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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Anyone thought of buying a bunch of euro's before brexit?
  2. Can you imagine a pensioner driving an ambulance? Blues and Twos on while they bomb down the dual carriageway at 30 MPH in the outside lane..
  3. You know I thought you were but didn't want to say in case you weren't
  4. No https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/SC648440
  5. You can tell this happened before Boris/Cummings
  6. I am waiting on a contract extension but have been offered a different one with a firm which exports machine parts. The offer is a £125 a day pay rise but I said no thanks because after brexit they will probably be in the shit.
  7. I searched homeless gandalf and this site is interesting https://rivertribe.co.uk/the-strange-story-of-william-storey/ my main thought reading it was "this is all Baron Munchausen bollocks". Honestly I don't believe a word this fucker claims, my betting would be that William Storey is not his borth name too. Edit* just scanned the rich energy website and it's a wix site. Not exactly gold standard for a multi million pound company.
  8. Yes Electorally speaking you're right. For the sake of the planet however....
  9. I understand what you're saying but the Democrats would be hard pushed to have chosen a worse candidate.
  10. Well that’s bollocks because rules change all the time.
  11. Cool, see I would trust you to make the decision but not our bent refs.
  12. Quick question, Perisic handball world cup final, deliberate or not?
  13. Again it’s got fuck all to do with deliberate. But if it got no advantage then it shouldn’t be a penalty.
  14. To be honest like I said I didn’t see the game. If it wasn’t going towards goal then it shouldn’t be a penalty.
  15. Deliberate handball wasn’t in last season it was the season before. I hate the whole deliberate handball shite because it gave shit referees a reason to let big teams off with obvious handball ls.
  16. I don’t want to sound all LeazesMag but can you answer my questions otherwise I can’t respond.
  17. No idea I didn’t see it. But whether or not he meant it makes no difference. Did the ball hit his arm and did they gain an advantage from it?
  18. So you’re incapable of moving your hands to block a cross and looking away at the same time?
  19. Did it hit his arm? Yes. Was his arm away from his body? Yes. Did his team gain an advantage through it hitting his arm? Yes. I honestly don’t see what all the whining is about, everyone wanted clearer rules and they now have them. Get a fucking grip.
  20. https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.newsclick.in/Covid-19-When-Polemics-Substitutes-for-Science%3famp
  21. My boy is desperate for ice rinks to open. He joined an ice hockey team this year and they haven’t been on the ice since.
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