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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Tramadol physio and a stunning back support make this possible. Plus it's once a month for an hour. My back is just too fucked to make a career of bending over and heavy lifting AKA plumbing.
  2. Trying to tell the young uns about this and how great it was. Anybody know where I may be able to get links and video clips? I have searched Yahoo and there is nowt on it.
  3. Can someone explain to me how this person has a singing contract?. She is by far the worst singer I have ever heard. SHaun Ryder actually holds a note better than she does. Literally sounds like a cat being tortured.
  4. I also wouldn't class the Alonso goal as an error. he slipped. Our outfield players do it all the time. It's just unfortunate that his slip cost a fluke of a goal.
  5. Hope you have / had a wonderful day and your blokes face looks like a plasterers radio
  6. I get my back waxed every month. Lasses are soft as sh*te.
  7. Bastard, I was going to go bowling there today wish I had now. He is involved with the Soccer Circus there and I think he must spend quite a bit of time there as that is now quite a few people I have heard met him as of late. Me and the wife go snowboarding there. Hope I see him again then. Still love the little fucker.
  8. The best atmosphere I have ever felt at a match was keegan's debut as a player. That was definitely before Shepherd took over.
  9. signifies everything that is wrong about some of you lot on here. Shame, again, but I think most of you know fuck all. No experience of life, no knowledge of the football club, nothing. BTW....ref the points about brain tumours, I know they can remain undetected and show no symptoms, they can also remain undetected while showing undiagnosed symptoms. Just a point. I don't agree with what he said about you Leazes but in this you're arguing with someone who trained to be a doctor and still works in medicine (i.e. Renton) about something you know far less about (i.e. brain tumours). Bit daft and misses the point anyway, don't you think mate? Well Alex.......if you are saying its pointless arguing with someone more experienced than you ... in that case that makes pretty much everyone on here inferior to me when they start talking about Newcastle United... not that I would go around calling someone a moron just because they don't know as much as me or anything. My last comment about brain tumours is a fact. And Renton is a prick. Period. I see Renton doesn't answer my question about his age etc...I just know that he is one of those wankers who was attracted back to the club by the very board he now slags off at every turn whatever they do, which in any way you wish to look at it, is the actions of an idiot. You asked me about my age. The words 10 watt light bulb spring to mind.
  10. At Xscape in Braehead Glasgow. Took all of my will power to not break into floods of tears get on my hands and knees and beg him to come back
  11. I still don't understand how they want to make money. To get the success you have to spend. Without the success you get nowt. Unless we going to be playing at Easy Jet park next season.
  12. Me neither I got free tickets.
  13. As did we all, what course are you enrolled on? Bridges and Swing Bridges Design and Implication in the UK. nah Film and Tv... Can I be the first to say something you will hear alot in your fuiture career? Big mac and fries please...
  14. Anybody else think this is just a PR stunt to try and make us forget how absloutley shit we are?
  15. An absolute legen who had serious problems with his legs. Makes me hate todays stars even more. ANd as for the modern game. The premiership is crap. It's just fast. There is relatively little skill and ball control everyone just relies on power. Except maybe Arsenal and sometimes Man U.
  16. Watch copper and magnet bracelet thing and wedding band.
  17. Babayaro our most consistent player. Consistently on the physio's table more like.
  18. Hi Sima. Can I ask if there is anything specific about Peter Kay you dislike or is it just he doesn't make you laugh. It's just that I don't know if you've heard this before but comedy is "Subjective" that means not everybody will like the same comedy. I for instance laughed more when I had an endoscopy than I did during the whole 3 (?) series of little britain. But some people think it's great. I won't slag them off or it I just realise we're different.
  19. I was looking at my throat a few years ago and noticed these lumps at the side. They were shiny and round. GOt in a complete panic and went to Dr fearing the worst. She looked at my throat asked me where they were did the whole thing with moving her glasses down her nose and said "yes they are your tonsils". Truly believed I have never blushed so much in my life.
  20. Simon Pegg is a comedy genius factolicious.
  21. How can something be Harsh and Fair? Simon Cowell? ...Like it or not, as a semi outsider I maybe have an advantage at knowing what people think of outside "the goldfish bowl" My take on it: 1: Far too much gets made here of "London Bias".... anyone who's lived in London would know it's not that London has any vendetta against anywhere, it's just insular. My Northumbrian neighbour thinks all Londoners spend their day thinking about how they can get one over the "country folk"...In truth they don't give a toss, they're worried about crime, terrorism and parking... 2: As a city, Newcastle has a schitzophrenic view of itself...it wants to laugh at itself but it doesn't like it when people don't take it seriously. 3: There is an enormous pride in the club and the area...unfortunately, I believe this stems from a lack of opportunity for many people who associate with the club as a break from their own problems. I'm not having a pop, but there is a comedic element which I think holds the club back. The pie boy is playing to the wrong fans. The fact that an internationally respected "local lad" (SBR) is out in the cold says a lot about where we have gone wrong as a club. 1) No Londoners worry about themselves and wouldnt cross the road to piss on a pensioner if they were on fire. 2) Newcastle as a city can and does laugh at itself and will laugh along with anyone one else making good observations about the area. What this prick did was take the basest stereotypes and poke fun at them. If he said Leicester city fans all smell of curry he would be handed his balls in a sling. Still will if any of us meet the fucker. 3) When was the last time you were here? Do you think we are all unemployed flat cap wearing ex miners and shipbuilders. Newcastle is a booming city of culture. We just love football and love our club. We also rightly love our city which is one of the best looking and most friendly cities in the world (see my answer to number 1).
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