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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I love how Tom Kerridge is a better commentator than Jenas.
  2. They insist we should hate the lionesses because some of them played for Sunderland. They don't get not everyone is as bitter and twisted as they are.
  3. He hasn’t got Schar to back him up or the speed and movement of Almiron up front to create defences problems. The England team seems to stand around a lot not moving.
  4. Only 7 minutes added, they aren't even trying here.
  5. If you want humour to help stay away from the joke thread.
  6. I was pissing myself laughing when one of their posters said it had 0-0 written all over it when it was already 1-0
  7. To put KSA in context this year they executed 138 people in prison based executions. The USA executed 35 prison based but rack up around 1000 street extra judicial executions per year.
  8. Sportwashed? I am sportbleached hoovered and polished.
  9. Those players are going to get Rolex's the size of double decker buses.
  10. I think Saudi Arabia is going to go football mental aftr this and Newcastle will get a huge wad of cash .
  11. Strangely enough Jenas has been talking bollocks all game so far.
  12. Did the spirit of 37 exist when Di Canio joined?
  13. So you're saying we would have to improve to go from 2ppg to 2.7ppg. Thank fuck we have people like you and Fish to point these things out.
  14. They are all going through an episode of collective hysteria.
  15. Anyone getting a black screen?
  16. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/nufc-sportswashing-autumn-2022.1589158/page-345
  17. They’ve gone turbo mental about the monthly awards
  18. Ivan Toney is being investigated for illegal betting, there’s no way he was going.
  19. Could you be so kind to let us know when you stop putting that bet on please? As soon as you do I’m whacking the house on it.
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