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curry stained pilchard

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Everything posted by curry stained pilchard

  1. Fancy a trade with a hot pasta sauce? PM ME LM...
  2. He's here as a condition of his disability allowance, though the lucky cunt only has to work for a couple of weeks a year to pick up his 80k pw benefit. Ah lucky bastard My mate once saw him buy £600 dvd's in one go in HMV bastard And light a cigar with £20 notes, etc etc... Couldn't do the "balancing pint" trick though...
  3. What was so bad about curries in the 80s? They only did 500w microwaves...
  4. And Owen in contract. And Shearer as manager...
  5. Paper doesn't even look like it has been read tbh Guardian readers can't read...
  6. Simple really. They're explosives. Ban them...
  7. Not for people with two-button mice. You people don't have scroll wheels? Mouse pad, actually...
  8. You're just miffed 'cause you weren't offered them... I wouldn't get them over one leg mate! Don't know why you call yourself fat boy really - i make you look like Kate Moss....
  9. Not a chance mate! Wouldn't pay over £30 for a pair of jeans... H & M all the way!
  10. Which dirty bastard has shat in this thread? Shat Boy
  11. You're just miffed 'cause you weren't offered them...
  12. There's probably not a better chance to win three games in a row this season. Pity one of them is the Carling Cup...
  13. About 3 years. Only ever took them off to patch them up...
  14. ...my favourite jeans... Been patching them up for months now but they finally died tonight. RIP (in all senses of the word...)
  15. Never met you before, but you make me laugh sometimes, happy birthday wor skid!
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