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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Pretty sure it lead to the first goal and the free kick that got taylor sent off.
  2. I think it isn't the racism it's the bullying aspect with all the white girls picking on the coloured one. This may be just a coincedence. But jade has been sacked in absentia from her post as patron of an anti bullying charity.
  3. Nah, we're not dirty, just experienced in life and not afraid to talk about lets say delicate subjects ....there is a difference! I used a wink your honour I used a wink Ok, you are excused, but I'll be watching you!!!! You are dirty though, aren't you? Yes I am.
  4. Sorry, did you have a point to make? yes, i.e. who the fuck is going to replace Roeder? Yes just because he is shit that is no reason to get rid of him.
  5. Nah, we're not dirty, just experienced in life and not afraid to talk about lets say delicate subjects ....there is a difference! I used a wink your honour I used a wink
  6. All the ladees on here are well dirty.......... Please don't kill me.
  7. Now why would you want him when you have me? Yeah Toonraider is a chick we need them for the cooking and cleaning advice.
  8. Snowing like fuck in East Kilbride.
  9. He must feel like he's constantly in one of those nightmares where you're running in glue. I had one of those dreams the other night and dreamt I turned around and ran backwards and was much quicker. Maybe he should try that. At least it would improve his chances of gathering those shit passes.
  10. ... on life support On way to morgue....
  11. Fat Fred sack someone for an actual reason when they really need to be sacked. Come off it.
  12. On the whole SWP thing. Although he is a tad over rated and may not be any better than Milner at crossing. At least he has pace. Milner looks like he is running through mud most of the time.
  13. Apart from the Goal Milner was just as atrocious as everyone else. Constantly running into blind alleys and failing to deliver anything like a decent ball.
  14. To be fair everybody was shocking tonight. That was the worst display by a NUFC team I have ever seen.
  15. So will all threads now be turned into meaningless crap by the retards from NO?
  16. I believe it may have been me and my twitchy finger can't find the thread tho ? Ah yes, the twitchy finger thread. Has that been resolved or do you consider it a nice bonus now? it "comes and goes" now so it can come in quite handy in a crisis !! When the rabbit's batteries go flat? Never mind the batteries, she's worn the end of it flat. I thought this was going to be about bird watching Instead you got a thread about female masturbation. Don't complain. I'm not although I would like Radgy to post a picture to prove she does this I don't believe her
  17. Ali showed up at Coopers "this is your life as they are mates"
  18. Just finished Artemis Fowl and the lost colony
  19. Only 5 years older than Rocky then.
  20. I believe it may have been me and my twitchy finger can't find the thread tho ? Ah yes, the twitchy finger thread. Has that been resolved or do you consider it a nice bonus now? it "comes and goes" now so it can come in quite handy in a crisis !! When the rabbit's batteries go flat? Never mind the batteries, she's worn the end of it flat. I thought this was going to be about bird watching
  21. What do we want from our vacuous talentless bimbos though? I want the heavily accented, the pointless career, the shameless self-promotion and the knowledge she loves it in the spazz hole. She has all this in spades tbh. I think you'll find it is called a Grinner or Gary.
  22. his·to·ry /ˈhɪstəri, ˈhɪstri/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[his-tuh-ree, his-tree] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation –noun, plural -ries. 1. the branch of knowledge dealing with past events. 2. a continuous, systematic narrative of past events as relating to a particular people, country, period, person, etc., usually written as a chronological account; chronicle: a history of France; a medical history of the patient. 3. the aggregate of past events. 4. the record of past events and times, esp. in connection with the human race. 5. a past notable for its important, unusual, or interesting events: a ship with a history. 6. acts, ideas, or events that will or can shape the course of the future; immediate but significant happenings: Firsthand observers of our space program see history in the making. 7. a systematic account of any set of natural phenomena without particular reference to time: a history of the American eagle. 8. a drama representing historical events: Shakespeare's comedies, histories, and tragedies. See everyone is right.
  23. Depends what you mean really. We only have access to history that has been recorded though. If it has happened it is history. That's why it is interesting there are things out there not recorded but clues to their existence. As an Historian you get the chance to investigate these things and maybe tell the world something it didn't know. Not necessarily, although I can't be arsed to go through this again tbh. You could though, for example have a document innacurately recording an event (or even recording an event that never happened). That would still be classed a historical document though. Yes because the writing of the document happened.
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