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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. I just hate the fact that every fucker who turns up actually believes that they are the most amazing singer ever. The look of horror when some scrote from Walker is told by Cheryl Cole that they're shite is always good for a laugh. I swear some of them have already organised loans from Ocean finance on the back of their future recording contracts.
  2. Im stalking him nah, he lives round the corner from me.
  3. Ignore them all Kevin, they're just jealous. Its simple to get extra shifts, simply find the boss whos on and ask them, just as theyre about to give you an answer move in close and give them a wink, then say "its just Ive got a good thing going on here and Id hate for some no-mark to get in my way". Then ruffle his hair, pinch one cheek and say "theres a good lad". If its a woman replace the last bit with "ok sugartits".
  4. and that concludes my thesis on "why women shouldnt be allowed on the internet".
  5. oh and Alex I would have said so if it wasnt for the username.
  6. He did have a 6.3 Merc, plus a Land Rover plus some weird souped up BMW X6 and yesterday he took delivery of a shiny spanking new Lambo convertible which sounds like a couple of Harriers taking off. Must be nice... Although his neighbours cant be too chuffed as theyre parked all over the street.
  7. I'd say it was our greatest strength I wrote an article on the existence of time (for fun of course) and my belief is that time only exists because we, as humans, need it to to explain changes in sound, vision senses etc... Letting go of the need to explain things such as time can give you a whole new outlook on life! I'm thinking out loud a bit here, but why is it that time is the same all over the world? I know we have time zones and daylight savings, but how is it that we managed to agree on a global scale that a second should be a certain length, that we should have 60 of those in a minute, 60 of those in an hour and 24 of those in a day but we couldn't agree on things like a universal language or currency? I reckon the basic premise comes from measuring a day (how much sun time we have) to help with harvests and the like so we could all have the same basic outline for time - although wouldn't the length of day change depending on a country's proximity to the equator? - but that we all filled in that outline with the same details is what baffles me. Probably the same as with all scientific discoveries. Someone managed to work out a 'clock' and it was globally accepted. The length of the day is irrelevant as it could have been based on a year (revolution of the sun) then divided into smaller units, then divided again and again. The length of the days being 24 hours was probably based on the fact that most intelligent people at the time lived in more central parts of the world...although I'm sure the days would be the same everywhere (365/366 p/annum) apart from the 30 days of night in certain parts of the globe buggering it up. The fact that we need a leap year shows it is still all bollocks anyway. Hold on though, is this not a chicken and egg scenario? How could you measure how long it took for the earth to rotate around the sun if you have no unit of measurement? Also how did they know? Was there a landmark on the sun that they said "once that gets directly in line with this tree then thats a full revolution"? What happens if its a cloudy day when it reaches that point?
  8. 10 laydees on a fancy dress weekend? Party at mine girls
  9. We do need to take this game seriously, not because I think we will win the cup but to go out in these circumstances to a 2nd Division team would resign Hereford to history and give the makems something to shout about for another 30 years. In all seriousness a loss to this level of opposition at this stage in the season would seriously dent morale. Saying that we could be responsible for the biggest surge in Accrington Stanley shirt sales in history. Seaham would be awash with a sea of red.....
  10. Horrible isn't it did you do it in upper 6th aswell? I'm dropping it this year. Upper 6th? Is it different over there like? The upper 6th was the year you took the exams, there was nowt at school after the A levels???? At least not in my time.... Oh and Id imagine its dropping you for next year with that result not the other way round.
  11. Well thats me convinced
  12. At the end of the day, the bulk of science is explaining the what?, how?, why? of things. Everything that happens must have a reason for happening, something that causes it therefore its possible that science will find the answer. Given enough time and resources they will be answered, it could be however that those resources are billions and billions of pounds and the time limit is 10k years. Everything has an answer, even if that answer is "a big soopadoopa all seeing all knowning being that controls everything", if some scientists susses that out and proves it then science is still responsible for the discovery.
  13. Aye, unlike you who I'm sure is displaying his true personality. Oooh, touchy And I am btw. Id back that up you're a twat in real life too
  14. Patrokles requested his account be deactivated if I remember correctly.
  15. Not a bad list but I would miss Fluid off that one Lock the thread, the Oracle has spoken.
  16. You can tell theyre not Geordies like. Should be hitting all the pubs in town in then turning round and doing it all again. Bloody lightweights.
  17. Wow See, you wouldn't expect your wife to lie would you? And you also wouldn't expect her to have an over-active imagination especially if you only found out about the girl when you moved out. I dunno, have you seen her husband?
  18. tell you what, we'll be well fucked in the 2nd half if they take Rooney off
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