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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. peasepud


    tbf Ive changed my views of Steve W after meeting him a couple of times.
  2. It was our 2nd season in the 2nd division, the season before we'd seen ourselves beaten at the play offs by the scum and there was nothing to show any kind of ambition by the board following that. Should we be relegated this season then next will see the same kind of drop in attendances (percentage wise), first time you go down you still get the backing of the fans but if you dont come straight back up or you become a yo-yo club then you lose the fans in high numbers. EDIT: What Stevie said but the last para as the bulk of it is talking about season before. What it does show however is that a boycott could work if people have the bottle to stick with it.
  3. seriously? he clutched his bollocks? vulgar vulgar bastard. String him up, he gives human beings a bad name.
  4. Dont you worry, if you think Id be putting one of those scatttastic treats near my lips you'd be well mistaken!
  5. If it had been Gerard theyd have made a montage of it interspersed with Lineker grinning inanely and had it as the new opening titles .
  6. Eww gawd, you're very odd. it makes her even more hot Im sure shes creaming at the thought of you too.
  7. Thats the thing, we've not had to tempt some highly paid, world class manager away from Barca or owt. Fuck me, he would have come here for 50k a year and a crack at Nolans missus.
  8. Has the plane left yet? If not, surely we can start some tannoy messages?
  9. The small print says thats over the five and a half years of his contract and he has to get it out of the £25m from sales.
  10. Dont want them tbf. Dont want to go back to having the Vidukas, Owens etc Yep, Id hate us to be aspirational. What's aspirational about paying ridiculous wages to players who get you relegated? Its not about that, you cant permanently look at big name signings and ignore them because we've had a couple of bad ones in the past! Owen was the biggest waste of money ever but he cost a fraction of Shearer, was he a waste? Works for Spurs and we are on the same financial planet as them. So i can take the example of those two and use it to virtually prove the point. I dont understand the wording of the question re: Shearer. However, if the club experiences the sort of revenue and value growth seen in the mid 90's that took it from being a £3m club to floating as a £200m club in the space of a few years, then yes spend £20m or more on a striker. Worth the risk in those circumstances. Make sure you keep an eye out for them returning. Did you get my pm yesterday btw? I did yes cheers, apologies, I meant to reply.
  11. Dont want them tbf. Dont want to go back to having the Vidukas, Owens etc Yep, Id hate us to be aspirational. What's aspirational about paying ridiculous wages to players who get you relegated? Its not about that, you cant permanently look at big name signings and ignore them because we've had a couple of bad ones in the past! Owen was the biggest waste of money ever but he cost a fraction of Shearer, was he a waste?
  12. Hold on, Ive just managed to vote for all 4 Barton for me though, without his overall influence I think we'd be worse off.
  13. well thats the easiest bottle of Glenlivet anyones ever earned
  14. FYP Now I am not an Ashley apologist but these comments come up every window but how many key players has he sold that haven't been pushing for a move? In regards to potential signings, Seb Larsson has 6 months left on his contract. and why were they pushing for a move?
  15. have I seriously just had to send a request before being allowed the privilege of reading about how many shits youve taken today? This better be good @pjwhitfield is the place if you want to see numerous attacks on NUST and the odd "Im taking a dump while looking out on the pitch at the Reebok".
  16. They must have been fucking devastated there wasnt a wall to push.
  17. Dont want them tbf. Dont want to go back to having the Vidukas, Owens etc Yep, Id hate us to be aspirational.
  18. What a brilliant interview. EVERYONE should have a listen to it. clearly shows his contempt for the greasy one.
  19. until someone turns his head with fancy thoughts of winning things and stuff © Dekka Llambsarse 2009
  20. well thats his stock just increased in value.
  21. ahh fuck it whats the worst that can happen? Pardew owes Dekka a large sum of money, the 5.5 year contract ensures that should the club get taken over his debt is repaid from his compensation. ALLEGEDLY......
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