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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Mike Bassett is just a rip off of this isn't it.
  2. http://www.bbc.co.uk/scotland/tv/ I know a lot of them have been abused but fuck me some of these fuckers need putting down.
  3. No we are to heavily linked to USA markets without getting any benefit of this $700 billion.
  4. Congratulations mate married life is great.
  5. Fife. I know. There is pretty much nothing in Auchtermochty except maybe a decent Venison farm. It's only because it is on the way to St Andrews that I have been there.
  6. Newcastle United have been going through a rough time lately and unfortunately the British press has seen this as a chance to kick someone while they are on the floor. Lets get things straight from the off. The recent protests are not just a reaction to the resignation of Kevin Keegan due to his lack of backing from a board of directors with no real experience running a football club at this level. The protests of the fans is a reaction to years of bad management which can be traced back to the sacking of Sir Bobby Robson and the dumbfounding appointment of Graeme Souness as his manager. At that point Newcastle were considered part of a top five. Oh how things change. I live outside of the north east now and I am constantly being asked about the thoughts and actions of Newcastle’s supporters. Well you know what I can’t. That is because there are thousands of them. At least 52,000 and that is a conservative estimate based purely on the sell out attendances this small club has achieved despite not having won anything for 40 years. I cannot answer for all of them or even a large percentage. Because that attendance is combined of individuals all with there own ideas. Yes we all want the best for the club but trying to get everyone to agree what that is, well that is an exercise in futility. However that does not stop the modern media from reporting on the “feelings of Newcastle fans” or commenting on how “Newcastle fans want this” or “Newcastle fans have done that”. One wonders if these same people who have in the past have levelled racist accusations against these fans would have the temerity to say that “Chinese people want this” or “black people have done that” because it is tantamount to the same thing. Today’s journalists are a lazy bunch they are so happy to use cultural or regional identity to group all Newcastle fans together but would not dare to criticise another group the same way. Newcastle United deserves to be treated with respect, but so does everybody something that the modern media forgets. Only accusations mud slinging and regionalistic slurs seems to sell papers or get people to phone radio shows these days. Newcastle United has recently got itself a supporters association. This is something that every club should have. A group which supporters can join separate from the club which can share their views and feedback officially to owners (whoever they may be). Newcastle may be struggling at the moment and they may find that this year things do not get better. People have in the past said they may “do a leeds”. Well if they do I know one thing even though the press may desert us and go kick another club in turmoil the supporters will not desert the club. I am not saying that 52,000 will turn up to see the local derby against Hartlepool but I bet it gets the biggest crowd of the day.
  7. Why are you listening to it if you think it is that shit and it winds you up so much all the time? Well, Ian wright does talk sense most of the time and he is a funny guy, plus I listen to it on my commute on the bike. You must be talking about some other Ian Wright cos the one who used to play for arsenal is a cock.
  8. Quotation marks. Means they have it on record. If there were no quotation marks it would have been looked on with scorn.
  9. Some of the professional dancers are fantastic looking. I do like breasts.
  10. First thing the association should do is make a formal complaint to the Premier league about Ashley not acting in the clubs best interests.
  11. Does he not know that Swifts dystopia was one where poor parents sold their children for food? Therefore not really linked to a cycle of violence.
  12. Well, that makes us a laughing stock just about everywhere in the world now then. Aye, but what makes it really serious is they've got a significant proportion of the potential "football money" and have spent quite a bit looking at the Premiership (which is where our ~£200m value comes from). So technically Ashley bought a lemon for £250m, but even £300m-£350m would need a desperate buyer (and I can't see why they'd not go elsewhere). Even Liverpool was baulked at for £400m and although they have some issues we done, certainly team and possibly revenue-wise they are much better off, so £480m is loopy, even as a starting bargaining price. I'm beginning to think Ashley is one of those people that can make a lot of money once in a certain specific field, but wouldn't necessarily be able to make it again or in another field. Certainly the way he's acting is more Del Boy than Murdoch. And I'm definitely beginning to think we could be in real (Leeds-esq) trouble, not because there's anything inherently wrong with the club, but because of the situation and the controlling powers. Everyone keeps harping on about Leeds. You have to remember they had half the capacity at their ground we do. Also didn't own most of their best players still owed on the lease terms and were paying huge wages. The fact that they were relying on CL money every year shows how much in the shit they were.
  13. It's his ego combined with what I call fat insanity. Historically thin insane and fat insane deliver quite different outcomes. So for instance Caligula was 'thin insane' ie a very immediate 'I don't give a fuck I'm insane' kind of working there....Nero is a classic and scientifically proven vehicle for 'fat insane' - the fat cells kind of hold the insanity inside, so you get a lot of over drinking, silly grins and no awareness of reality, you feel the insanity but it isn't wholly visible (masked by fat). Except Nero wasn't fat.
  14. Like all decades there is bad and good. No decade is any better than any other really perceptions just change. But the 80's 2 Seasons of missing 3 matches all season home and away. First sexual encounters The smiths the cure the cult the housemartins et al. Blackadder Saturday morning cartoons Holiday TV. The miners strike Thatcher the IRA. The Badder meinhof gang
  15. Not read the thread but am guessing it has gone from good support to people saying it would never worjk and ridiculing those who want to do something. I said no because of 2 reasons. 1 my geographic location I am in East Kilbride and apart from the odd game am not able to give the support I would like. 2 I would be worried about the organisation and leadership of the group. How would it be lead who would the leaders be and how would they be chosen. How would they be assessed and how would they be made to answer to the fans. in organisations like this there is always collusion of some sort when organising structures of leadership and can see it happening already. If my second point could be sufficiently addressed then I might ignore my first point and join anyway.
  16. Which is why I doubt they'd spent huge money here if they did take over, if they had a virtually unlimited pot of cash then they would have offered Hicks and Gillett enough to buy their stakes but they seem to be haggling over price which leads me to believe that we wouldn't have the same sort of spending power as the likes of Chelsea and City. This more likely to do with the fact that after buying Liverpool the new owners would then have to pay £400 million on a new stadium. Also I believe that Sheikh Makhtoum is now considering buying Liverpool on his own.
  17. Trying to think of the best way to put it really but maybe this is it. Fucking off you shit swallowing cockfaced wank.
  18. Not read this thread but read his statement. This has made me hate the fat cunt even more. Can he not get it into his thick fucking skull that it is not about the money for most of us it is the atrocious way he has treated our fucking hero of heroes and then lied lied and lied again. And then saying he cant go to the game because he would be assaulted. Well as much as I think anyone who did that would be a fuckwit of the highes order he doesn't understand how we feel that all he had to do is sack the fucking rat boy Wise and we would have been over the fucking moon. But no he has brought his mates in and stamped his authority. That might work in businesses elsewhere but arsehole it doesnt work when it pisses off your entire customer base whose goodwill you completely rely on. He has come into football ownership completely not understanding anything about it made mistakes and been unable to admit to them Well good fucking riddance now.
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