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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Ive just picked a 2tb seagate barracuda for £75 to add to my other 2 2tb drives. also spent the last hour cataloging the 3 drives to remove duplicates - they are full of hd films. im not bothered that the devices arrive 'empty' as ive already got the disks. i just want a nice tidy solution. You have far too much porn.
  2. I need an external hard drive and want to share it among a few machines so thoughts some form of NAS would be ideal but it seems theyre quite expensive (£180 for a 500Gb when I can pick up a 1Tb external HD for £70). Do I need a dedicated one or is there something I can buy cheaper to add on and make it shareable?
  3. Its a constipated Sex in the City. I do like this ad though.... http://www.tellyads.com/show_movie.php?filename=TA10878
  4. We lost Sir Bobby. Gone but never forgotten
  5. Cue CT with a "you cant make an omlette without cracking eggs" or Rob to spout on about how there's far too many like your parents sitting around at the taxpayers expense.
  6. Our finest hour tbh I bring a server.
  7. Makems As far as their concerned being in a better position than us currently well that makes them world beaters. Never likely to achieve Europe never mind a Champions League spot yet carp on about being top dogs etc.
  8. That first ones just Wetherby Services. and he said infrastructure you thick cunt
  9. I think you'll find thats because of your accent and the expected loss of stock.
  10. Have we got a fucking link on the dyslexia website these days or what?
  11. So nobody in Manchester supports Man U yet all the shops are shut there on matchdays cos theyre all at the game? [/fuckinglost]
  12. They send out the Sts by alphabetical order A-G H-P R-Z, I always get mines last. I got mine 3 days ago and Im a W
  13. peasepud

    My new blog

    Oh yes sah I am liking very muchly your famous englandish towns of Bolton, Blackburn Stoke, Wolverhampton, Wigan, Everton..
  14. http://www.bdadyslexia.org.uk/
  15. The thing is most, if not all Government Departments havent done external recruitment for a good few years. Obviously ignoring the specialist jobs, nurses, firemen, police etc all admin type work has been covered by either shifting work around or recruitment of existing civil service staff from other departments. I still believe that its time to do away with the boundaries of the departments and allow easier movement around the service. If you've got excess staff in one department then move them to another overworked one. Stories like this little fucker though definitely dont help matters, egotistical, rude, smug little twat of a man that he was.... http://www.ifaonline.co.uk/ifaonline/news/...-gbp150k-months What makes it worse is that the consultancy didnt even exist until just before he left here, its not like it was some big existing company that was being used, he was leaving and set up the business in a rush just beforehand.
  16. peasepud

    This kid

    hmmm strange, Ive hunted the logs and cant see that post anywhere on here
  17. La Tristesse Durera ...the Manics Pure genius.
  18. I take it he hasnt yet seen the squad numbers then?
  19. Currently Altogether Now by the Farm, before that Stone Roses and McAlmont & Butlers Yes (one of my all time faves). Gawd Im liking Absolute 90s! oh and next up is Kula Shaker
  20. And so it begins..... Child Benefits told to kill off anything thats not "essential frontline services". That sounds sensible until you hear about the amazing new project that was being implemented. This project was a quick win, easy implementation that was costed at £12k in its first year. As its not frontline services its been scrapped. Projected year 1 savings that will now not be realised from this project? £4.1m Now I dont for one minute believe that the likes of Cameron/ Osbourn etc have the slightest inkling about this project or its worth and I dont belive if they did, that this would have happened but its an example of the stupidity of the system. A statement is made by Whitehall and stupid people in finance follow it to the letter of the law regardless of the consequences.
  21. at the end of the day whoever buys it at the price Chester Mag wants is scum for ripping off a fellow fan therefore its best not to buy it than risk ripping him off © Stevie 2010
  22. peasepud


    Not sure if it was intentional but it looks like its out of a western. We subscribe to a digital photography magazine (http://www.photoradar.com/photography-magazines) which is useful for learning new techniques plus they have a photograph of the year competition which is good for giving you a kick up the arse and ideas for new shoots, I've not been out for ages and spent some time with the camera but when I next do then Im going to play around with HDR techiques.
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