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Everything posted by Knackers

  1. both teams are giving the ball away ...i still think we will have a good second half....feck that was close
  2. the game seems to be opening up....it should be a good second half
  3. aahhhhhhhh ...ip check lol...us old feckers arnt that clever on these new fangled things lol
  4. Does Gemmill know you're using his photo as your avatar? hey thats the best photo i have of myself Sure it's not your besty one? Besty is my son lol....how did you know that
  5. Does Gemmill know you're using his photo as your avatar? hey thats the best photo i have of myself
  6. I hope it doesnt happen but every time i watch Dyer play i expect him to pull up with some kind of injury,it seems to happen a lot to players who come back from a serious injury or a long lay off......fingers crossed for Owen
  7. So to summarise, it's Valentine's night and you're loving the Arse? ....
  8. Do you not think we should have bought some players or at least got a few on loan with more than 3 month experience in the PL my theory is Fred is waiting to sell NUFC, the fat fuker isnt going to buy anyone,he will bounce out the back door on his fat arse(cushened by his wallet) .end rant.
  9. lol biggest margin ever
  10. i bet the bill looks slightly appealing in boro at the moment wonder how many of then were changing channels after the 3rd goal lol
  11. all part and parcel of being a north east football fan lol just when you thing you have cracked it a big pile of shit drops on your head
  12. just got your wish lol..cant see them coming back from this.famous last words
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