, Duff, Beye, Bassong but plus the likes of Best, Routledge, Williams and Simpson. Why would you even contemplate building a Premiership squad around loan players? one of the things people keep spouting about as a reason not to sell is to not break up a tight knit squad. How do you think that will survive if we keep dipping into loans and then handing them back? If someone does well on loan for us from the likes of Arsenal and Spurs then all that happens is their value increases and we couldnt afford to buy them if we wanted to so off they go back. How depressing is that going to be? fuck off man, a never say die attitude is a piece of piss to have when you've got 90 points and are leading the league. Do you honestly think that will exist when Stoke comprehensively beat us at SJP to leave us floundering at the bottom? for fucks sake how do you think that breaking even in 5 seasons will be a benefit if we're in the 1st division pulling in 10k crowds against Darlo? You think too much, its not healthy for you. You should be, by rights we should all be shitting bricks at the prospect of whats to come. Wide scale sales of players because "once theyve had their heads turned by things such as ambition or competing then theres nothing you can do to keep hold of them" ©Llambias 2009. This squad will be decimated from the already fragile one it is, I do believe that the likes of Colo, Enrique, Jonas and Nolan will not hang around to become the scapegoats for another relegation. Thats on the back of the almost certain departure of Taylor. Once we get to December and hes seen Liverpool stick 8 past us then history will repeat itself and Harper will also bugger off. A few cheeky bids for Carroll (if hes not helping her Majesty out) and Lovenkrands could see them waving goodbye too. What will we replace them with? loan players from Birmingham and Wolves?
  10. fuckin hell man, leave SMO alone hes paid his debt
  11. The problem isnt funds as such its my inability to pay the stuff on time, always forgetting and then realising when I cant get on here Trouble is that the last few days have been taken up with organising the bairns christening yesterday and to top it off BT have screwed me around with my home broadband meaning I cant get online at home!
  12. The only view you'll get here nowadays is my own personal one, the new committee met for the first time yesterday I believe. Im still in a state of shock, not shocked at the outcome because without doing a Leazes and saying "I told you so" it was clear to see that there would never be an intention to spend the kind of money we required. I am however shocked at the sheer stupidity of this whole thing. Not making a large scale outlay is one thing but basically telling the world in May that you have no intention of strengthening your squad for the coming season is tantamount to suicide. Players will be leaving in droves, not for more money because as Duff has shown, you can make a move to a "smaller" club than NUFC and find yourself playing in a European final that same season. No player with anything about them will stay at this club? why would you? Defenders know that against Chelsea, Man U and half the league they will be murdered and nobody blames the strikers when you lose 8 nowt. Its Enrique, Colo and co that'll get the shite. Strikers know that without a solid defence then the opposition will have the ball up our end for large chunks of the game, giving them very little chance of doing anything with the ball and which fans chant a number 9's name when he gets 6 goals a season? Lets not even get started on the middle of the park, the place where it all hinges on. No quality in midfield spraying the balls about or getting back to help defence and we're all screwed. Anyone of any quality will be away this season and nobody with any sense will come here to replace them. Colo, Enrique, Jonas, Carroll, Guthrie, Nolan, even Harper will be having their ears bent by their agents at this moment telling them to get out while they still have some credibility in the football world. Those that slated Given for going to Man City did so on the belief he "had his head turned" as Llamearse put it by money, he didnt what turned his head was the chance to actually win something or play European football again, something that Given knew was never going to happen under this regime. No matter what happens this coming season, Hughton should be supported by the fans because no manager would be able to turn this current squad into a Premiership mid table one. Any vitriole should be directed exactly where it belongs at the door of Ashley and Llambias.
  13. They'll hit the services such as homes and mobility so no scooters for the old codgers.
  14. All the best guv'nah
  15. is it a good time to point out her toon connections to her constituency?
  16. lunacy. although hold on...... Education edition? you little tinker you, its been a while since you were a student!
  17. PAYE 40%, NI 9%, Student Loan 9% = 58%. Then there's Council Tax, VAT, Petrol Tax, TV license, Road Tax, employer contributions (paid on my behalf) etc.... I agree things have improved in the last 10 years and I would vote for Labour again if they hadn't racked up £850 Billion in debt and sold off the gold. They are too reactive for my liking, they should have regulated the bank and forced them to lend. I doubt you'll find any first time buyers voting Labour. Clearly you're not employed in a field that involves Maths regarding your income tax calculations. Just a bit like. Lets say, you earn £50k per annum and are on a standard Tax Code (356L) and by your mention of 9% NI Im guessing you're on Category D NI. Per annum figures: PAYE £12,016.26 (24%) NIC £3699.00 (7.4%) Student Loan £3,149.88 (6.3%) Plus you cant class Student Loan as a tax surely? You've had the benefit of that money and if it wasnt for that then you wouldnt be earning the money you are. So in real terms out of your pay you're being taxed 31.4% of it (or 37.7% if you wrongly include Student Loans).
  18. Silently and skillfully slipped into the quote like a master forger. http://www.journallive.co.uk/nufc/newcastl...61634-26369825/
  19. Allegedly not, its only a court injunction thats keeping it quiet at the mo.
  20. Allegedly, Gerrards 16 year old is the sister of one of the foreign players at the club
  21. For fucks sake! All Irish flights cancelled, I must be a frigging jinx!
  22. would you have him back? Hes clearly too good to be playing for a club thats only just squeaked out of being in the 3rd tier. Whether hes Premiership class is another matter but frankly I dont think we're likely to be pulling in much Premiership quality anyway so personally, Id take another chance on him.
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