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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. 34 and 6 respectively have a good un
  2. On the HEED THE BAALS side Gosforth is most definitely Toon Thought you lived on the Quayside?? That was soooooo last year, I live in the burbs now Im a family guy.
  3. It comes free when you buy a replica England kit and inflatable chair set from Sports Direct.com
  4. On the HEED THE BAALS side Gosforth is most definitely Toon
  5. The issue is that Ive missed a few payments of my 3 year ST due to changing bank accounts. When I went in to sort it out they demanded the full seasons amount and wouldnt allow me to pay the outstanding balance and get the DD set back up. One argument and a "fuck it then" later and Im now without a ticket.
  6. Everytime Ive tried to get on the ticket sales its saying its down due to increased demand.
  7. Due to a season ticket malfunction on my behalf and a total lack of help or understanding on the clubs side Im now without a season ticket and could not get onto the site yesterday to order one for Sunday. If anyone hears of a spare ticket can you give me a shout?
  8. John Anderson always talks about when Justin Fashanu played for the toon and got one of those 12 man baths to himself, while the other 20 players crammed into the other bath. seemingly he was doing breast-stroke (ironic) he had that much space
  9. Maybe its like the old mobile phone VAT fiddle. Same football club gets sold between people each time claiming the VAT back
  10. Fuck me you get lazier by the day
  11. Welcome to the world little fella, it's going to be a tough one but whatever daddy says, do the opposite Congrats to mr and mrs CT
  12. Going to be difficult to see how when 650k are to be added to the 2.47m already unemployed just through the Public sector cuts.
  13. Shit lads, hold on if we piss him off he'll hack us again.....
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...utd/9118602.stm Stretford gets a bad press (rightly) but he knows how to screw a football club.
  15. You're lucky theres still a delivery room. good luck btw
  16. Of course they rely on that selfish attitude - I'm not supposed to care about mates who are civil servants or the schools or council facilities I don't use. Shoot me for being brought up correctly but I do. ??? The point is that for a lot the fear of yesterday didnt materialise and they will start spending, thus boosting growth, thus getting out of this mess as soon as possible and one big final thus, then having the choice to spend money not on deficts but on the real needs of the day be that schools, councils or civil servant mates. NOtg sure where you get this logic from? the fear is still here, yes HMRC was predicted to cut by 25% and its now 19% however every single member of staff is still worrying about their job, Im not now thinking Ive got a 6% better chance of staying in work so lets get out there and spend, spend, spend! The reality is, these departments now know how much they have to cut, where its going to come from is now being worked out and will take a couple of months to finalise.
  17. Radginas not been too well lately although I'd have thought being away from work would increase her posting, just probably hasn't.....got.....the....energy....to....move
  18. I think NUSC (not NUST) has an important role to play overall and could work well if it got back to basics and became a properly ran supporters club, first thing needed though is to remove the ego's and then sit down and listen to what the membership says it wants from the organisation. Isn't the club and the trust one and the same in most people's minds? The club doesnt exist anymore, I believe it needs to be resurrected, ideally by removing Trust status and going back to the original blueprint we had for a Supporters Club or (less preferably) setting it up again from scratch while NUST continues to implode.
  19. Lots of clubs sack managers after short bad runs and we have serial form for panic stricken decision making, doesn't make it right! The timing and the nature of dear old Bobby's departure was a shockingly bad piece of decision making - Doug Hall (his name rhymed with fuck all for a reason) - took the bow for that one I believe. Hughton still has a lot to prove after a great season last time out but I'm totally unconvinced that sacking him is the answer. One of the few real strengths we seem to have at the club is the team bond / spirit that Hughton has built in tandem with the players. Blowing that apart for someone else (and who ?) would seem to be a huge gamble. Newcastle cries out for stability and has huge inglorious form for hitting the panic button - the last thing we need right now is all change. Yes things could get worse lose the next two league games and CH may well not survive - I prefer to raise my half full glass to the do -able prospect of winning them both. I agree, sacking CH at the moment would achieve nowt, if we get to January however and are languishing in the bottom 3 then it has to be a consideration. Getting rid in February when any new bod wont have the luxury of buying (however little that may be) and selling to create their own escape route will see us in the same shameful state as two seasons ago.
  20. How much input do you reckon little Micky Owens having? Aye go on Wayne, tell em to fuck off, theyre not worth it, get yourself somewhere abroad, I'll look after things here...
  21. Gotcha! ITV replay, last night (Tuesday) and 15mins 44 in.
  22. I think NUSC (not NUST) has an important role to play overall and could work well if it got back to basics and became a properly ran supporters club, first thing needed though is to remove the ego's and then sit down and listen to what the membership says it wants from the organisation.
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