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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Damn there are loads here you could use http://www.3rat.com/tubes/secretary1.shtml NSFW!!
  2. So do you think all the scouse fans are still hoping DIC will buy them out? Schadenfreude rules.
  3. Win by streets. Rangers have Kyle Lafferty in their team who is the worst player I have ever seen on a football pitch and yet are still pushing for the title. Celtic have Gary Caldwell as their best defender. We would seriously walk it.
  4. Did you cut the cord again? I declined this particular job being one of the most clumsy people on the earth I left it up to the professionals.
  5. Got to add the fact that we have a party in power in london with an overwhelming majority voted in by 37% of the population.
  6. Does the naming of the stadium have anything to do with the council who own the land the ground is on and have refused Newcastle United a few things in the past?
  7. When you get pissed they are well difficult to work. When I was at hedley court in rehabilitation we used to all go out and someone would inevitably get theirs "fixed" so they would collapse when any weight was put on them. We all got bollocked off the commanding officer and told to stop the practise lol.
  8. I'm not a stud, just a filthy bastard who enjoys getting his hole as often as he can, any wrong in that? Sounds to me like you're counting your chickens, I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you, professing to being able to read blokes minds. I never said I can read blokes minds I just said it has given me an insight into what he's thinking at times. ..and no, there is no wrong in that, its a basic animal need. And you are an animal Your only post to date with any truth in it. What do you do for a living Whacky? You sound like someone in a clerical job who really wants to do something more manly. Mind your own business you boring cunt, I don't like conversing with you.
  9. I'm not a stud, just a filthy bastard who enjoys getting his hole as often as he can, any wrong in that? Sounds to me like you're counting your chickens, I wouldn't be so hasty if I were you, professing to being able to read blokes minds. I never said I can read blokes minds I just said it has given me an insight into what he's thinking at times. ..and no, there is no wrong in that, its a basic animal need. And you are an animal Your only post to date with any truth in it. What do you do for a living Whacky? You sound like someone in a clerical job who really wants to do something more manly.
  10. Thanks everyone from this very worn out and threadbare pair of manky old gloves.
  11. Difficult to see what they can actually do though without it being counter-productive. And even then, it's difficult to see what it would achieve. They can't magic a buyer out of thin air. My own gut feeling is we might be better off not going up to really sicken the bastard. That goes against everything I want each time we play though. They could organise opposition come out and criticise him publicly and in the press point out what he is doing and put the case forward for Newcastle fans to try and give as little of their money to him as possibble while still supporting the team. Haven't they already done that? If they have then I apologise for not not noticing but I cant remember seeing anything.
  12. Difficult to see what they can actually do though without it being counter-productive. And even then, it's difficult to see what it would achieve. They can't magic a buyer out of thin air. My own gut feeling is we might be better off not going up to really sicken the bastard. That goes against everything I want each time we play though. They could organise opposition come out and criticise him publicly and in the press point out what he is doing and put the case forward for Newcastle fans to try and give as little of their money to him as possibble while still supporting the team.
  13. So what are we going to do about this. I have long been a critic of NUSC because as far as I have seen they dont actually do anything. If they start organising action against Ashley then they can have my £10 though.
  14. You should do it's quite a laugh. They claim they will make Britain great by stopping all imports from foreign countries and manufacturing everything we need which is exactly what Hitler had planned to do until he realised he had to invade and conquer some countries to do it.
  15. Although not to be dismissed The Netherlands has such a convoluted multi party system of government he wont be able to pass anything mental.
  16. I agree with this, but also, those pics are useless without names for people as apparently out of touch as me. Also, Alex wins and KCG might be mentally ill.
  17. Funny as fuck. I would pay an extra quid a month tax to have crews of cage fighters dressed as transvestites roam city centres at night just to batter the fuck out of arseholes.
  18. Probably easier to name the places in Heaton that aren't. I lived in Heaton for a short while and I always found it to be upper working to middle class filled with Students.
  19. Her story is in a paper and they say she grew up in a "Heroin ravaged council estate". She grew up in Heaton.
  20. Fatherhood is the best thing in the world ever. Congratulations.
  21. Which part of Heaton is a heroin ravaged council estate?
  22. You must have missed that bit off the end.
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