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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. peasepud


    Ive hoyed in a topic, one hour to disagree and come up with summat different.
  2. peasepud


    Thats no good, it disadvantages those that cannot get pics at dawn such as nightshift workers and lazy fucking layabout schoolkids on their holidays. Ive moved the forum into the main boards rather than as a child of General Chat as I agree with Andrew it looks weird sitting at the top of GC
  3. peasepud


    How about a new forum for the photography stuff where we can have a different thread for each theme. That way people can continue to post stuff to previous themes without throwing the thread. Then we can leave this thread here and continue to post other images (or even some from the themed threads) in it.
  4. peasepud


    again though if that had been shot in digital he could have had a haircut, shave and tie added.
  5. Oh dear where you going to get your spicy meat filling now? Plus you'll go hungry
  6. peasepud


    I don't like to use it a lot myself but I think it's a bit daft setting limits on something which is just a bit of fun. Digital photography is as much about editing as anything else after all (even if I prefer a more 'natural' shot). I think it should be a case of anything goes (within the bounds of good taste, obviously ). Who's shooting digital??? Get your hand in your pocket and buy a Digital SLR you tight sod
  7. peasepud


    Definitely at least a couple of weeks at a time as sometimes I cant get a chance to get out and about.
  8. peasepud


    Id be up for a weekly challenge ie we all post our interpretation of the subject rather than it being a contest.
  9. As long as weve got oxygen on stand by then Id be up for a game, I owe someone a set of swollen plums anyway...
  10. I remember what I got for christmas 10 years ago. I remember what I got in my 11+ 7 years ago. But yeah, good attempt at trying to be funny. Was it an F?
  11. peasepud


    Some of my older ones that I could find.
  12. that seems a good offer tbf, it doesnt say if there has to be a party of 4 or what? Do you know if I can buy the voucher and simply have a round on my own? [/billynaemates]
  13. You suggesting that tall=good looking. Wacky's going to be livid. I however, am over the fucking moon!
  14. Liverpool-online.com are on the case as we speak. I believe the domain name huang-for-de-scallies.co.uk is already purchased.
  15. tbf I think you're fucked for a while, Ive done that before and I found it extremely difficult to stop again, your mind is now in smoking mode and you need to get it back into being ready to quit.
  16. peasepud


    Im going to have a play on with HDR this week, trouble is that the best HDR shots seem to be taken at dusk so you have a mix of artificial and natural light and Im not getting much chance to get out at that time of day.
  17. I gave up 2 minutes into reading the instructions. Like a Sam Allardyce team talk...
  18. Aye that was a good week that was....
  19. peasepud


    Creator of the greatest ever TT thread, I salute you on this day.
  20. peasepud


    I got so shit faced on Goldschlager one NYE I had prospectors panning my dumps for weeks
  21. http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/...urning-car.html
  22. Anyone whos put us any higher than 16th needs their head examining.
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