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Everything posted by rikko

  1. i've been using it for several weeks now and i had no such problems when upgrading to it... Still probably better to be safe like.
  2. The worlds biggest attention seeker. I mean "look at me im in a box above london for near on 2 month". What normal person would do that?
  3. I watched it without playing the game and understood it. it all gets explained at the end anyway so whats not to understand? except the fact that they appear to be in 2 different dimensions at the end 129830[/snapback] The plot was weak in that you had basically no chance in guessing that the world was a dream like state and everyone was already dead. The sum up at the end just cheesed it up, if they could've developed the plot a bit more then that wouldn't have been needed.
  4. The Flaming Lips - At War With the Mystics
  5. Watched that Silent Hill movie last night Its alright, bit weird. Could've done with a bit better plot development or a bit more weird "scary" stuff. Kind of fell in the middle doing a bit of both but excelling at neither. Not a great film but not bad
  6. What is it with englands star players and metatarsals. Didn't beckham break one of his just before the last world cup?
  7. Finishing off the second draft of my research project dissertation, when thats done i get to write the short report! Its a fun weekend ahead for me...
  8. lake bled, slovenia Auschwitz Concentration Camp, Nr Krakow. this photo just shows how big this place really was... The bell tower in ceski krumlov
  9. Going by that website I'm 866m from the exchange. My router says the current connection is 6.7Mbps. Take from that what you will.
  10. I expect a close, scrappy game with us taking it by the odd goal. The fact its away from home at a side that need to win to stand a chance to stay up makes me actually quite worried, this will be a heck of alot harder then west brom was...
  11. In a club the DJ should stick doing the music only. The speech is only needed for the likes of last orders etc...
  12. Generally when an .avi has no sound or picture its a codec problem, www.free-codecs.com should have the solution, it certainly does for a PC.
  13. National TV companies oversee the coverage. Widescreen isn't that big in Spain so it isn't filmed that way 127634[/snapback] Its annoying that. My TV is normal screen, but the freeview box is widescreen , and that whole game had a big black border round the edge rather then a full screen. 127676[/snapback] so why didnt you watch it on normal telly then? rather than your freeview? 127679[/snapback] That involves moving the wire out the back of the freeview box and placing it into the TV, then when the match is done replacing said wire. Far too much effort... Especially when later on i can whinge about it to other folk on the internet...
  14. National TV companies oversee the coverage. Widescreen isn't that big in Spain so it isn't filmed that way 127634[/snapback] Its annoying that. My TV is normal screen, but the freeview box is widescreen , and that whole game had a big black border round the edge rather then a full screen.
  15. Roeder for me falls as "best of the rest". Not first choice but not a fuck up of Souness proportions, if we fail to get a big name top coach Roeder is the best bet. Don't want to end up with the rush job and employing another idiot.
  16. Roeder is still short of his badges aswell, he currently on a stay of execution if you will for the last 2 games of the season. If someone like Houllier comes in i can believe it, but not without. I don't think we'll appoint anyone til the end of the season now.
  17. GMEX is at deansgate, the MEN is at victoria train station. They are about 15 min walk apart from each other.
  18. I sit in the gallowgate and can't say i've ever heard that. Perhaps you should sing a bit louder next time...
  19. I used ICQ for years, then switched to msn, mostly as everyone else did...
  20. the silver mount zion memorial orchestra & tra la la band with choir - "This is our punk rock" these rusted satellites gather + sing This is the fist album of theirs i've bought and its not bad if you like your post rock style stuff.
  21. The queens birthday means as much to me as pretty much any other old woman who i don't know turning 80. i.e. fuck all. As for the monarchy in general i say keep them as head of state etc, but make them pay the exact same taxes as everyone else in the country and stop paying them money just because they're royal. Give them the same tax status as normal citizens and the same level of police protection as any regular celebrity would get, as thats basically all they are.
  22. That's Bridget! 125619[/snapback] I thought this was Bridget?? 125623[/snapback] That was a classic comment...
  23. It's better then expected, certainly no worse then some other world cup songs...
  24. http://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/stud...r.faris/random/ its there aswell. Not heard it yet as im at uni and have no speakers...
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