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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. *right click* *set as desktop background* Superimpose a 5 over the Geordies and a 1 over the mackems?
  2. Have you tried importing the tables into a new blank database? that could get you your data back.
  3. Oh aye cos theres no Sunderland fans in the Newcastle area like
  4. who put the ball in the Makems net? O'Brien O'Brien...
  5. I see Take That are playing Stadium of Light in May. After yesterday, Ive stuck a tenner on them to win.
  6. Trouble is, someones just got to fart Pot Noodle and the police assume its the great unwashed working themselves.
  7. The mackems are coming, bolt all your doors Hide all your jewellery under the floor Zip up your pockets, keep everything tight From a busload of thieves from the stadium of shite They'll climb in your garden and rifle your bins They live on pot noodles and leftover things They'll break through a window and steal all your goods Then back to the camp in pennywell woods
  8. As proven by... So absolutely nothing to do with the fixture then?
  9. I was going to say they were all teams supported by characters in Auf weidersehen but it can't be that cos Bomber supported Rovers not City. This is a tough one
  10. Michael, good to see you on here mate. I've been quoting that as I read it as an official reply to an email someone sent in rather than a post on a forum which we all know are dodgy to say the least. There's a lot changed since you left these shores mate, I'll be binging you a PM which gives some further background.
  11. How about a return link here, we promote backoftheshirt and you promote toontastic, both have users they can pass to the other.
  12. whey aye course you are daft lad. You lost me at the point you said you had a mate who worked.
  13. Thats how we planned it at the time but its not what its become. I think your email is indicative of the kind of communications put out these days. Theres one a page or two back which sums up the entire thing where the reply states something along the lines of "those that dont renew dont understand democracy" or something like that. EDIT: Just found it.
  14. You wont get a committee member coming on here because half of them are part of the problem and the other half know that as soon as they speak out they'll be booted off the committee and therefore powerless to do anything at all to influence things. Its time the membership pushed forcefully for communication and a say in how the Trust is being ran.
  15. should people be forced to post threads in the correct Forum? yes!
  16. I dont see whats to be gained in time or man power by not screening laptops outside of the luggage? I pull it out of my bag, put it in a tray then put it back in afterwards, although yesterday they pulled it to one side and then ran a swab over the top of it and analysed that which Ive not seen them do before. As for shoes, Im never asked to take mine off, is it just boots they want to screen?
  17. quick sweepstake on how many FTMs and 2-1 LOL WTF!!1! we have in this thread in 2 hours time. 47 is my guess.
  18. ahhh the old "I cant access my emails at work" excuse.
  19. Have we disabled signups like?
  20. I especially liked this one from another thread... and then me and my bestest friend went to the park and we played football and Sammy Brown fell in the lake and when he came up he was wet and we got chased by the parky but we were too fast for him and then I had beans for tea and my mam let me stay up to watch the football.
  21. Who is heee? who is he? seriously though, who?
  22. Im sat in Stansted Airport rather than work but Ive smacked the old bloke next to me just in case. Nowt more ironic than Yorkiemackem calling us inbred, I know him and hes got one of those faces you just want to punch repeatedly.
  23. we could nurture a toontastic team here just from the last two years or so. Congrats to your sis, kids got nae chance like with you as some kind of wacky uncle.
  24. Kevin Carr is a copper isnt he? Round Forest Hall way I think and wasnt Stevies mate Ruel Fox running a restaurant? oh and Gazza helps police with their enquiries.
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