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Everything posted by peasepud
probably Renton... proper freaked him out it did.
Its freeview, the TV tuner card in the computer has all the freeview channels on it as standard. You could however hook SKY into it if you wanted but personally, I dont have a need for SKY. But if you do want it then its now integrated into Media Centre, no need for a dish or seperate box. http://skyplayer.sky.com/watch/windows-media-center/ However this looks like it could be a real alternative to Media Center. http://www.boxee.tv/
I can understand the view but at the same time I dont agree with it however Ive never been that political anyway. It does highlight something though, if a company is willing to offer private healthcare to its employees then something should be paid to the NHS for those that opt out. At the end of the day that free provision is replacing some wages, if it wasnt there then you'd probably have a bigger pay packet and therefore would have paid more National Insurace to go towards the NHS. Basically what Im saying is you're a leech NJS, you're not paying your full subs yet you want the benefits..........................you twat.
You know what Fish you're never satisfied, you moan people wont help themseleves yet only last week you were moaning that someone had helped themselves...to your telly. Make up your mind
Ive got an Acer one, had it about 3 years now and would recommend them to anyone. Mines a couple of years old now but works a treat. You could use any PC but obviously the idea of the media ones is that theyre small enough to just sit under your TV as a DVD player would. Microsoft Media Centre now controls all of the media in the house, Hard drive is full of movies, albums, TV shows, photos etc. It has a TV tuner and MMC provides a full SKY+ type facility, series record, pause/rewind live tv etc. Hook it up in the Lounge as we've done to a 42" LCD and you've got the works on a monitor thats big enough to have telly on while surfing. If you've got an XBox in another part of the house then MMC can make its library available through the Extender functionality so everything can be accessed via the XBox as well.
Buy a media PC and you'll get all the Freeview, recorder, DVD player, music player functions as well as games and internet on top.
If everyone such as yourself who was entitled to private healthcare took it up and that freed up 100 beds per day* in NHS hospitals would that not be a better thing for the country though? *totally made up figure not to be quoted by CT as a good thing done by the current government.
Sven has the Fulham job.
sod the new songs, get the old ones back
Im sorry but I dont understand that morale stance? You can afford (I assume) to take advantage of a subbsidised company scheme that will get you and your family treated should something happen yet you choose to not take advantage of that as some kind of stance? Its not like you're saying you're paying the money to the NHS instead, what you're technically doing is adding to the burden of the NHS by using it (dont get me wrong its something you're more than entitled to as you've paid your NI for it). I just dont go with the "Im standing up for the NHS" logic. Its the equivalent of using a free soup kitchen instead of going to Ramsays. *Thats not a dig btw although Im sure it reads that way, its just not a view I understand. Dont sign upto BUPA because you dont want to/ are willing to take the chance etc but its not some "power to the people" stance.
If we lived together I'd agree, besides she has way more porn than I do and we would never had fit all of it on one iPad. What kind of stuff is she into? Do you watch together? all kinds, she's pretty good at making her own for me too get them up, we're all friends on here. They're nowt special mate, standard stuff, you know..whips, leather, vegetables, a hive of angry bees, the usual run of the mill.
Anything that stops irritating ringtones sounds extremely intuitive if you ask me Hooray for Apple!
Although I suspected Fish at first, I'll tell you who is suspiciously absent from this thread..... Meenzer. You, your lass and Fishy......Who else knew you had a telly? Meenz thats who and now hes watching reruns of the 78 Eurovision in glorious technocolor.
Right, you should wear nothing but a cravat and luminous yellow socks, and cart wheel in making monkey noises. During the interview you should vigourously masterbate and jizz off into the deep fat frier. Or the interviewer's face. At the end of the interview, shake the interviewer's hand with the hand you've masturbated with, give a Fascist salute, shout "Heil Salamander!" three times and then mince out the door like Gok Wan. If you don't get the job after that, then Idon't know what else they could want. He said McDonalds not KFC...
Fabio blaming the disallowed goal and reckons we played well. cock.
Would have been a disgrace if he had, hes one of the main problems.
Watching this is about as much fun as one of Fishs stand ups
Which country is he from? Not sure. Latin sounding name. Jorge Larrionda (Uruguay)
Dorty little herbert!
Still pissed off that I didn't wake up. Sorry mate. Surprised they're sending anybody higher than a plod round to be honest, was fully expecting the "Yeah there's been a spate of these, we'll take your details and add them to the file, here's the incident number thankyou and goodbye" (I have been listening into the feeds for East London, but I've not heard us have a mention yet... ) Arse is clearly dropping there like Fishy, sounds to me like someone needed a bit extra cash and decided to stage a "burglary" thinking it would be a piece of piss. Now its gone too far and people are getting hurt. Just 'fess up and pop the telly back in time for the game, theres a good lad.
now which one looks least like a potential world leader? tricky one.....
Im experiencing a few problems too, seemingly theres a range of IPs within BT which are experiencing it.