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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. signifies everything that is wrong about some of you lot on here. Shame, again, but I think most of you know fuck all. No experience of life, no knowledge of the football club, nothing. BTW....ref the points about brain tumours, I know they can remain undetected and show no symptoms, they can also remain undetected while showing undiagnosed symptoms. Just a point. I don't agree with what he said about you Leazes but in this you're arguing with someone who trained to be a doctor and still works in medicine (i.e. Renton) about something you know far less about (i.e. brain tumours). Bit daft and misses the point anyway, don't you think mate? Well Alex.......if you are saying its pointless arguing with someone more experienced than you ... in that case that makes pretty much everyone on here inferior to me when they start talking about Newcastle United... not that I would go around calling someone a moron just because they don't know as much as me or anything. My last comment about brain tumours is a fact. And Renton is a prick. Period. I see Renton doesn't answer my question about his age etc...I just know that he is one of those wankers who was attracted back to the club by the very board he now slags off at every turn whatever they do, which in any way you wish to look at it, is the actions of an idiot. You asked me about my age. The words 10 watt light bulb spring to mind. I asked Renton too. What was that about light bulbs. Smart lad.... When did you start supporting Newcastle ? AS I SAID EARLIER GRANDAD I AM 38 AND HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING THEM SINCE I WAS 8 Bloody hell is it your memory that is going or have you not got your readers on. And before you say anything about ageism then you should know that it works both ways. you clearly don't understand the underlying meaning of the word "supporter". And your childish comments ie Grandad - just make you look stupid. Amazes me that people who support the club don't realise how much better this club is compared to how they found it, or should I say people who say they supported it. I preferred supporting NUFC pre EPL. The games were more fun the pressure didn't seem as big. Watching them was a real treat. Even rainy nights in ROtherham were better than the crap I am watching now. Bring Back Imre Varadi.
  2. Celtic Manure game was dire to watch. And if someone from Manure doesn't give Saha a complete kicking in practise next time I will be surprised.
  3. Thank you I basically think the only difference between now and 1996 is we have not had a better manager than Keegan. You can say the chairman/board etc are the ones who choose the manager, and that is of course correct, but it wasn't Sir John who chose Keegan was it ..... good management or lucky as fuck ????? The only thing I can add, is again - the fact that we are still a top club - on merit - with basically the same board and major shareholders. I am NOT defending anyone, just posting the truth. I LIKED Sir John better than Shepherd - even though he still spouted the same sort of "geordie nation" bollocks, but because the team was doing better, nobody was bothered, which again is a point I have mentioned before. Just because the team hasn't done as well under the previous chairman as the current one, doesn't make the current one crap. And - do you believe anything that SJH said at the time about "a price for the pocket", "giving the club to the people",.....that was just as much bollocks as some things Shepherd has said...did you honestly believe that crap ? As with most boards, they will only get away with so many disappointing managerial appointments, but that in itself will make them a victim of the initial success. So who chose Keegan then? Didn't call us all thick though did he? Not at the moment we are'nt. Ask Sky and the BBC et al. We were but due to our last few mediocre campaigns they have us tranked the same as Bolton, Fulham, and the likes. And currently behind Aston Villa and EVerton. Freddie Fletcher chose Keegan. I thought everybody knew that. Because he had been in a similar role at Rangers, and he chose the fuckpig Souness who revived interest before a ball was kicked, he indentified at Newcastle the same need to generate massive interest as quickly as possible. So he suggested Keegan, for that reason. I suppose people who jumped onto the Keegan bandwagon may not have done .... Keegan says on page 205 in his book "Neither George Forbes nor Peter Mallinger knew that on Monday 3 February 1992 I was being asked to take over as Newcastle Manager on the Wednesday. When it came to the crunch, it was Fletcher, Shepherd and Douglas Hall who wanted me to replace Ossie Ardiles". Remember also how SJH went back on his word to fund money to Keegan and help him save the club from relegation, whick Keegan describes in detail ? Good managment ? And - in the summer - guess who went to Spain to persuade Keegan to sign a proper contract ? Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd . Keegan says this on page 220 of his book. I thought everyone knew that too..... As for your last line, those clubs are also above Liverpool and Arsenal at the moment As KevinCarrsGloves [does he know who Kevin Carr was ?] says I haven't proved him wrong, he can answer this ? In fact, you all can. Don't let the facts blind you into believing that someone else should get the credit though ..... intelligent chaps like you lot can read, so you say ...... bump....again According to Renton, I made this up I'm sure with his qualifications and because he's such a clever, clever, intelligent man who is always right and knows everything about everything, can give his opinion or maybe even different facts deedeedeedeedee ho hum....... I'll think you may find that answering a question doesn't prove me wrong. Also KK say's Fletcher Hall Jnr and Shepherd went out to spain to get him to come. That doesn't mean Hall Snr had no input into his choice as manager. Keegan says on page 205 in his book "Neither George Forbes nor Peter Mallinger knew that on Monday 3 February 1992 I was being asked to take over as Newcastle Manager on the Wednesday. When it came to the crunch, it was Fletcher, Shepherd and Douglas Hall who wanted me to replace Ossie Ardiles". Further down the page he says about a meeting they had " I was not very impressed with him (Hall Snr). It was obvious that he wasn't comfortable with my proposed appointment. I could understand why, because he has put his name to an article by Bob Cass in the Mail on Sunday three days earlier which claimed that ossie's job was safe, and I knew that his family had built up a strong friendship with Ossie's. I was also concerned that neither Mallinger nor Forbes was present. Whatever Sir John thought about the situation he was in the minority. The other 3 laid the cards on the table: the club was on its way down and they had to do something very quickly if they were going to halt the decline. It seemed to me that Sir John was being given no choice. He seemed anxious to get away - his original reason for coming down to London with his wife Lady Mae was to buy some trees in Kew Gardens. But I would not let him slip away until I knew how much money would be available to me for players. He told me that there would be 1m straight away and a further million if it was required. That was what I wanted to hear. It might not sound like a lot of money these days, but then I felt it was as much as I needed" Further down he says "I must have been the only manager to be appointed without the knowledge of the chairman and vice chairman, neither of whom was informed until an hour before the press conference at which the news was made public. And even the future chairman - the man with the money - indicated that it was his colleagues rather than himself who wanted me." A few pages later, on page 213, he says "What I did not know what that Sir John hall was playing political games with the other directors, Bob Young, George Forbes, Peter Mallinger and Gordon McKeag, in the matter of funds he had promised me. He was quite prepared to put in his share of the money I needed, which amounted to 40 per cent, but he told the others that they had to find the remaining 60 per cent. That was not fair, because none of them had been given a say in my appointment, or even known about it, let alone an opportunity to turn down or agree to my original demands. As far as I was concerned, it wasn't their problem and I never held anything against Forbes and Mallinger over the issue. All this was going on as a sideshow to the relegation battle and I decided that enough was enough. I filled Terry {Mac} in on the details and told him that we had no alternative but to go. Sir John had to keep his promises, regardless of his problems with the others and how much they might or might not put in." Later, on pagef 214, he says "The player I wanted, Darren McDonough from Luton, was only going to cost £100,000, a fraction of the 1m or even the 2m pledged to me to get the club out of trouble" Then, after the Swindon game, while driving out of the ground with Terry (Mac) - " I'm finished here and none of you know. I was furious, not with Forbes, Mallinger or the other directors, but with Sir John Hall". Still think you are right ? Rent boy can comment too if he likes, as he's avoiding it now .... I asked a question you thick bastard you are truly a moronic shit. I bet you are a samll little bloke who goes around trying to cause fights in pubs. Can you get this through your thick skull. ANSWERING A QUESTION DOES NOT PROVE SOMEONE WRONG YOU PRICK!!!!
  4. Know what youre saying but Bramble had the kind of game that Ramage will never have on Saturday. Titus gets stick and rightly so but he has way more ability than either of the 'Geordie Boys'. He drops too many clangers, of course, but I cant see where Ramage has shown he is a better centre back than Titus. I think I would rather have a steady dependable with slightly less technical ability than someone great on the ball who is prone to cockup big style (no pun intended). Jack Charlton springs to mind. When asked about being a footballer he said "I don't play football our kid does that. I stop people playing football"
  5. If I lived in America I would own guns.
  6. My worry is when they are all fit he will put them all back in the team and we will play shit again.
  7. Christians actually fared a lot better under Saddam than many religions, and there's a canny few christian churches over there and plenty of christians in government (Saddams foreign minister was christian, for example) Unbelievable Look at Enoch Powell with his Ipod shuffle! Ahead of his time TBH
  8. According to sky sports news on MSN Gohouri is a defender.
  9. Ah the dimness of youth, how I miss it Can't remember Pele carrying a team to the World Cup Can't remember Pele winning an Italian championship for a relatively unknown club Can't remember Pele scoring goals in many different countries (That didn't include MSL) The only reason Maradona isn't considered more widespread to be better than Pele is because he isn't an ambassador the way Pele is. Plus he can probably still get a hard-on, blatant sympathy vote tbh Didnt he do that in 50 something when he was about 10? Pele was IMO better but that is all people have when it comes to comparing footballers of different era's.
  10. Think Newcastle's night life has gone downhill a lot in the last 5 years full of stag and hen nights and outsiders. I enjoyed it more when Haymarket was for rock fans the quayside for indie geeks and the bigg market for your pop lovers. The riverside was a great alt club / venue for bands but now it's all for poseurs.
  11. Seeing as you like Mills by definition that makes Wogan and absolute saint of a man.
  12. It was you!!!!!!! I f*cking hate mills and cannot understand why he is on radio1. Must have sucked some serious cock.
  13. Anybody else think we do much better without Carr and Baba?
  14. Thank you I basically think the only difference between now and 1996 is we have not had a better manager than Keegan. You can say the chairman/board etc are the ones who choose the manager, and that is of course correct, but it wasn't Sir John who chose Keegan was it ..... good management or lucky as fuck ????? The only thing I can add, is again - the fact that we are still a top club - on merit - with basically the same board and major shareholders. I am NOT defending anyone, just posting the truth. I LIKED Sir John better than Shepherd - even though he still spouted the same sort of "geordie nation" bollocks, but because the team was doing better, nobody was bothered, which again is a point I have mentioned before. Just because the team hasn't done as well under the previous chairman as the current one, doesn't make the current one crap. And - do you believe anything that SJH said at the time about "a price for the pocket", "giving the club to the people",.....that was just as much bollocks as some things Shepherd has said...did you honestly believe that crap ? As with most boards, they will only get away with so many disappointing managerial appointments, but that in itself will make them a victim of the initial success. So who chose Keegan then? Didn't call us all thick though did he? Not at the moment we are'nt. Ask Sky and the BBC et al. We were but due to our last few mediocre campaigns they have us tranked the same as Bolton, Fulham, and the likes. And currently behind Aston Villa and EVerton. Freddie Fletcher chose Keegan. I thought everybody knew that. Because he had been in a similar role at Rangers, and he chose the fuckpig Souness who revived interest before a ball was kicked, he indentified at Newcastle the same need to generate massive interest as quickly as possible. So he suggested Keegan, for that reason. I suppose people who jumped onto the Keegan bandwagon may not have done .... Keegan says on page 205 in his book "Neither George Forbes nor Peter Mallinger knew that on Monday 3 February 1992 I was being asked to take over as Newcastle Manager on the Wednesday. When it came to the crunch, it was Fletcher, Shepherd and Douglas Hall who wanted me to replace Ossie Ardiles". Remember also how SJH went back on his word to fund money to Keegan and help him save the club from relegation, whick Keegan describes in detail ? Good managment ? And - in the summer - guess who went to Spain to persuade Keegan to sign a proper contract ? Fletcher, Hall Jnr and Shepherd . Keegan says this on page 220 of his book. I thought everyone knew that too..... As for your last line, those clubs are also above Liverpool and Arsenal at the moment As KevinCarrsGloves [does he know who Kevin Carr was ?] says I haven't proved him wrong, he can answer this ? In fact, you all can. Don't let the facts blind you into believing that someone else should get the credit though ..... intelligent chaps like you lot can read, so you say ...... bump....again According to Renton, I made this up I'm sure with his qualifications and because he's such a clever, clever, intelligent man who is always right and knows everything about everything, can give his opinion or maybe even different facts deedeedeedeedee ho hum....... I'll think you may find that answering a question doesn't prove me wrong. Also KK say's Fletcher Hall Jnr and Shepherd went out to spain to get him to come. That doesn't mean Hall Snr had no input into his choice as manager.
  15. signifies everything that is wrong about some of you lot on here. Shame, again, but I think most of you know fuck all. No experience of life, no knowledge of the football club, nothing. BTW....ref the points about brain tumours, I know they can remain undetected and show no symptoms, they can also remain undetected while showing undiagnosed symptoms. Just a point. I don't agree with what he said about you Leazes but in this you're arguing with someone who trained to be a doctor and still works in medicine (i.e. Renton) about something you know far less about (i.e. brain tumours). Bit daft and misses the point anyway, don't you think mate? Well Alex.......if you are saying its pointless arguing with someone more experienced than you ... in that case that makes pretty much everyone on here inferior to me when they start talking about Newcastle United... not that I would go around calling someone a moron just because they don't know as much as me or anything. My last comment about brain tumours is a fact. And Renton is a prick. Period. I see Renton doesn't answer my question about his age etc...I just know that he is one of those wankers who was attracted back to the club by the very board he now slags off at every turn whatever they do, which in any way you wish to look at it, is the actions of an idiot. You asked me about my age. The words 10 watt light bulb spring to mind. I asked Renton too. What was that about light bulbs. Smart lad.... When did you start supporting Newcastle ? AS I SAID EARLIER GRANDAD I AM 38 AND HAVE BEEN SUPPORTING THEM SINCE I WAS 8 Bloody hell is it your memory that is going or have you not got your readers on. And before you say anything about ageism then you should know that it works both ways.
  16. I am part time now so only getting single time.
  17. I am at work with nothing to do bored out of my skull.
  18. They shouldn't be called RnB as there is no longer a blues element. I understand that this idea has been pinched from another thread on here somewhere but I couldn't be arsed to look it up and reference it.
  19. Mungo: "They call me Mungo the evasive" ROman: "Why" Mungo: "Who wants to know?"
  20. true.. best thing to do is let them all go on their own and just say yes to whatever suggestions they make....much easier in the long run No cos they demand you take an interest. I just kept saying "I don't care where we get married because the important thing is I am marrying you (the wife) and nothing can make that a bad thing". Worked eventually.
  21. I was lucky. Was always going to be the local church and the Hilton EK or another hotel whose name escapes me. I did very little looking around.
  22. Every car parked in this way should meet with an accident causing monetary damage.
  23. Not allowed to use wikipedia. Besides this was just targeted at Gemmill.
  24. Anybody got some good links on his influence on German unification? Actually just going for a Gemmill hat trick.
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