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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. ?? not sure what your getting at. quite frankly the end of the empire was pretty much settled after the 1st world war as we could no longer afford imperialism. and tbh, i'd rather be at the beck and call of the yanks than soviet russia. not saying i'm happy with that fact that we are. dont think ive ever said that are you saying we shouldnt have fought WW2 and let germany have a free reign over western europe? that would have been a properly scary situation. with no resistance from the western allies germany would have probably overthrown the soviets and that would have been quite frankly terrifying as they could of then disposed of britain at their whim. biggest mistake germany ever made was not disposing of us (the UK) in 1940 (either by invasion or treaty) as in reality we turned into a huge drop off point for america after that and the 2 front war was more than german infrastructure could take due to the bombing campaign of the western allies. the same western allies that would of been out of the war or at least been severly curtailed by the fact that 'airstrip 1' wasnt off the coast of their controlled teritory. Germany made so many mistakes due to being run by a sociopath it is hard to really identify the biggest but I would call the invasion of Russia the biggest as it was the war in the east which destoyed the werhmacht more so thann the allies did. The Allied bombing offensive was surprisingly ineffective and German war production was hardly dented until late in 1944 beginning of 1945 and that was mainly due to territorial losses. not quite true - there was a book out a year or so back on the economics of the war in Jormany and the air offensive diverted troops, aircraft, guns etc from the front line from 1942 onwards. It was like a bad tooth - not bad enough to kill you but bloody annoying and sapping your energy Hitler got it wrong not just by invading Russia but by treating the natives as unter-menschen. If he'd promised the Ukranians and the Azeri's soem sort of freedom it would have been a stroll in the park There are loads of books and journal articles on the economics of the war in Germany. There are many historians who agree with your version of how much of a headache the air offensive caused but that is different from the original post I said did not tell the whole story as far as I interpreted from what I have read. I like Adam Tooze's book on the economics of invading Russia. he claims that due to the vast resources that the Russians controlled the Germans were doomed from the beginning of Barbarossa. However there were still many mistakes made by the Germans most notably Hitler sacking Mannstein and Guderian abd the general staff and placing himself at the heads of the army. Mannstein said at the time that Hitler saw himself as a Napoleon but without his military training or skill as a general.
  2. which half? The fat wank part. However, he was half English and basically saved the world. Any yanks reading this who have "yayaaa we saved your butts" attitude, pipe down. If we hadn't have fought him alone (for a long time) as well and stood up to them, everyone would be speaking kraut now, we'd all look like Jurgen Klinsmann and Isegrim and would be having shits in funny toilets. The greatest man in the history of this country, he is one of a few men who genuinely could claim that title. Fuck his trade union tiffs, minor in the grand scheme of things, and only a power to the people socialist divvy like Kevin Carr's Gloves would think of that before anything. Where's me tenner by the way Gloves? "WE WILL NEVER SURRENDER", and we wouldn't we'd fight to the death like the Russians did, and because of our inherent never say die attitude we would have prevailed, and we will prevail but we needed Churchill then. Imagine if it had've been John Major or Brown in the circumstances. "Invade Poland Adolf we have 6 Vickers sites in the UK if you need new tanks." No tenner you got banned before I could destroy your pathetic argument. Trade union tiffs which cost the lives of miners.
  3. ?? not sure what your getting at. quite frankly the end of the empire was pretty much settled after the 1st world war as we could no longer afford imperialism. and tbh, i'd rather be at the beck and call of the yanks than soviet russia. not saying i'm happy with that fact that we are. dont think ive ever said that are you saying we shouldnt have fought WW2 and let germany have a free reign over western europe? that would have been a properly scary situation. with no resistance from the western allies germany would have probably overthrown the soviets and that would have been quite frankly terrifying as they could of then disposed of britain at their whim. biggest mistake germany ever made was not disposing of us (the UK) in 1940 (either by invasion or treaty) as in reality we turned into a huge drop off point for america after that and the 2 front war was more than german infrastructure could take due to the bombing campaign of the western allies. the same western allies that would of been out of the war or at least been severly curtailed by the fact that 'airstrip 1' wasnt off the coast of their controlled teritory. Germany made so many mistakes due to being run by a sociopath it is hard to really identify the biggest but I would call the invasion of Russia the biggest as it was the war in the east which destoyed the werhmacht more so thann the allies did. The Allied bombing offensive was surprisingly ineffective and German war production was hardly dented until late in 1944 beginning of 1945 and that was mainly due to territorial losses.
  4. appeasement gave this country time to re-arm, especially the airforce. theres no way we could have stood against germany if they'd decided to invade us in 1938 or 1939. overall imo, appeasement was good politics at that time. Or... Chamberlain ignored offers from several high members of the Wehrmacht to stage a coup if he helped oppose the German claims on the Sudetenland. In dfoing so he condemned the world to war as it gave Hitler time to continue his armaments policy.
  5. Was a complete cunt who caused the general strike then wanted to punish the miners.
  6. As appeasers and loony lefties go, I suppose he was Appeaser?
  7. To be writing a dissertation. Sorry just moaning cos I am coming to the end of my freeloading sorry hardworking student days. I will never cope with a proper job after this. If I get one like. Oh and I have come to the conclusion only Geordies pronounce Santa correctly.
  8. Not a fan of Robbie Williams at all but I'm not able to get my head round why you have such issue with this. He doesn't play an instrument nor, I'm led to believe, is he a particularly great song-writer But what he lacks there he does make up for in terms of being a lyricist and his performances. Almost every single track in that medley he performed last night were instantly recognisable. Given that and that he's been at the fore-front of pop music for 18-20 years and it's not surprising that they've given him the award. His music might not be your cup of tea - it's definitely not mine but you can't deny what he's achieved. To put it in context, this is some of the previous recipients of the award: 2009 - Pet Shop Boys 2005 - Bob Geldof 2004 - Duran Duran 2002 - Sting 2000 - Spice Girls 1999 - Eurythmics 1986 - Wham Are any of that lot more deserving than Robbie Williams? Band Aid / Live Aid aside, I fail to see what Geldof's 'outstanding contribution to music' is. At least those lot have contributed to music across the globe, in particular the U.S. I wonder how many folk in the states know who Williams is. For my money, a lifetime award (whatever it's called) should be to musicians/singers who haven't received much acknowledgement for their contribution to world music over a long period of time. The Brits, yes, but a recognition for what British musicians have given the world. Williams is what, 30-ish? There must be musicians of 50 to 60 who have done far more for world music than him. And he's a knobheed. The spice fucks have contributed fucking nothing to anything they should all be fucking shot for being fuckless arseholes. Other than that you are pretty spot on. Am I allowed to swear or will I get into terouble from our sponsors?
  9. Tenner says you cant back this up with evidence.
  10. Thought they did more for us in WW2? They did but it was like Man Utd beating Sunderland to save us from relegation by one point. Our benefitting was incidental, they went round Germany raping the kraut women. Your lack of knowledge of the War on the Eastern front is actually the same as your lack of knowledge about most things.
  11. I wasin Paddy Power yesterday and we are 4/1 to be relegated from the prem next season.
  12. Have you ever met a Mexican in your life. If 1m yanks died tomorrow, I would feel no more feeling of sympathy than the 150,000 Haitians who have died in the last fortnight. I feel so sad for them people mass deaths, they didn't deserve what has happened. The world clearly cares but as one editorial put it it's a fight to see who can do the most for show. Fuckin wanks. I can't believe you've put a yank link up. Not one person here will ever meet a Mexican, so why put this pathetic link up? Put something relevant to fuckin English people. I don't understand any of it, through calculated ignorance and dismissiveness of them stupid yank bastards. Shame fuckin Russia never nuked the cunts (if they left us alone) in 1961. I was in a lift with 5 of the Mexican national football team in a hotel in San Francisco on my honeymoon does that count? Actually met loads of Mexicansin Disneyworld California. In fact it's pretty impossible to buy a burger in California without meeting a Mexican. Thought that was gonna be a joke like "I was in a lift with the whole mexican national football team"..... I did try and tell them how great NUFC was but I was a bit pissed and they did not have a clue what I was saying. Obviously this was 5 years ago on the honeymoon before Souness took over hence the "NUFC is Great" bit.
  13. Caroll is shit. Butt is shit. Raylor is shit. Hughton is shit.
  14. Have you ever met a Mexican in your life. If 1m yanks died tomorrow, I would feel no more feeling of sympathy than the 150,000 Haitians who have died in the last fortnight. I feel so sad for them people mass deaths, they didn't deserve what has happened. The world clearly cares but as one editorial put it it's a fight to see who can do the most for show. Fuckin wanks. I can't believe you've put a yank link up. Not one person here will ever meet a Mexican, so why put this pathetic link up? Put something relevant to fuckin English people. I don't understand any of it, through calculated ignorance and dismissiveness of them stupid yank bastards. Shame fuckin Russia never nuked the cunts (if they left us alone) in 1961. I was in a lift with 5 of the Mexican national football team in a hotel in San Francisco on my honeymoon does that count? Actually met loads of Mexicansin Disneyworld California. In fact it's pretty impossible to buy a burger in California without meeting a Mexican.
  15. We cant bomb anyone unless we ask the Americans first.
  16. Great story, can't beat a bit of cockney bashing! Ok for me to get it on the website? Yeah no probs.
  17. Might global warning be a myth? there is a small chance that is correct. Might Global warming be a correct hypothesis? There is a chance that this might be correct. When faced with two polarised options surely it is only intelligent to side with the cautious argument and do what we can to inhibit our impact on the planets atmosphere. To do otherwise to me sounds beyond moronic and so selfish as to be incomprehensible.
  18. Me my brother in law and his brother travel down to Brighton for the fa cup game the one before the Trelford Mills replay. Apart from nearly knocking over 2 hitchhiking toon fans who seemed to think that the best place to get a lift on the A1 was right in the fucking middle of it we made it down to London where our inadequacies at navigation were exposed. Basically we didnt have a clue where to go next and hadnt bothered to bring a map. At a roundabout My brother in laws brother wound down his window and asked a gentleman who was on a bicycle stopped next to us if he happened to know the way to Brighton. Now we had been drinking (I was under age but that didnt stop me) but the reaction of this southern cyclist to me was unforgivable. He looked up saw that his exit was clear and said "what the fuck are you on about" before cycling away. My brother in law who was driving was given the instruction to "follow that cockney prick" which he did. My Brother in laws brother (there should be a quicker name for him lets call him Neil) wound down his window as we pulled up alongside the cockney cyclist and kept pace and said "I bet you're shitting yourself now eh fucknuts" and took a long swig out of his brown ale can. He then proceeded to expale said brown ale with great accuracy right in the face of the offending cyclist who lost control of his erstwhile vehicle falling off it and buckling his front wheel I am positive that as he was falling he heard the cry of three Geordie voices driving into the distance shouting "Cockney wankaaaaahhh". As an appendix due to our combined lack of knowledge we left the north east far too early and managed to get to Brighton at approximately midday which was lots of fun.... not.
  19. Hope everything works out ok buddyess.
  20. I hummed and haad (how do you spell that?) about a tattoo but came to the conclusion there is no such thing as a really good individual one of a kind tattoo so never bothered.
  21. So who is reading this with a bursting stomach not really able to imagine eating anything for centuries?
  22. There is a young lad in charge at Huddersfield who seems to be doing ok.
  23. yeah, and................. And do you oppose our democratic process? Btw, the same rules apply to the tories! Would you like to see a directly elected president of the UK or Europe? The latter obviously couldn't work but the former may have legs if we abolish the monarchy. I reckon you'd like nothing better Renton! you already know my thoughts on G.Brown and especially on how he came to power. and i'm not really certain you can call it a 'democratic' process anymore unfortunately. never mind, we shall all grow old safe in the knowledge that people we dont know, have never heard of and we have no choice but to accept are taking care of us! Can you clarify that with telling us how the European Union decision making process works as I cant say for certain if I agree?
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