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Everything posted by Knackers

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_r...ve_sports_extra try that one
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_r...ve_sports_extra
  3. Ive been thr through all that but imo you will never get that back, it was a golden era in our clubs history and it was down to a chain of events, sir john hall, kevin keegan and a new start for english football, the premier lge wasnt that old at the time and it was possible to break into the top half, now its a different story, what we done in the 90s will never happen again Shame its not going to happen thats what i meant to say in a quote thing lol
  4. explode I can sort of understand those idots who know nothing about football, less about Newcastle and spout tabloid gibberish as fact might think KK lasts less than a month in every job. You've got no excuse you craphound. I bet you think he bought his way out of the first division as well you ignorant wank When he was here as a player he was magnificent, going to the match was a joy. HIs first stint as manager lasting a pathetic 5 years gave me the best football I have ever seen, and his recent stint made me look forward to the games in a way I hadnt for years. I have every confidence he would get us playing get us promoted and make us proud again Ive been thr through all that but imo you will never get that back, it was a golden era in our clubs history and it was down to a chain of events, sir john hall, kevin keegan and a new start for english football, the premier lge wasnt that old at the time and it was possible to break into the top half, now its a different story, what we done in the 90s will never happen again Shame its not going to happen
  5. I wouldnt have him back, he would be sharpening his trainers to run for the door at the slightest problem and as usual would take the club into tabloid hysteria
  6. Why do people give this shit shoveling cunt the time of day,dont reply to the fucker ffs
  7. aye, with you thr, he is scared shitless and doesnt let the players in front know what he is doing
  8. cracking end to a shit game , the highlight for me was ameobi been taken off, big daft lazy fuk of a man.. i though lennon had a good game ,wouldnt mind him in our team.. good 3 points though but its only spurs a team we turn over on a regular basis danny
  9. fukin spurs gimp should have bypast that ffs
  10. inter citys fairs cup 1st leg of the final at st james park,i was 8yrs old, we won 3 nil but i could think about was where the fek is me fatha in the sea of faces behind me Willie McFaul (gk) David Craig Frank Clark Tommy Gibb Ollie Burton Bobby Moncur Jim Scott Bryan Robson Wyn Davies Preben Arentoft Jackie Sinclair (sub 75') 29/5/1969 Newcastle United 3 – 0 Újpesti Dózsa St James' Park, Newcastle Attendance: 60,000 Moncur 63' 72' Scott 83'
  11. ive just had another text saying he slit his wrists but is still alive .. who knows
  12. aye, because all the worlds top managers a kicking our fukin back door in to be in charge of the shambles that is nufc i dont think we can be picky at the moment
  13. i coudnt give 250 fuks who gets the job because the fans will give him 6 months before they want his head, at nufc you only get 1 tranfer window then yr fucked, keegan was the only one who could have turned it around
  14. ive supported and loved this club for over 40 year and i can honestly say that i am at the lowest ebb ever we are a joke, we have turned into a club that people dont take serious anymore, the press take the piss and so does all of the country what a fucking day
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9RsQg1dnwiY
  16. that is spot on,they whip up all the crap and knock the skittles over over when it becomes an issue you have to blame a 3rd or more of the supporters who only get thr opinions from newspapers and internet and believe everything that is printed is fact....before the PL thr wasnt a media frenzy or internet hungry public ... the evening chronicle was yr only info on yr team ..now every cnut in the world can write shite about yr team and try to make himself look like wordsworth of the london evening gazette i say fuk the lot of them and any impressionable young guy that reads thr stories stop reading thr shit and go and kick the fuk out of them... amen
  17. Its cnuts like him that have bigged the club up ever since keegan arrived to play back in the 80s, they got even worse in the 90s,couldnt beat them off with a shitty stick,they all wanted a piece of news to fill up there tiny tabloid columns and kk never let them down..they bleat on about us being the entertainers and turn up in thr droves when we get a trophy signing,spout shit about the club only wanting a decent number 9 as if we couldnt give a fuk about the other 10 players,its them bastards that create all this mythical crap...sponges the lot of them
  18. is that FFS asking kev to put a good word in for him
  19. The defenders are gonna have to start practising shooting and crossing or they are fuked lol
  20. I pity the blind, its about time you fukers woke up, NO DECENT FOOTBALLER AND I REPEAT NO decent players will want to come to this club untill it has settled down and the wankers that are destroying it HAVE REALISED THAT WE HAVE NO GOD GIVEN RIGHT TO BE A TOP 6 CLUB .....WE ARE NOT A BIG CLUB.... WE HAVE A BIG SUPPORT ,SO FUK...does that make us a BIG CLUB... we have had a few decent seasons under Kev and Bob but that has been it since Joe Harvey was manager in the early 70s take it beyond Joe and it was the 50s....what the fuk makes you think we are an attractive prospect for any so called decent manager? 50000 fans that scream for your blood every week,wanting the early 90s back..i have watched Newcastle for the best part of 40 yr and the current state of the club is as good as it has been in my life time, billionair owner ,great ground,500000 every home game(even though most cant see past keegan) rant rant rant fuk u all
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