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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I bet you're rock man, nobody will mess with you.
  2. A scouser throwing a sickie? well I never
  3. Billy Knott? Knott? Can anyone honestly tell me we're not signing players now purely on their nautical name?
  4. I only live about 4 miles from blundellsands every house worth over a mill swimming pools inn back gardens. Carragher lives there Bingo! Mention Blundellsands to any scouser and the reply is always "Carragher lives there". It's as if you believe it makes the place better for some reason. Must be good footballers live there....oh hold on...I used to live the next block from Martins, Emre and Dwight Yorke. Didnt make the place any good, just proved they had shit taste in places to live
  5. I like the way the next car just drives upto the window as if nowts happened ......
  6. Here Kophead, I thought you were starting your stint on the Queen Mary yesterday?
  7. Make sure you pay him £290 and drop the other tenner off here, his advertising subs are due
  8. Tell that to Jon Venables. Or Michael Shields.
  9. Superglue on the leaf.
  10. peasepud


  11. I find some good subject matter down the coast especially at Tynemouth. This image was taken in December late afternoon, Photoshop has been used to crop the image I then modified the curve to make more of a silhouette of the surfer. I quite enjoy pics in fog although I reckon there must be a nack to it that Ive not yet sussed, the first one is as taken, the second I amended the curve again to make more of a silhouette of the foreground buildings. This has laways been one of my favourite images, its a lightbulb on the Baltic Christmas Tree taken nice and close up. Red Arrows during the Great North Run, I modified the levels in Photoshop to bring the blue of the sky out. This is now my new favourite image, I think its the Prescription Pricing building at the end of the Tyne Bridge, when I get the chance I'll upload the original as this one has been straightened and darkened in Photoshop and its a good example of how an image can be made much better with some simple tweaks. I think I overlooked the original as a nothing pic until I played around with it. Daffodils taken at Beadnell (I think). Definitely on the coast, no changes made in Photoshop. An old old pic taken at the Tall Ships. This was with an old Kodak digi cam and was taken at about 4am when the sun was justcoming up. Slight tweak to the colours in Photoshop. Another lightbulb at the Baltic ths time taken in daylight and looking through the bulb at the buildings on the Newcastle side of the river. This is simply a wall at the Baltic (again) I just liked how the bricks around the grill had been discoloured. Amen Corner next to the Cathedral, at night the orange glow from the streetlight gives it an eerie feel. Down the steps on the Swing Bridge, always loved this pic. Another lightbulb pic, this time I monochromed it so the flare stood out.
  12. peasepud

    HTC Hero

    Anyone know how you restore the factory settings? ideally so it wipes all contacts, texts etc and makes it as good as new? Ideally, to remove any trace of previous owner
  13. If you take a small screwdriver and touch it across a couple of the terminals joining the jagged edge thing to the board the laptop will beep once if its the Hard Drive,twice for RAM. If you dont get a beep then wet the screwdriver and try again.
  14. peasepud


    Belated greetings dude
  15. I'd recommend a good zoom lens for snapping people as you can be far enough away to either not be seen or to give it legs if they're not happy!
  16. Is this the same bloke? http://www.channel4.com/programmes/coach-t...de-12/the-fight (about a minute in onwards)
  17. I'll say the women love it and the men hate it. I'd rather speak scouse than Geordie. Geordie reminds of fat beer bloke with no top on shouting Wye Aye Man. Tesco the UKs biggest supermarket and the man in charge a scouser. Bet he still nicks the stock though
  18. I once moved three floors up when in the Baltic, trouble was it was the "flat next door" as such ie my first place was the one on the left, new one was the right hand door. 7am Saturday morning and I comandeer the lift, up and down, taking stuff out of one door into the lift up 3 floors and into door 2, until about 10 trips in when I walk in the door, get halfway up the passage and wonder where those pictures on the wall came from! Turns out my new neighbours hadnt locked their front door
  19. Nope. Advertisers don't give a toss and pay for the anonymous data. The government are interested in linking your IP to a name and monitoring use which Project Vigilant are happy to do for them to circumvent privacy law. So they are using facebook profiles to link IP addresses and real people? Well that me off to spend two hours updating my Dennis Wise account while subsequently reading numerous sites on how to make your own shoe bomb.
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