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curry stained pilchard

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Everything posted by curry stained pilchard

  1. Last year's was 13 weeks long. FFS, that's quarter of a year! Taking into consideration... Channel 4 Daily regular show - 91 hours Live Eviction Shows - included in above Big Brother On The Couch - 13 hours Big Brother’s Little Brother - 13 hours Big Brother’s Big Mouth - 13 hours E4 Big Brother’s Little Brother - 32.5 hours Big Brother’s Big Mouth - 39 hours Big BrotherDiary Room Uncut - 26 hours ...and you're up to 227.5 hours divided by 24 hours = 9.47 full days, and this is excluding the live programs with the chicken noises through the night FFS! Why not read a book instead? Preferably "1984"...
  2. Who was saying recently that the Ronny Gill put things in their reports to wind us up??!? EDIT: Tried to edit the title i.e. "good" deal, spell check thingy kicked in... should be G U D deal...
  3. All right, where in the article does it say that Benitez will be "offered cash to lure Owen"? Nice bit of shit-stirring by the Liverpool-loving BBC, but I guess that's what you get when their chief football writer and half their staff are self-proclaimed Liverpool fans. I'd love it if we kept Owen just to piss them all off. What position does he play?
  4. Another? Was he that good this season. I think it was an ok to quite good season if you factor in stuff like the quality of our football, his first season in a new league/country and his age. But I think that he'll never be that good because his touch and movement is so poor, and I really mean poor. I don't want to slag him off too much as, like I said, I think he did ok and his attitude/workrate on the pitch really impressed me. 11 Premieship goals is just ok though. He's still young enough to improve his overall game, I just think he's got the right instincts. 17 goals in a first season in a shit team, following a legend is pretty good IMO. You obviously have seen him more than me though so I can't really argue, but even as a supersub striker (as he was used before) I definitely would like to see him stay. £10m is a lot of money though, so it depends on Big Sam's budget and/or whether Ameobi is "good enough" to stay as Owen's (?) strike partner. I'd personally rather see Ameobi replaced. Agreed, but we'd be lucky to get £10 for Shola...
  5. La Haine - There's a great part of the film where the two lads are watching the boxer with the punchbag. Pans around to just one of the lads in the shot but you can still hear the punchbag being hit. Then the boxer comes into the picture but you can still hear the punches on the punchbag...
  6. Going to see it tonight at the Gate...
  7. So what he promises not to celebrate when he scores against us next season for his new club? GREAT.
  8. You make it sound like he was Ronaldinho in his playing days. 'DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, MR SHEPHERD?! I'M LEE CLARK! LEE FUCKING CLARK!' Having said that, in his prime he'd walk into the current side. You're right there. He never had any pace
  9. I used to think posh wank meant holding it like this...
  10. You're a fucking idiot Gemmill, you could of stop right there and it still would of made sense to all but one. Unlike your post where you should have used propper engish...
  11. Self taught acoustic guitar. Been playing for about 10 years. Never really progressed from playing in front of my mates and campsites at festivals, never really wanted to tbh. Played Alto Sax for around a year when I was younger, but could only really play Blue Moon and the theme tune to Pink Panther and The Flumps!
  12. David James is probably the best English player in his position (despite the odd blunder) for a start. The odd blunder being one a game maybe... Do you seriously think that? Only seen two games with James in tbh...
  13. David James is probably the best English player in his position (despite the odd blunder) for a start. The odd blunder being one a game maybe...
  14. Bramble is an outfield David James... FACTABUMBLISCIOUS!
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