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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Too many bald people on here for any sympathy.
  2. yeah spot on. Must admit i enjoy watching the audition stages Hilarious and cringeworthy at the same time! 59969[/snapback] It's rubbish once it gets down to the people who can actually sing. 60160[/snapback] You're in luck this year then.
  3. You'll have this turning into a 20-odd pager at this rate you pair of mongs! 60260[/snapback] Only super KCG has the power to start a twenty pager.
  4. I reckon this is the longest thread I ever started
  5. I would hope no one. Like I said it's Man U fans I dont care. When it's us I'll care. I understand this is a very narrow view and reminds me of the poem by that minister in Germany during WWII When they came for the communisist I did not speak out When They came for the Jews I did not speak out. When they came for the Gypsies I did not speak out. When they came for the crippled I did not speak out. When they came for the Catholics I did not speak out. Now they have come for me and there is no one left to speak out. But then he was speaing about Genocide and this is just scum Mac fans not getting allowed back in the Valley.
  6. My thoughts are that it is Man U fans. So fuck em. Wish they would get barred from all grounds.
  7. But again a rip off of Caroline Aherns schoolgirl character in the fast show.
  8. I hope you didn't proclaim him as the best defender in europe, or anything when we signed him ..... 58225[/snapback] I proclaimed him as the one that Shearer wanted to thump when we played Rangers in the Gateshead Cup.. 58226[/snapback] Pretty sure that was Fernando Ricksen. They do look similar though.
  9. Well, we all have our point of view. As everyone was swooning over Solano, surely you aren't discarding him already ? Same as Boumsong when he came, see another thread. There is a bigger picture as well, which is quite simply that there was a time we wouldn't even have considered a question like this, but that was under a different manager who got better results. I am pleased that you, an accountant, can sniff at 50m quid and a worse performance for the money, so easily. 58184[/snapback] No I'm not discarding Solano, but I do feel he needs to start looking the part a bit more - neat little passes in the middle of the park are all well and good, but we bought him to deliver quality into the box. He needs to start doing that. I'm not sure what your point about the bigger picture is tbh - are you saying that in the past Dyer was a guaranteed first choice and so the question didn't need to be asked? Or are you making some other point? As for the question of the 50m quid - I'm not sniffing at it, just pointing out that it had fuck all to do with the topic at hand. 58188[/snapback] In his defence he needs to see someone in the box to pass to before he will do that.
  10. Agree with the bold bit. From what I know about Moore he is solid and unflapable. Maybe that would work in a youth/experince situation with Taylor. But he's no world-beater and Taylor is out til the end of Jan. Didn't Titus and Boumsong have a few really good games together last season? We're going to have to go with that for the next few weeks at least. On a bit of a tangent, do you think Boro would sell Chris Riggott? I like the idea of him and Taylor as a brains/brawn partnership. 58167[/snapback] I have seen Craig Moore play a lot and he is old slow can't tackle properly and gives away too many free kicks and penalties. Basically he is an Australian Andy O'Brien. Except not the age bit. You have to ask yourself this. Why do we think someone who Rangers let go for free (he wasnt getting his game at the time as well) will be better than someone Rangers asked 8 million for and still didn't want him to go?
  11. I never judge people but will look into it. Is this the one done by Dave Gorman's mate?
  12. So you've gone from a gun crime directly to bombings and racism based entirely on location. The poor woman's died serving us because of a couple of low life's, let's not turn it into another racism rant thread eh? Normally when a person dies people offer condolences, even Eddie Guerrero got more respect. RIP 58012[/snapback] Indeed, RIP and show respect. However, how do you know it isn't racial ? It might be, it might not be. For suggesting that very thing you are as paranoid as those who you taint with the racist brush yourself. I wonder if the policewoman gave them a chance to lay down their weapons or not first .... as certain people would have them do that ....... One thing is for sure, a fully armed police force is coming and events such as this are what will make it happen. More people than ever take life cheaply now, this attitude has increased in this country, and it has came from somewhere. How long will the killer get, and when will he or she be let out ? 58034[/snapback] I really feel for her family, RIP. I don't think a fully armed police force is the answer though. I'd be concerned it would fuel rather than solve the problem of gun crime - you need only look at America. I don't get the impression she was given much of a chance to engage with them in anyway, let alone ask them to put the weapons down. I don't think J69 meant any disrepect with what he was saying, I just thought he was saying that there was a real crime problem in the area. 58037[/snapback] Absolutely no relevance. America has a constitution entitling it's populace to firearm ownership. Not so here. A better comparison would be europe where the police are armed and gun ownership is not as widespread..
  13. I am at work. Is this going to get me into trouble?
  14. Was there a huge post by a guy about the BBC biased. Has it been deleted and if so why? Was it because it was a bit crap?
  15. http://www.newcastle-online.com/nufcforum/...pic,9201.0.html I know I will probably get a slagging for this but I am so glad Taylor 27 doesnt post on here. The guy is a moron.
  16. Can we get a right back whose name begins with B?
  17. Everything in little britain is a rip off of something else. I always thought it was derivative crap.
  18. Yeah, 'cos 15 year-olds spend their weekends playing with Barbie dolls, don't they. Not condoning what he did, like, but I hardly think she would have had any innocence to rob. 54114[/snapback] Sorry but you sound exactly like you are condoning what he did. Who are you to decide what innocence is? 54118[/snapback] I just think he was a stupid cunt rather than a 'bad' cunt. Why don't you do a little research into what the average age is for girls losing their virginity, and how many men on average they've slept with by the time they are 16? Keep your McCarthyist crap to yersel. 54119[/snapback] Rix was convicted on having underage sex and indecently assaulting a 15 year old girl when he was aged 41. That's hardly the same as a 15 year old lass losing her virginity to a lad the same age or slightly older is it? And what's McCarthyism got to do with this exactly? 54251[/snapback] Okay, I'm using the term 'McCarthyism' pretty loosely, but correct in that he's implying I approve of having sex with under-age girls to silence my opinion. I think it's harsh to use the phrase 'indecent assault' as it conjures up images of non-consensual attacks. (Yes, legally she couldn't give consent, but she did consent to it) He's not a 'kiddie fiddler' at all is he? It's a bit unfair to lump him in with all the paedo rings etc. when it's a different set of circumstances completely. I think it's morally wrong to do what Rix did, but I don't think he's some kind of reprehensible monster. If I was put in the same situation, I couldn't guarantee I would do the right thing either. 54631[/snapback] Right lets get this straight. She wasnt some slapper he met in a club. This was the daughter of a friend who he wooed for over a year (making her 14 when it started) and Sicklee Sausage roll all you have done is defended that pkind of person. I.E. condoned it.
  19. Is there anyone apart from the slavvering directors and fans of these two teams who actually think it would be a good idea for them to play in the EPL. I dont want their horrible bigotry and inflated sense of self worth.
  20. The album is called 1 way ticket to hell....and back. Officially shite then
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