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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. That's the red light district! I wonder why he's hiding there! Sex Frank? Err, not right now Ed, we've got work to do
  2. its the end of the world as we know it and I feel fiiiiiiiiiine.
  3. Well you learn something new every day....thundersnow! And now it's bleaching down
  4. Was that just thunder? One big flash and a loud rumble?
  5. Jensen never wanted the forum in the first place if I remember correctly. The token errors not happening now must have just been a glitch.
  6. Can anyone who is a member try logging into the website members area for me. Im getting an "Invalid Token" error but the cynic in me says its just me thats going to get that. Also, can any of you who havent renewed PM me your membership number as Im inspecting the members register on Tuesday and I want to be sure its upto date so if I know some numbers that shouldnt be there I can do some random checks. Cheers
  7. Poor little Sinn Fein, hes just a bairn too
  8. what a fucking joke, as soon as people start discussing this on the forum......
  9. Happened to me first week in December last year. If your getting a new one, watch out for the thieving bastard quoting £3000 plus. I managed to get mine done for £1500. Horrible though having no heating or water when it's cold. Cheers for the advice. I woman at my work recently paid £5k for her new boiler the stupid bint lol! I think I know whats wrong with it so have already bought the replacement part off the internet so they can't try and rob me... tbh tho I think the guy is pretty honest as used him once before. Fuck me, thats quite a range
  10. and there will be at least one more resignation forthcoming Im sorry to hear that, its a sad state of affairs but we now need to hope that 3 more walk which would then force an emergency members meeting.
  11. peasepud


    Can someone explain something to me? We, as a country had to cut £7bn from our spending, raise taxes etc to ensure we didnt go bust didnt we? So wheres this £7bn we're now lending Ireland come from? Is it that? are we now therefore officially skint? or did we just find it lying down the back of the sofa?
  12. I'll change what I said earlier and make it more of an appeal. Nobody on the committee gives a shit about what they read here or on any other forum/ blog or internet page. As far as the chairman is concerned if its not printed in a popular fanzine then its not indicative of the views of NUFC fans. I'll ask again that anyone who is still a member of NUST accesses the forum and posts their views on the resignation, I dont expect a reply from those responsible but at least them ignoring 20 posts looks worse than not replying to the 3 that are currently there. Bill however reads Toontastic and many other forums in fact the question he refers to when he had to go via "Ask the Board" was actually about Toontastic so hopefully he will see the general view on this.
  13. Ive put my thoughts in Bills thread on the official NUST forum, its time other members did too. They'll expect and brush aside any criticism from me after all they're monitoring everything thats said in this thread and have been for weeks, trouble is its not so they can get a handle on what the members think its in order to hunt out criticism. so hi Tony
  14. That meeting is basically the reason cited by the chair for why we should never hold another members meeting again. You would assume that the abuse hurler was the main reason for his argument wouldnt you? well it wasnt, the abuser was, believe it or not, the PR expert (I shit ye not ) and the now chair got upset at the fact people even dared question the work that was going on. And the people on the other end of the abuse? non other than Mick Martin of True Faith and a respected Solicitor both of whom were instrumental in the setting up of the NUSC. well arent you the clever one, there is nobody to blame ultimately for this than the current chair however if more fans such as yourself had actually got behind the idea of a Supporters Club at the time and helped shape it then maybe, just maybe it could have turned out differently. How anyone can crow about this and laugh at the fact it may have failed is beyond me. Lets be sure here though, this should not be the end of a NUFC fans organisation, it may well be the end of the Trust and it definitely should be the end of some peoples involvement on the board but there are good foundations for a well ran Supporters Club which we desperately need.
  15. hold on...is that someone delivering a bairn????
  16. The problem with the AGM is that technically they don't have to answer any questions which don't relate to the agenda. I think what happens next will be defined by the official response (if any) to Bills resignation. This is a major blow to the organisation, the chair and his cronies will see it as a victory, one less dissenting voice on the committee however members should regard this as the one chance they have to sort themselves out.
  18. peasepud

    Fuck me

    I guess this is the Arsenal model Llambias said he wanted to emulate.
  19. peasepud


    is fucked an extra 5billion in tax rises, 20% wage reductions and a government thats on the edge. I expect a lot more competition when I next need a driveway paving.
  20. Maybe we could sell him back to Leeds... if we can convince them that he's sorry he left them for Man Utd. How much do you reckon hes insured for?
  21. 15,697 there on Saturday. With a capacity of 35,100 thats less than 45% full. Considering theyve got a fans favourite ex-player as manager now thats a total and utter piss take. Joke of a club and the sooner they're gone the better
  22. I think you need to compare mine with WDPs in the other thread and lodge tongue firmly in cheek while doing so
  23. Thing is Im not negative about NUFC at the moment, I think our league position is way better than I ever expected it to be at this stage however that doesnt mean Im going to get over confident. as has been pointed out in the other thread some of our results have been unbelievable but beating Villa 6 nowt, the makems and Arsenal at their place doesnt get you a Champions League spot or even guarantee survival. Its how you perform over the season and we've shown some worrying signs in some of the more important games. Id happily swap Arsenal and Villa results for a 1 nowt against Blackpool and Blackburn. This thread however wasnt posted to be overtly negative it was more to show that for every positive theres an equal or worse negative.
  24. have you followed a recommendation to that? if not then do it via my link. Ive just bought the same offer. Basically they'll send you an email with a code in it which you have to quote when booking the meal. I think you might have to print the coupon out as well. There was a problem with the sushi deal a while back but to be fair that was the restaurant that dropped out rather than a problem with groupon, everyone has been refunded I believe.
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