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curry stained pilchard

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Everything posted by curry stained pilchard

  1. I've just purchased a chair from pc world for 25 squid... doesn't lean back though...
  2. "Dynamic" pages aren't allowed in the tags... oooooh!
  3. Bramble is an outfield David James. Guaranteed at least one howler per game. 51.234% of the time it's costly...
  4. Before I click on the link... you're not in this vid are you Brock?
  5. You on there Marky Mark? No. I'm not a charver. I'm lush as fuck, and stylish as fuck, I go to Tiger Tiger baby. Just a different kind of twat to the people than fill DA MONKEY then? I was thinking exactly the same...
  6. Depends really. If you want to discuss the video, I think it needs it's own thread, but if it's just a funny, a shared thread might be an idea. I can't get videos at work so it can be a bit ott here sometimes. Btw, that is as shit as the original! I can't believe I found Babs Windsor attractive as a kid, on reflection as a 14 year old I would have probably shagged anything. Er, the video I posted wasn't meant to be discussed, that's why I put it in this thread...
  7. rather than have them all scattered about? Carry on Camping
  8. I don't know if I want to click the link now you've described it like that...
  9. Ahhh cheers, I seen that one and didn't realise it was the last one...
  10. How did the last series of My Name Is Earl finish?
  11. 1. I'm drunk 2. I've just put 2 Linda McCartney pies in the oven 3. I'm watching cack tv 4. I'm bored 5. I wish I'd put the pies in earlier...
  12. Poor man's Sandy Tokzvig/Clive Anderson/Willow tbh...
  13. Pasta and chilli tomato sauce. Healthy barstool!
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