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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Sorry it said timed out so I went back and did it again.
  2. As the other thread has turned into a History thread is there anybody who makes you feel more embarrassed about being from the North East more than this vacuous talentless bimbo?
  3. Depends what you mean really. We only have access to history that has been recorded though. If it has happened it is history. That's why it is interesting there are things out there not recorded but clues to their existence. As an Historian you get the chance to investigate these things and maybe tell the world something it didn't know.
  4. I am planting some vegetables this week. Carrot's and Leeks. Know anywhere I can get some good seed potatoes?
  5. Says the accountant. My degree was boring, but (it wasn't accountancy btw), at least it was mostly numbers and there was a readily attainable right or wrong answer. You're having to wade through stuff about grain collections in 1930s Russia ffs! Besides, I bet accountancy pays better than being a historian......although historians have better beards. Like fuck i'm being a historian! Its not so much about the actual figures, more about the consequences of a few bad years of collections on the peasantry. Its actually quite interesting as history goes, you ignorant git. I'd have to disagree with you there. I think a lot of history is extremely interesting. A lot more of it isn't though. I'd be willing to bet that you're too ignorant re. much of history to make that a valid statement. Actually, you pretentious git, I agree that a lot of history is interesting. But when you consider that history contains everything that has ever happened, a lot more of it will be tedious in the extreme. History is just the past that has been recorded tttt. Point still stands, oypt. History doesn't have to be recorded to exist.
  6. Hhmmmm, I've just started watching the first series of House and have to say its getting a bit repetitive. And throw in some shite personal issue and/or House complaining about clinic duty. After all the hype its got it would need to get much better very quickly. Although I do like it that's pretty much it for all the series.
  7. Martins will score a hat trick tonight.
  8. I know that's just journalistic style, but there really isn't any fighting to be done here, let's have it right. That would imply Bramble's stock was soaring and he had suitors left right and centre. He hasn't and therefore if we offer him another deal it should be short and on our terms rather than his. Let's do this properly for a fucking change. Tenner say's he gets an improved deal. Roeder loves his defenders.
  9. AMerican fucks can't even spell. Saw notes on a scandal last night. If you're not a female teacher you will think it's shite.
  10. Saw Nobby at my cousin's 21st birthday party. Nice lad danced with her Gran. Saw Jack Charlton at Chase and he wouldn't let me buy him a pint. Said he had loads of money and I should save mine. Called me kidda.
  11. I did figure that. But there are some dreadful types out there who do it.
  12. So is that the base or is the cheesy bit ginger and choc chip? Made the base with ginger snaps instead of digestives, and folded chocolate chips into the normal topping. Yum.. Now that sounds good. More birds should do chick stuff like cooking. I don't know what's wrong with me. I was hand-washing the cashmere jumper at 6.30 this morning. Have I woken up in the 1950's? I'll be making broth next Don't forget to blow the milkman when he calls... I don't have a milkman KCG - I haven't made broth for ages, but yeah I make it by boiling a ham shank (no wanking jokes please) til it's falling to bits then using the stock as the base for the broth with loads of veggies. If I could be arsed to go to Tesco I'd give it a bash but I can't The wife wont even let me make it like that. can I come to your's for tea when I come home next? Aye. I'll even give you some to take home in a Tupperware dish Excellent. Do you live in the nurses accom in the RVI. I used to love visiting that place. I used to go to the stage door a lot.
  13. And has told me that Anton Ferdinand was smuggled in and out this week.
  14. So is that the base or is the cheesy bit ginger and choc chip? Made the base with ginger snaps instead of digestives, and folded chocolate chips into the normal topping. Yum.. Now that sounds good. More birds should do chick stuff like cooking. I don't know what's wrong with me. I was hand-washing the cashmere jumper at 6.30 this morning. Have I woken up in the 1950's? I'll be making broth next Don't forget to blow the milkman when he calls... I don't have a milkman KCG - I haven't made broth for ages, but yeah I make it by boiling a ham shank (no wanking jokes please) til it's falling to bits then using the stock as the base for the broth with loads of veggies. If I could be arsed to go to Tesco I'd give it a bash but I can't The wife wont even let me make it like that. can I come to your's for tea when I come home next?
  15. Really considered just saying McFly but I reckon it has to be George Bush, Rupert Murdoch, Simon Cowell, Moqtada al sadr (sp) and K fed.
  16. So is that the base or is the cheesy bit ginger and choc chip? Made the base with ginger snaps instead of digestives, and folded chocolate chips into the normal topping. Yum.. Now that sounds good. More birds should do chick stuff like cooking. I don't know what's wrong with me. I was hand-washing the cashmere jumper at 6.30 this morning. Have I woken up in the 1950's? I'll be making broth next Oooohhhhhh Broth do you make it by boiling ham first. My wife can't make broth properly.
  17. realistically, in a nutshell. Any money - decent money - should be targetted on a forward as priority though. However, I expect there will be people saying the club "lack planning" if the other clubs don't want to release their quality forwards Rubbish. "Planning" means to find a club that releases its forward . You only can plan your own actions, not those from other people. But if we end up without the necessary improvements to the squad then it means that some people weren't doing their jobs. will any old forward do or are you just going to slate the club off whatever they do or if they buy a player they [or you] don't want As you think so many people "will not be doing their jobs" you could maybe tell us how many people at all the clubs who are doing their jobs better ? More mirth to pass the time ......... All of the ones in the 13 clubs above us? Before 1992 there were consistently anything between 23 and 33 clubs above us. As you should know. That is horrendously incorrect. Before 1992 there were anything between 0-33 clubs above us as before 1992 we won the top league spot.
  18. *cough* Luque *cough* proof *cough* proof stupid rumour *cough* stupid rumour shit board sell best players like Gazza, Beardsley, Waddle *cough* shit board sell best players like Gazza, Beardsley and Gazza shit board qualify for europe 4 times in 30 years *cough" shit board qualify for europe 4 times in 30 years.. Fantastically funny as always by those who believe "rumours"...... ........ And where exactly did you hear these "rumours" ?????????? Your CIU club in Belfast [that is where you are from isn't it ?] Brillant, you couldn;t make it up......... Do you have another track on this record... or is it just this one... again... and again.... and again... This board has been in stewardship during a decade of stagnation and decline. this isn't good enough. tell me how I'm wrong, without resorting to patronising dismissal or petulant insults. hohoho.......only 4 clubs have done better ie achieved a higher averagle league position and qualified more for europe - than us during the decade you are talking about .... Fact. There must be one hell of a lot of clubs "stagnating" out there That is only true if that is your basis of achievment. If you look at winning competitions as a level of achievment then we are still below a lot of clubs. consistent performance. There are only 2 cups on the table, 3 if you count the League Cup. Being one of the 90 clubs that don't win one of those cups doesn't necessarily mean failure, well you might think so, but believe it or not there are 85 clubs or so who consider qualifying for europe to be fairly successful. Having supported the club when they were shit with shit directors, you should be more aware of this than most of the others. In the last 11 finishes we have vinished in automatic qualification 4 times twice getting through due to intertoto cup and the other 5 times finishing in the bottom half - mid table. That is not consistency.
  19. *cough* Luque *cough* proof *cough* proof stupid rumour *cough* stupid rumour shit board sell best players like Gazza, Beardsley, Waddle *cough* shit board sell best players like Gazza, Beardsley and Gazza shit board qualify for europe 4 times in 30 years *cough" shit board qualify for europe 4 times in 30 years.. Fantastically funny as always by those who believe "rumours"...... ........ And where exactly did you hear these "rumours" ?????????? Your CIU club in Belfast [that is where you are from isn't it ?] Brillant, you couldn;t make it up......... Do you have another track on this record... or is it just this one... again... and again.... and again... This board has been in stewardship during a decade of stagnation and decline. this isn't good enough. tell me how I'm wrong, without resorting to patronising dismissal or petulant insults. hohoho.......only 4 clubs have done better ie achieved a higher averagle league position and qualified more for europe - than us during the decade you are talking about .... Fact. There must be one hell of a lot of clubs "stagnating" out there That is only true if that is your basis of achievment. If you look at winning competitions as a level of achievment then we are still below a lot of clubs. consistent performance. There are only 2 cups on the table, 3 if you count the League Cup. Being one of the 90 clubs that don't win one of those cups doesn't necessarily mean failure, well you might think so, but believe it or not there are 85 clubs or so who consider qualifying for europe to be fairly successful. Having supported the club when they were shit with shit directors, you should be more aware of this than most of the others. I am still a fan of a club with shit directors.
  20. So is that the base or is the cheesy bit ginger and choc chip? Made the base with ginger snaps instead of digestives, and folded chocolate chips into the normal topping. Yum.. Now that sounds good. More birds should do chick stuff like cooking.
  21. I'm with Perry Cox in hating white people who add the word izzle in any words.
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