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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Well thank you Mr Aviva Buses, times changed & I didn't know...walked 6 stops just to keep warm

  2. And we cant so thats that conversation over. Seriously though, he came in and took us into Europe, had us playing canny (Im not going to say great) football and competing with the best in the league. This season we've been found out and look fairly clueless as to how to change, so frankly the two equal out and hes got a clean slate to turn it round as far as Im concerned. The big question comes in January, how will Pardew sort this because it clearly needs the chequebook out and some serious strengthening.Will he be allowed to or will we insist on buying bargains and untested Frenchmen? which at this point in a dangerous season we do not need.
  3. They dont know what theyre missing, would be a winner especially to see many celebs running the GNR with KCCI t-shirts on
  4. If you make time to do one thing today, make it that. I believe Macs blog should be publicised and used by the likes of Macmillan, SBRs etc as an educator into how to deal with this, I know if I read it for the first time straight after being diagnosed it would totally change my view of the way forward,
  5. And? none of us will. Ive been following Macs progress on twitter and have to say the blog has been a real upper for me, daft as it is but cancer scares the shit out of me (even though I know, what will be will be). I know, as Stevie said, that I couldnt cope with it as well as Mac has done but his blog has at least given me the view that this isnt something you hear about and then game over. Always meant to ask though Mac, what was the timescale between you last checking and then the discovery? were you a regular checker beforehand?
  6. “@TooN_Ya7yA: الجميل عودة الكابيتانو بعد الإيقاف واكتمال العمود الفقري تقريبا " كرول - كولو - تيوتي - با " . #nufc #arabtoonarmy#exactly

  7. I would have thought you'd get first options on next years ST, once you've bought one be it full season or part you've become a Season Ticket holder and therefore are entitled to the "benefits" of that ie renewals and fuck all else.
  8. Is it true they're bringing the GoodYear Blimp out of storage for televising this one? Has the potentail to be the shittest game of hoofbaaaaal ever
  9. Anyone using it? In the past Ive generally "acquired" a number of Adobe products and rely on the likes of Photoshop, Dreamweaver and LightRoom so Im tempted by the possibility of paying a monthly subsciption for all their products plus cloud hosting etc especially if I can swing the student price of £16 a month (rather than the £46 for the full licence). http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/creativecloud.edu.html
  10. My scottish team is..............................Naefecker City Just like my London team is GorblimeycouldntgiveaMonkeys Utd Scottish, Irish, Southern, Welsh, green, blue, bastard black, makes no difference to me like. As for this deal, on the face of it, it seems sensible enough but Im a little lost as to what we gain from it? We could send players out on loan to anyone so why tie in with one Scottish club? Why not tie in with Gateshead, Darlo, Spartans etc and have the lads nearby and getting experience.
  11. thats right yeah....sack Pardew...no doubt Mourinho will be here like a shot....or Kinnear.#fucknuts#nufc

  12. Someone needs to wave a spirit level in front of Brian McDermotthttp://t.co/FADKdOMl

  13. Wtf was that by Mignolet?#safc#ftm

  14. Could @NilePowerRanger be about to prove me wrong?I really hope so

  15. “@CaulkinTheTimes: @WeAreTheMags no, a lunatic who wants me to drink a pint of him has spoken. That's different. ;-)”#shockedFace!

  16. “@PlumsOfDoom: Mmmm cum and coffee. Snack of champions!”Seriously? #shockedFace

  17. 4 places behind #NufcGetting beat at home by #mfcLost 1-0 to #hufc #safc now 4th club in North East?

  18. “@MattBroderick_: Look at the New York sky. No words can describe this http://t.co/SjQ3QZcR”Stormy?Cloudy?Drizzly?All descriptive

  19. lost as to why this latest coffin thing is "embarassing" why? whos embarassed? who cares? not me

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