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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Thats why we installed him, hes not real you know, just a bot designed to increase membership. We also have an Alex bot, Gemmill bot, Kevin! bot and the now defunct Fopbot which malfunctioned spectacularly.
  2. Plus it was the setting for In Bruges (surprisingly) and that was shit imho
  3. If you're going to Lake Garda then take a stop off in Bergamo, proper little Italian town in the upper Alto with modern shopping area in the Lower. Stay at the Piazza Vecchia hotel for a proper Italian feel http://www.hotelpiazzavecchia.it/eng/hotel.htm
  4. Ive never felt that way about a player before, until this little fucker.
  5. Once knew a lad who played football and worked at Rowntree's (now Nestle I think) in Fawdon. He reckoned you could steal as much as you wanted as long as you ate it. He claimed sis record for one shift was 18 Lion Bars. Aye I've known a few people who have worked there, the main thing for the interview is perfect fingers, if your fingers look dirty they tell you to do one. I used to get boxes of 48 Drifters for fuck all off a neioghbour who worked there. This bloke was surprisingly skinny. Used to put about two stone on in the off season though. I've a mate who works there now (although I rarely see him these days). He's like a fucking barrel I didnt think it still existed, can your mate get us the knackered stuff? Uncle used to work there and it was class, boxes of misshapes and bags of lion bars for pennies.
  6. Once knew a lad who played football and worked at Rowntree's (now Nestle I think) in Fawdon. He reckoned you could steal as much as you wanted as long as you ate it. He claimed sis record for one shift was 18 Lion Bars. Thats a fucking lightweight shift that like, I reckon I could have managed double that in my first couple of hours. Christ I'd have been like a house end after a week in there.
  7. You havent quite sussed this "being corporate" bit yet have you?
  8. Its a cut and shut that like, stands out a mile.
  9. You find you cant watch an episode of Jeremy Kyle these days without a dozen references to Facebook like. "aye but yee siad she was a slag on facebook"
  10. The Beacon Centre stand would have been quarter empty if it was at Gosforth yesterday. Not counting the subs, managers and kit men, there were 6 spectators (George and a Labrador making up a third of the crowd!). Was canny though and I'll start going to more, mate from work is manager of Shankhouse in the Northern Alliance so I'll probably head to a few of those.
  11. My first attempt at any form of HDR, took an old dusk image from the Quayside and had a play around.
  12. its not often I do this but credit where its due. We've done well to land a kid like this on loan and would appear to have handled the situation properly. No stupid statements, no ridiculously low offers just dealing with what would appear to be a difficult club professionally. Shame however that in a years time we'll have to watch him walk away to a club with ambition.
  13. hmmm Kevin starts at McDonalds, loses all taste for food..........
  14. Think I'll have a wander along to see Gosforth Bohemians play Peterlee play. Its daft really, theres matches going on all around us yet very few get themselves along to watch proper grass roots games. Its got be be better than sitting in watching Saturday telly or wandering round the shops with the missus! Hasnt it?
  15. peasepud


    Fuck the dog, that mouse looks well pissed off.
  16. An everyday telephone conversation in the purchasing department of any one of a dozen Whitehall departments. Gov: "Hi, yes we'd like to buy 10,000 of the things you sell" Seller: "Sure yeah that'd be great they're usually £500 each but for that kind of volume we'd do you a good discount, who did you say you were?" Gov: "We're the ministry of whatever, a government funded department" Seller: "Oh, well sure yeah, we'll do you them for £550 a piece" Gov: "Are you sure? that doesnt sound right, £600 sounds more realistic".... and so it goes on, getting a contract with the goverment is like getting a key to the Bank of England.
  17. You come across fat men in pub toilets? each to their own...
  18. I like that, if anything though I think the height of the reflection distracts from the image itself. Cropping the amount of sky shown in the reflection would change its look, personally though after playing on I think I would do the opposite and crop the sky from the image leaving the reflection as the main part. Bit more radical though and probably looks shit on reflection.....see what I did there? Also have you changed the levels? there seems to be a higher level of green.
  19. peasepud


    They'll be hoping to get the deficit down heftily in 4 years, give tax cuts and watch the votes roll in just in time for the election
  20. But my point is that it isn't a right, why should we pay for others to get on the internet? I still feel that the money could have been better spent in other areas. Again though, you could say that about anything. Why should we pay for other peoples food, petrol, shoes. I do see that giving poor children access to the internet could have benefits in the long term ie increase their knowledge, get better grades and ultimately get out of the poverty bracket when they leave school.
  21. Personally I think the concept is a good one, giving those kids from poorer families a chance to keep up with those better off, trouble is just as in everything else that targets those most at need it will be abused. I dont understand why it needs to be £500 worth of equipment. Ive bought PCs and laptops for way under 500 notes and thats without any kind of discount. Surely in this case, the government should have entered into a deal with the likes of Dell and have them create a fairly basic machine which would more than easily cope with day to day stuff but no need for anything more. A standard processor, 250Gb Hard Drive, 1Gb of Ram an a basic keyboard, monitor and mouse would cost peanuts. Add in the huge bulk order and the cost would drop dramatically. Even better however is the fact that there will soon be thousands of PCs going to waste in the Civil Service, wipe them of any data and pass them out to these families. What will happen unfortunately is that some parents will simply sell the vouchers, in some cases to waste but in others to buy clothes, food and stuff just to get the kids to school. If you're on the bones of your arse then £500 for a computer or £200 to spend on essentials is no competition. Some other kids may find however that the PC is bought, set up, used lovingly for a few weeks and then suddenly one day they come home to find dad pissed up and a gap where the computer was. Maybe it would have been better to buy schools another 10,000 laptops and have it that they loan them out to the kids as and when required?
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