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Everything posted by peasepud

  1. Bet you knocked out a couple over it. I could see a little bit of your ankle under that girly blanket
  2. Depends on how much insurance would cost you I suppose. Your best bet though would be to wait on that community job, anything that reduces the payments would be daft to turn down.
  3. http://www.ikea.com/gb/en/catalog/products/50021095
  4. The salary sacrifice scheme ran by Northumbria NHS is a good one and includes everything from Insurance to Road Tax I believe. The important thing about it is though that it works out cheaper. For instance if you took a car that cost £300 per month from your salary it would only really be costing you just over £230 per month after tax and NI is taken into account.
  5. Doesnt the NHS do a rental scheme from wages which works out cheaper than buying on HP?
  6. Speaking of cats, have I seen pics on twitter of a certain Mr Gemmill and a cat? Whats gannin on there like?
  7. Theres no shame in that result and definitely not in the performance. Syaing that though this league is bastard tight and we're sitting at the top end of a stupidly close group of 8 teams that can take you from 8th to 15th in a game.
  8. Did Johnson just get a yellow card for blowing a kiss at Enrique?
  9. I would direct you to the OP in this thread, made me laugh.
  10. Its pissing me tbh I cant go out because its like a ice rink outside. I'm sitting in on me own drinking tins of carling. Me bird goning out with her workmates later so me mates coming down for a few tins. Then they going into town the twats! I cant incase I fall over again and make me ankle worse. Still you can console yourself that while you're sat in the house listening to your ma turn tricks upstairs, your lass is getting ragged senseless round the back of a Weatherspoons. Dont let it play on your mind though
  11. Fuck I wish Id voted for meself now Christmas "Aldershot" Tree has 2 votes ffs!
  12. theyve released a photofit of a suspect Police photofit of suspect
  13. peasepud

    Oh dear

    toughguy will have a field day
  14. You want to be there at 6 am, I reckon. Tesco will be horrendous tomorrow. I went on NYE once and it took me over an hour to get out the car park. tbf 3 point turns were never your strong point.
  15. An impromptu power cut this morning meant I got to finish at 10.30. Great start to what should be the best Christmas ever
  16. Many clubs dont recognise their trusts, its not a reason to stop exisiting. If anything it should be a rallying call to non-members to join up.
  17. on the subject of Yorkshires. Christmas dinner, yorkshire free zone? I say, yes, Yorkshires are for a Sunday not the lords birthday.
  18. peasepud


    separate the egg and whip the whites before folding into the rest of the mix for much bigger better pancakes.
  19. Took me 5 fooking minutes to work out what the hell you were on about there.
  20. I have to disagree, after reading this thread I was expecting a survey which talked about the recent problems and ways the Trust could change for the better. None of the statistically valid questions ie those that you pick from a selection of options allowed anything negative to be said. We can all add comments into the free text fields but these will never be collated into meaningful stats. Its a shame because I had hoped this was the first rung on the ladder. The inclusion of a single question "Are you happy with what we're doing?" Yes or No would have meant a whole lot more. I am also very wary that this is nothing more than a fact finding mission before requesting cash from people in the belief that a stake in the club was being purchased. There is no way on this earth that Ashley will sell anything less than 100%, allowing anyone (never mind the people he hates the most) to take a role in the running is a non-starter. (Also I note it had an asterisk next to the bit about buying a stake but I couldnt see any note to accompany it). Why therefore we're looking to start taking £500's in from fans with no possibility of it being used in the immediate future is a major question and should they take it further I'd recommend everyone stay well clear at least until you've seen the accounts in January.
  21. uh oh...didnt Dekka say we were looking to emulate the Arsenal model?
  22. Theres rumblings that it might be more than a pissed reveller falling in the river. According to reports earlier the group he was with got into an argument with another group of lads in Fever, the other lot were kicked out and a couple of minutes later his mates left but in two groups. Both lots thought he was with the others.
  23. Gone in the summer then Depends, Llambias's view of "best performers" probably doesnt match the rest of us. In fact knowing Dekka it will probably be based on who performs best in the annual players Panto. "Leon Best is going nowhere, did you hear how he hit that high note in the chorus? stunning absolute star"
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