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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Plan B's the Defamation of Strickland Banks, not bad actually.
  2. Expect Rob to start telling us how he worked on the early design of them any time now.
  3. but we are already means testing them for child tax credit! Just do away with child benefit all together and add it to the tax credit system. This. as someone who has fairly recently started receiving both I can wholeheartedly agree with the concept of doing away with one or the other. The stupid thing was that to claim child benefit we had to fill in a 12 page form, tax credits was 10 pages long yet the latter is means tested and the 1st goes to anyone. Merge the forms at least. Have one form which claims both. Means testing Child Benefit is also something Id agree with but rather than really drop it down make it something like 60 or 70k just to weed out those that really dont need it. I know its a godsend to us, especially in the first year when one of you isnt working. As an aside, Ive just spent the day in a treasury building at Horse Guards, theres an easy way to save £6bn this year and thats to sell off those buildings, huge ornate place, massive rooms, antiquities all over the place, it makes a mockery of the whole austerity plans tbh
  4. Id sell it face value to another fan, that however has no bearing on whether Id pay less for someone elses ST which Im guessing caused this thread
  5. A someone who works in the Public Sector its a scary time ahead. The concept of having to take a pay cut following three years of negligible pay rises is not one that I relish. On top of that add in additional taxes in the form of PAYE, VAT etc, the cost of everyday items going up and its suddenly looking like I could easily be £120-£150 per month worse off. Thats before any additional cuts in things such as Child Tax Credits etc. The bigger worry however is the job itself, not the fact of whether I will have a job or not but more in the job itself. Cuts are never made sensibly, no matter which government is in place. My department consists of 5 of us, collectively we save the government over £4m every year on an annual budget of just over £350k. We are not however front line staff and therefore be liable to be cut. The problem being that each little area within the bigger deparment has its own budget allocated and frankly doesnt care what problems it may cause another department ie if my ultimate bosses need to save £50k this year then they could feasibly get rid of a piece of work that saves another area £500k, the result? our boss has done his bit but simply created a bigger problem for another one somewhere down the line. What currently happens when specific job roles etc are cut within the civil service is the biggest joke however and explaining it to people is the hardest thing possible as it defies all logic. Imagine the scene, a section has 10 members of staff and is told it has to lose 2 as the budget isnt there. The result? two people are told to look for jobs elsewhere within the department, a department which has no jobs and has numerous other people in the same boat. You therefore become something called "pre-surplus" and spend your days hunting the internal jobs pages for a move. Meanwhile you sit at the same desk you sat at previously but you're not allowed to do any work, after an hour of job hunting you move onto doing a crossword, read the paper and generally just lose the will to live. Every month however you're paid the same pay as you got for doing your job, your colleagues meanwhile become more and more stressed as theyve got 20% more work to do. Result? more sick leave and reduced productivity. This happens day to day in thousands of sections across the Civil Service yet its seen as a cost cutting exercise, basically paying people to NOT work. Why not just drop them all into a big pool and move them to wherever in the Public sector needs the help? take 2000 civil servants from DWP, HMRC, F&CO etc and put them tomorrow into doing admin work for the police, thereby freeing up officers to spend more time on the beat and cut crime. After a month put them into the Benefit fraud department, 2 or 3000 extra staff in one day to move cases on, monitor suspects etc. The savings would be immense literally overnight. All of these front line services that could benefit immensely from the experience and abilities of these staff yet no, we'd rather sit them at a desk and fester on the hope they'll either leave or die of boredom. Cameron talks about a previous spending "splurge" well we've not seen that, for the last few years we have been cut repeatedly. Talk of not replacing staff who leave as a way of saving money is old hat. We've not recruited properly for years now and although its not a problem at the moment at some stage in the near future we're going to lose huge numbers of experienced staff due to retirement/ redundancy etc. The gap will be immense and cost billions to correct but that will be down the line. The answer is not to cut Public Spending, its to freeze it or increase but more importantly its to spend it wisely, if people arent needed then get rid, do it now, offer a redundancy package but stand back and wait for the stampede as it will be hugely over subscribed and thats the sad fact of life in the Public sector. Most believe they are doing a job for the better good of the country but feel hugely undervalued and let down by the way its ran overall. I see nothing from the new government that will correct that.
  6. It has no bearing to me like, as far as Id be concerned Id be paying for a seat that I had no guarantee of getting the next year therefore Id prefer not to pay full price otherwise why not just go out and get one from the club, with a choice of seats and the ability to keep it as long as you want?
  7. Compared to England whos players are on the books of Man City, Chelsea, Liverpool, Spurs, Aston Villa, Man United, West Ham and Portsmouth. Only two of those clubs finished below any of the English clubs that have Americans and they only account for 3 players, one of them being the third choice keeper. I automatically ignore those that play in Scotland as its the equivalent of a kick about in a middle school playground.
  8. and what better way to get players to want away than to publicly say you want them and then make a derisory offer in contract talks [/cynical]
  9. That just sounds like Weeds but without the clunge.
  10. That sounds sooooo gay my Reg, not my mate Reg or a bloke I know called Reg but my reg
  11. Or Leon Best = Striker = already here...woohooo! no additional wages.
  12. Quality series, totally enjoyed it.
  13. The club could well sell, even taking away our owners stupidity and greed it could be a sensible move. Theres a good chance that come October Carroll will be unavailable for a while, get rid now and you've removed that worry. Whenever a player goes down there are calls for them to be sacked, if hes not our player then hes not our problem. I can see the logic in that view, I may not agree with it but it makes sense to reduce the risk.
  14. You're a total nob. I bet you weren't taking the piss out of dead people after the Omagh bombing. Apparently one of the dead was a famous (in those circles) Rugby league player for Workington. Some lass reading in the paper here, went over to his car as she thought he was asking for directions (a bloke in a taxi asking for directions fuck knows how that works) and he fired two shots at her one went through her ponytail. She commented "I'm pleased he missed." pmsl am not laughing at what's happened it's pure saddened me, but am pleased he fuckin missed, great comment. Hes also the brother of the Harlequins captain.
  15. peasepud

    Little Ipod

    I think I have the charger from one of the original iPods if thats what you're after, it doesnt work on the iPhone so no use to me if I can find it.
  16. Going down well in twitter land....
  17. Makes you wonder where he got the fuckin gun from and thank god they aren't more widespread otherwise you'd get every nutter with a grudge killin innocents left right and centre Supposed to be shotgun rather than a handgun according to reports on the Beeb so it's fairly easy to get hold of one. Hasn't Fop got a licence btw? Out of interest does anyone know where Fop lives?
  18. Reply to NUST from Simon Taylor himself.
  19. what a shite attempt to cover up lazy journalism, "nobody can remember the protests because they were inside the ground watching the game and the protests were outside" imbecile.
  20. Its going to take a whole lot more than some shoddy accounting investigation telling us what we already know (ie that Ashley is useless) to win me over
  21. Did they ever get that sniper? Was like the FA Cup episode of Dream Team!
  22. I can't see what masturbating in front of him is going to achieve. Might make Paddy feel better though
  23. he is a cutie Pud hows he doing?? Fantastic mate, hes 5 months now, looks like he'll cut a tooth or 10 any day soon, 16lb 8 in weight and already in clothes for 9-12 months (not sure where he gets that from like!). Hes now learnt how to blow raspberries, cocks his legs when farting (and then laughs) and basically just spends his days making ours that much brighter. Point a camera at him and he comes out of his shell and place anything down in front of him when hes being changed and he'll boot it off the table, cracking left foot!
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