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Everything posted by rikko

  1. rikko

    Uber iList

    I bought Andrew WK's album on the basis of rave reviews from NME and Jo Wiley. Safe to say I never buy the NME anymore, and I take Jo's praise with a vat load of salt. he's a one trick pony and that trick isn't particularly impressive 140073[/snapback] I think its more because jimbo looks a bit like andew wk.... Although he's done 2 albums and every single song on them sounds indentical.
  2. rikko

    Uber iList

    Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945
  3. That's the first post I do understand in this thread... AQA, SQA, Edexcel, SQA, AS, GCSE??? WTF. 139748[/snapback] The first 4 are school examinations governing bodies. AS and GCSE are exam qualifications. WTF means what the fuck.
  4. getting to the champions league final probably helped 139725[/snapback] Also since new stadium is open they now have 15,000odd more season tickets...
  5. I'm unsure what to do with mine atm. I want to keep it but i currently don't know what im doing next year. Looks like i might end up in devon, which is impracticle to say the least.
  6. Or the SQAs 7 years ago, they royally fucked up my standard grade marks, got my results 5 weeks late.
  7. So it's 1986 in Eurovision, that would make alot of sense. If the british entry was wearing an oversized clock round his neck we'd have won it for sure.
  8. Seeing as Shearer was here for ten years and won precisely cock-all medals I think that's a very pessimistic outlook! 139214[/snapback] I was more referring to here for 10 years, clubs top goalscorer ever, club captain etc etc Is winning a league cup then bogging off after a season achieving more then shearer did, I think not.
  9. I don't care who gets the no. 9 shirt. Its a shirt, whoever gets it after shearer won't achieve as much as he did at the club.
  10. Neutral Milk Hotel - Holland, 1945. Possibly the best song of all time imo. The album its from is definetely in my top 5.
  11. I was brought up in scotland, if it aint battered it aint edible.
  12. Is the sausage battered? the local chippy here doesn't do that. Its a poor showing.
  13. Victory for the dutch
  14. CAn't say i've ever seen him play, but i think its a realistic and believeable potential signing. Seem to remember it being reported that roeders had him watched 2 or 3 times earlier this season.
  15. There were only 2 decent songs in the competition this year,admittedly 2 more then normal, and one won it.
  16. He is a player i rate really highly, i'd love for us to sign him. I don't think he'd cost the earth either which is good too.
  17. I'm not a huge radiohead fan but i do like them, and i do agree with you that kid a is the best album they have done. Probably because that is closest in style to the stuff i listen to mostly these days. The other albums are all alright but not as good. There are bits of ok computer i like and random songs i think are great (exit music for a film, street spirit). As a live act they are great. They were one of the highlights of glasto 2003 when i saw them there.
  18. Tip for the manchester newcastle trip, but two cheap days returns, one form manc to york, the other from york to newcastle. Works out cheaper...
  19. Manchester or Peeblesshire. Nowhere near the furtherst but well above average. Costs a small fortune in trains over the season.
  20. I'd ebay it. The big brother house is one of the lsat places i'd want to be
  21. is lithuanias the "we are the winnersh of eurovishon" song. As that is truely awful....
  22. With our striking options currently standing at 1.Owen, who we will 2/3 a season out of at best 2.Ameobi, who is mediocre at best 3.Luque, who roeder doesnt seem to like and he doesnt seem to give a shite 4. Chopra, not up to scratch I dont really think we should let him go, give him another 12 months. I dont think we can afford 2 top notch strikers so buy one and keep him as a back up incase of crazy injuries like this season.
  23. rikko

    low hard drive space

    Cheers, thats done the trick.
  24. rikko

    low hard drive space

    The recylce bin is disabled on my pc, if its deleted its gone. That hard drive contains only mp3s so there is no "shite" other then some dubious music. There is no page file on that hard drive. The space isnt the issue, its windows crapping itself over the fact a tertiary hard drive is full. The files are accessed on a regular basis and i have no requirement for more space. All i want is shot of the message.
  25. rikko

    low hard drive space

    Thats on a totally different hard drive, this is the music drive. I can't be putting music on the porn drive, it would cause all hell to break lose...
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