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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. For fuck's sake! 25th of January he realises he isn't good enough, could he not of spoken to these people a couple of months ago and figured out who he was after. Tis a fucking mockery. The man is a complete fucking moron and should not be in charge of our team.
  2. Weren't they slagging him off before he got injured.
  3. Watch your back Toonraider is out to get ya.
  4. I hope not Bianca Cant you ever call me by a pleasant name? Yes I copyrighted the bumraider nomenclature (hope I used that word in the right context) Yes, but dont use Bumraider in any context please In actual fact ive been thinking of going back to my original name that i used all those years ago when i jirst became addicted to the t'internet.....Looneytoon. I dont think theres one on here, or if so, not that posts! I can actually feel the smack on the back of my head and the walk to my room.
  5. I hope not Bianca Cant you ever call me by a pleasant name? Yes I copyrighted the bumraider nomenclature (hope I used that word in the right context)
  6. ....And had you been my son you'd have been severely dealt with Cat's need culling due to their affect on the hedgerow birds of Britain.
  7. I guess by inference killing a puppy would be a matter of life or death. i meant mine or a loved one's life!!!
  8. I would kill everyone in this room for a cold emu export.
  9. Pretty town! I wish I lived somewhere that wasn't such a hole. It really is (especially when it isn't covered in snow slush). I might have to move later this year, but Heidelberg isn't bad either, just even more annoying tourists. Will you spend the rest of the war teaching the girls home economics
  10. I guess by inference killing a puppy would be a matter of life or death.
  11. correct - if you take music it really runs 1945-1956 1956-1964 1964 -1970 1970 - 1975 1975 - 1982 1982 - 1991 1991- 2002 2002- present In that case 1975 - 1982 wins for music hands down.
  12. The pot still (Glasgow but it's my town now). A bar owned by the whisky society of scotland.
  13. I will be fine. Just got to find something till I finish Uni. Does annoy me about moving production to the 3rd world. Seems short sighted of the goverment to allow that without any kind of tax penalty.
  14. Have you seen the Simpsons when he goes to the chiropractor who says you need to come and see me 3 times a week forever.
  15. That finnegan had a decent strike rate but I never saw him given a go at the full team.
  16. Sounds like you have some severe tension. Happens a lot in the cold weather especially to those prone to shoulder stuff. Get a hot bath maybe use some ibuprofen gel.
  17. We have been told 120 redundancies taking place in the Glasgow call centre. All customer services will now take place in India. Only speak to a scottish person when we sell you a phone. On the up side I ordered my bike yesterday. GT aggressor got a great deal on the 03 model.
  18. Apparently it's legal to take the stuff but it has to be registered as wreckage and if the owner turns up you have to give it back. Yeah, the lads with the bike had some forms that they were filling in. I would have thought that showing their nice new bike that someone else owns on telly was a bit of a faux pas though. Dunno it might just be written-off with being exposed to salt water, etc. It's more the people making a special excursion to go and collect shampoo on a beach in the middle of January I see as the bamps though If the company makes an insurance claim they wouldn't be able to claim it back. They can do one or the other so I reckon everyone is safe.
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