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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Cheers mate, hes an absolute star like, got his own personality now, I could post hundreds of pics but Id just bore people
  2. bung JJC a PM Im sure he could arrange to have the bloke disappear (after spending 2 months in JJCs cellar with 10 metres of rubber piping and a donkey)
  3. Not been to the gym for weeks, need to get my arse back into gear. As for today, Im tired, sitting on a train down to London and heading to Ilford for the day. train home doesnt leave until 8pm so it'll be 11.30 before I get back home
  4. Not as dedicated as Ritchie. Actually posting on Facebook whilst inside the church. Not when the post is "Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp!"
  5. peasepud


    Im guessing Dennis Wise isnt that short
  6. peasepud


    why? nacked your Grifter have they?
  7. He is? That didn't last long. Im still lost as to how/why you pulled a five year old thread and posted a good luck I was viewing the 'Who is Online' bit, it shows you were everyone is viewing etc. I saw someone viewing, so I went on it and posted. Didn't realise how old it was.
  8. This is also one of the theories. There are some very strange things going on in our solar system right now ie Venus losing one of its rings and ALL the planets looking like they are heating up/new anomalies in their magnetic fields *see nasa website. @Renton Commercial airlines/planes aren't involved at all. This is strictly a military op hence the ease of deniabiltiy. I know that over europe it is American planes doing it which are Nato alligned some based in Belgium and others based in the Uk and Germany. I don't really know why they would be doing it, but the cost is high (in terms of fuel and mantime, the aerosol is cheap to make) so there must be some very grounded reasoning behind it. UV is definately part of the puzzle as is atmospheric temperatures which might be an issue if there are problems with our magnetic field as there is currently with Venus. It was only recently acknowledged that there is a kind of filligree of electromagnetism that links the planets depending on orbit and procession, so things happening on the big ones (inc the sun) also effects us. SOMETHING IS GOING ON. Erm, Venus doesn't have any rings and only has a neglible magnetic field though. Fuck! its wose than we first thought
  9. Washed your hair or bought a Renault? Just one after meals. It's hell. Thats an easy one to cope with, eat more often.
  10. Decided it might be nice to take the little fella upto the show at Corbridge, see some animals, take in the smell of the country, that sort of thing. Took over two hours to get into the car park then had to walk through 2 more before getting to the entrance, a tenner per adult meant we shelled out twenty notes to get inside only to find it was just a big collection of burger vans with some tractors parked up. The only animals we saw were some sheep in pens, the only smell was a heady concoction of charver sweat, stale beer, piss and fried onions. Not a farm produce stall in sight, just one big Quayside market with a mini hoppings at the edge. Next year its back to Evolution
  11. He is? That didn't last long. Im still lost as to how/why you pulled a five year old thread and posted a good luck
  12. Surely though there are easy ways round this for the clubs with rich owners. For instance, whats to stop Man Citys owners simply sponsoring the club for £100m a season?
  13. bollocks, it's pride, it's passion, it's believing in both your football club and the integrity of the game.
  14. Yeah, Ive heard a couple of rumours of that too, some of them will be a bit lost as to what to attend. On a lighter note, take a look at the cockends in this little lot 49 seconds in.. how short is that cunt in front of the flag
  15. http://englishdefenceleague.org/ So they're going to congregate in 3 pubs in Gateshead for nearly two hours before the march? Not just any part of Gateshead but right on the side of the Jewish area. Well this should be fun Meanwhile the Anti-Facists have the following: Oh fuuuuuuuuuuck, think I'll give town a miss today One thing that stands out in this is the difference in the wording used, I have no doubt that the EDL are highly populated by racists and thugs thats not in doubt however what is clear is that they have organised a proper, police agreed march. Something that their democratic rights allow them. The AFL however have not and merely call for people to descend on Newcastle and disrupt things. Their motives may be morally right however there are, no doubt many troublemakers within that group too. Any bother that now happens in our city is most likely to be the fault of the AFL not the EDL. EDIT: Surely the EDL mean Bewick Street not Road?
  16. peasepud


    how come you ain't out tonight wacky? instead on a forum saying a 16 year old died rather pathetic do you not think? 21 years old, fuck me if i turn out like you i'll be heading for the bridge, then you can make a thread. 21? Is that what he's been saying while grooming you? 21 inches more like. *height that is not nob
  17. Thats the only way to give up, you have to be ready mentally for it, if you are then its doable. the other piece of advice Id give is to have an open pack in the house ie give up after youve just opened a box and smoked one. Its a psychological thing, one of the problems with the cravings is that once you've got no tabs then you're mind starts to panic. Stick a box in a drawer so they're out of sight but you know they're there. Finally, put the cash away that you would have spent each day, stick it in a glass jar near the box of smokes so you can see how much you've got should you become tempted to have one.
  18. sounds pretty damn good to me. About to start a 14 hour spell in the cab with a passenger window that's stuck up and air conditioning that's not working!!! I hope to fuck I never get picked up by you. FYP
  19. Not had a craving since I gave up well over two years ago.
  20. comedy wise 30 Rock Arrested Development Hung Weeds
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