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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. If we sell Carroll anybody giving money to NUFC while fat cocney cunt is in charge is a mug.
  2. I read on here you are a standup comedian. Which clubs have you done and which promoters you worked for? You ever worked in Scotland?
  3. A gay friend of mine at work has just seen this and he says he has a dvd called "All scouse gangsters suck cock in Jail" if you want to borrow it.
  4. I am desperately hoping you are itk in relation to your pre xmas thread.
  5. I bet he is lying about the 0.5 as well. "A quick measure". Like anyone doesnt know their height. Mmm. Maybe, I'm actually 6ft2 and a half, but I just say 6ft2, cos half an inch doesn't make much difference. I am willing to let someone else take this lead line.
  6. RIP. True bravery like that shown by Major Winters at various points during WW2 is very rarely someone trying to be brave. It usually comes about by someone just doing what they think is right in conditions most people will hopefully never encounter.
  7. Yep, absolutely no surprise if there's an accompanying 80s pornstar tash, and a car sticker of a Newcastle player pissing on a Sunderland shirt. 6'2" 14 stone 4 lbs A few pounds under that would be my optimum weight. I will be in about 4 weeks. Getting back to CT. For those of us over 6ft, have you ever had a conversation with people smaller than you, and they subconciously keep going up and down on their tip toes to accentuate their height. I bet he does that. The brother in law does it to me. I had a regimental sergeant major who must have been all of 5'5" did it all the time. Was funny when he reffed the boxing and tried to raise my hand at the end of the bout too.
  8. Yep, absolutely no surprise if there's an accompanying 80s pornstar tash, and a car sticker of a Newcastle player pissing on a Sunderland shirt. 6'2" 14 stone 4 lbs
  9. Fucking hell. 45s officially don't know where he's getting 15s from. I think for the size of club the mackems are they get great crowds, Quinn's crack about if it goes right they'll be bigger than Newcastle is pathetic, they all know they never will be due to history, geography, regional bias, national perception and fanbase. From people at the match. Search celtic versus kilmarnock attendance and check out board 67
  10. I like this tough guy mick. What did he say his nickname was one fist? Cos he likes to take a good fisting I assume. Probably hard enough to do it witnout lube mind.
  11. I think the players will be so pissed off and disheartened this could be one of our worst home defeats in a while. Thats how FCB has me feeling now.
  12. Ok here is the bottom line. We wont get rid of Ashley if we do nothing that is a fact. We mignt get rid of him if we do something. I prefer might to wont. The club may have to suffer in the short term to benefit in the long term. Like getting relegated got rid of the dead wood on the playing staff a drop in fan revenue might force Ashley's hand. There is only one guarantee and that is the one I started with. Do nothing and Ashley will stay and milk his cow forever!
  13. If Pardew is at the match on Saturday he should be made to feel as welcome as Iain Brady at an Oldham mothers meeting.
  14. Liverpool fans seem to think that NESV are some sort of arab sheikh deal they are not. Whilst not being broke they will probably have a little less than Tottenham to spend. And they will need to spend wisely. Although NESV have done remarkably well with the Red Sox it is a fallacy to think of the red sox as a struggling outfit. They have been a great club and performed well just missing out on the final prize for years a bit like Arsenal. Liverpool however are abject at the moment and will need a big investment spent wisely. They cant just trade for a first round draft pick.
  15. And you felt the need to come on to an internet forum, a place where you are regularly pilloried due to several facets of your character, to brag. This is a shocking indictment as to the state of your psyche. Desperate for validation but without the talent to gain it through an artistic outlet and blatantly not getting the attention from your parents. Is this why you work for McD's in a vain attempt to put yourself in a position where you can feel superior to someone at last?
  16. Fair play Sunderland. Fair play. And is from Washington which was not part of Sunderland when he lived there.
  17. He claimed the Da Vinci code was based on fact i.e. the Priory of scion really existed and all that.
  18. Have a nice day today did you? A yank mate you're having a laugh that would require two miracles. Firstly someone from outside of merseyside understanding a word you say and secondly you having a mate. Now why don't you hold a good nights silence or go and collapse a wall and kill some people?
  19. Whilst conveniently overlooking the fact he got us relegated? I was in no way a fan of Shepherd, but he chaired this club for 10 years without so much as a whisper of relegation ever being a possibility. Ashley took us down within 24 months. That is bollocks.
  20. You want to try having a shit job working for the shittest company in Britain. Roll on May when I have finished my postgrad and might actually get a decent one. you think you have a shit job in the shittest company in britain Touche.
  21. You want to try having a shit job working for the shittest company in Britain. Roll on May when I have finished my postgrad and might actually get a decent one.
  22. Iran Air flight 655. Lest we forget.
  23. I think it was Frankie Boyle who said "the pope is now the head of the largest paedophile ring in the world".
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