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curry stained pilchard

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Everything posted by curry stained pilchard

  1. If you get an iPod you could also get one of these nifty little (illegal) attachments that transmits an FM frequency so you can play your beat in your motor! No wires either!1!1!!!! iTrip
  2. Cow Preparation As soon as cows enter the milking center, regardless the layout of the facility, a number of events have to occur in a particular order to gain optimum performance. Udder preparation is one of the first events, getting the teat surface clean and ready for unit attachment. The degree of cleaning that has to be done is based on the how dirty the teats are at the beginning. That in turn is related to the cleanliness of the housing area -- dirty cows are a product of their housing conditions.
  3. Tollund Man The main attraction of Silkeborg Museum is the body of Tollund Man. He was discovered in the Bjældskovdal bog some 10 km west of Silkeborg in 1950 by the brothers Emil and Viggo Højgård. The bog body was so well-preserved that their immediate reaction was to call the police. The police in Silkeborg had an idea of the true facts of the case as bog bodies had been discovered previously (in 1927 and 1938) in the same bog, so they called in the museum staff. The farms of Emil and Viggo Højgård were in the village of Tollund; thus the best preserved bog body of the world came to be named Tollund Man.
  4. The only problem with loaning out Boobsong is that after a year they will see how shit he is and not want to buy him. If he does go out on loan, in his first match he'll come on as a sub in the 62nd minute, then he'll be subbed in the 72nd minute, and not play for that club again. George Weah's cousin et al*... *aplogies for using an "Oliver"
  5. Whereas Abramovich has only lost about £200m since he took over at Chelsea... P.S. Here's some pound signs you can copy and paste pp, but don't use them all at once... ££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££££
  6. They could be looking at Harewood...
  7. Was that not Lua Lua? 171597[/snapback] You don't think the fat man would give his left nut to have that ballerina in the squad now? 171609[/snapback] Correct.
  8. http://www.michaelowen.com/board/viewtopic.php?t=324 2+2= 1-4 thats fucking disgusting, some people need to take a serious look at themselves 171331[/snapback] I was thinking exactly the same about your posts tbh...
  9. I think he became a mod on N-O. Cracked the whip n that...
  10. I also think Shola has met his potential. However, if you look at stats alone since Roeder took over, he's scored 11 in 23, which like Papa said, is 1 in 2. That is good going for a striker. He just needs to keep that ratio for the rest of his career. I still voted for fiddy though...
  11. Harsh. He made a wicked cup of earl grey...
  12. Reminds me of a leprechaun eating a jellyfish. But with hair...
  13. I think he's modeling his look on my Avatar tbh. 170542[/snapback] Or mine...
  14. I beg to differ. I think we'll get them in the January 07 window... when it's too late.
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