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Everything posted by Knackers

  1. well thats why u shouldn't be too down on him going, top bloke depsite things ive heard lol, and if he has your respect guess u gotta respect his wishes to move to london i dont blame him for wanting to be with his family....just trying to say he would be a big miss for us...he has been a top pro for newcastle
  2. the last thing i want to see is nobby going ...he has been a good servant to newcastle...the man has my respect
  3. bolton want more dosh...........smacks of the dyer deal...bet he wants a loyalty payment
  4. Take the big black fella thats in your avatar ....im sure he could get you in
  5. I'd rather listen to someone singing the front page of the Sun. Although "someone singing" would be a start. im sure the topic song writers
  6. when i left the spuds forum they were giving jol tonnes of stick .... 1 post said sack the board lol early days yet but i think they need to get the cheque book out again and sign a player like arteta... wish we could sign the fuker...cracking player
  7. Pete Doherty....listen to his lyrics and not the tabloids....the guy is a genious lyricist
  8. I think Redknapp is correct ....Boots now are like fukin slippers ..no protection what so ever Im not saying we need to go back to 1948 but i do think the modern boot needs some kind of protection on the top to prevent all this metatartinthetoon (metatarsal) bollicks I had never heard of a metatarsal until these new boots came out
  9. Hope we beat them again down WHL .....but not like last season ...nearly had a fekin heart attack watching it
  10. post off their forum lol I am normally pretty optamistic and will give most players a chance but fuck the defencive injurys yes we are shit at the back but we are worse going forward. Berbs looks like he wishes he went in the summer. Bent looks like he was £16.4m to expensive, Keane is trying the plashy stuff and fucking it up. Steed has done ok, JJ has done fuck all Zokora spends more time on the floor, Thudd cant move on an escalator... What more do we expect.... SOrt it out.... FFS
  11. ive been reading the spuds match thread lol on their forum...they aint happy bunnies ...jenas getting lots of stick... they were ripping gardner a new arse until he scored
  12. Knocks us off the top too aye ...forgot about that...but they are supposed to be a top 6 contender or higher so it might help us in the long run... ..not the best start to a season
  13. lol..3-1 to everton... ....puts sunderlands result into perspective
  14. lol...its a cracking game at the moment ...end to end stuff
  15. Knackers


    1_0 down after 3 mins lol
  16. MMMMMMmmmmmmmm fish and custard .......Ahhhhggggggggggg (in a homer type voice)
  17. Chuffed to fik ......long may this continue...i cant hold my breath long enough
  18. i would never have recognised Kahn and Ronaldinio lol
  19. Coming here will put an end to that lol
  20. Is Curbishley on a mission to sign every Newcastle bad boy...Barton next on his shopping list
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