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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Thank god Rooney wont still be up front, loads of spare time and all those Russian prozzies.
  2. well its a start like. Its acknowledged theyve gone but arent saying which bits its take issue with. Ahhh the new media/ press team but surely that hasn't been amended already? hmmm Yet another great result from Jensen
  3. I really hope we do but dont think we will. Great thought though taking little fella to see the likes of Brazil
  4. once a good player, always a good player. The Freddie Shepherd attitude to trophy signings. and it did us quite well in actual fact. Didn't it ? shhhhh........ although you did say quite well
  5. Didnt someone on here have a gif of it as their avatar?
  6. well its a start like. Its acknowledged theyve gone but arent saying which bits its take issue with. Ahhh the new media/ press team
  7. And so the farce goes on. As well as the two members resigning we have a third who has been suspended for the last month due to a "disciplinary matter". Maybe someone from the committee would like to come on and explain the reasons behind that suspension, Im assuming its something hefty and vitally important to the running of the Trust and not for something daft such as questioning the chairman or owt. I mean that would be bonkers wouldnt it?
  8. why does everyone hate scousers? why do all scousers wear shell suits and have a tache (especially the women)? why are Cilla Black and Michael Shields flying the flag for Liverpool? why doesnt anyone understand this cunt?
  9. Im trying to think whats there currently? the car park appears to still be on the pic?
  10. Your posts have been deleted now along with Toms, mine and anyone else who dared to question things.
  11. Its irony in the extreme that a group which originally argued rightly against the lack of comms from the club should become a parody of the thing it set out to fight. There was a scheduled committee meeting last night, good to see that this was obviously top of the agenda and communications were sorted.
  12. In seriousness though, what if they actually did come through now with a fantastic workable plan to buy it? Nobody would trust their money into it based on whats been going on which would be a shame because I know that aside from all the crap theres been some hard work put into plans to buy in (however unfeasible or unlikely it is that we'd ever get the chance). Should have bought a bar tbh
  13. Board maintenance. You'll know better than me on this Ant, what the going rate per hour for a Software expert to carry out essential maintenance? £40? £50? 8 hours a day for a week Someones going somewhere nice for their hols then at this rate.
  14. Well another committee member has resigned, this time its the Interim chair Neil Mitchell, again another person who gave a hell of a lot to the organisation and fought to have the members more involved and now feels he has no other option but to highlight the issue by walking. So thats two gone, whos next then?
  15. peasepud

    1, 2, 3...

    Dear Paddy, The views expressed above are not those of toontastic or the admins. Even if wor lass does think you look like a pirate.
  16. probably the biggest most disgusting shithole this side of Baghdad 10 words, piece of piss.
  17. Approximately 1500 allegedly but my belief was that a membership year ran from Oct 1st - Sept 30th rather than having a rolling membership. Im sure the set year was something I disagreed with at the time but was outvoted. It would appear though that Im either wrong in that memory or we've changed things. Anyone remember what was said when you signed up?
  18. Allegedly although I had a meeting with the secretary this morning who wasnt aware of the fact however it wouldnt be the first time an NUST secretary had been kept out of the loop tbf I inspected the members register today and although I have a few reservations which need to be addressed I can confirm that my original worry is unfounded. All of the ex-members I checked were correctly showing as closed. The numbers however are definitely hard to believe.
  19. Aye bung me down for the 11th
  20. @nufctrust theres also the chairman @liverpoolfanrunningnufctrust
  21. Mac-Toon its a farce, totally and utterly. As soon as we started to debate the stuff in Bills letter the forum came down. There are other ways though to make yourself heard, theres the facebook group and twitter. It needs what few members there are left (and most people I know of havent renewed) to make themselves heard, more importantly we need to ensure that every member who can do, turns up when we manage to arrange an Emergency General Meeting or the AGM whichever is first. Theres a lot more shit still to come out and I think another couple of resignations are on the cards too. Trouble is they are the good ones from the board. I still need more membership numbers of people who have not renewed as I have an appointment tomorrow to view the members register and I want to do some random checks to make sure theyve not included non-members to boost numbers as this is what will be used to decide how many we need to force an EGM. There shouldnt be talk of a breakaway group though, the whole idea of the NUSC was to bring numerous individual groups, factions, fanzines etc together and provide one united voice. This group has to be brought back down to earth, sorted out and the original aims brought back to the fore.
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