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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Have to say if it took into consideration forking out for two kids I reckon I would be well down the scale.
  2. What do you think of the new law set to come in and who on here could be in trouble?? http://uk.news.yahoo.com/websites-forced-identify-trolls-033754759.html
  3. 124% and 257% i added my pension in mind.
  4. Definitely didn't happen. Capyured non nobles were just killed. If terms were accepted they would be unmolested. Studies show that the arrows of the bowmen may noyt have been as affectual as previously thought with there hand to hand fighting in the mud being the deciding factor. I just hate Stevie Gee and like him looking a cath word.
  5. I can take or leave tattoos some look great some look awful. However if I ever interview someone with a neck tattoo they are not getting the job.
  6. Classy Sunderland fans complaining that the England team went to Auschwitz. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=707626
  7. With all that hairspray you would think at least one of them would have the good grace to do a Michael Jackson.
  8. One of my favourite films of all time is the Longest Day mainly because Richard Todd played Major John Howard at pegasus Bridge which is where Richard Todd was and with during the actual D-Day landings.
  9. Broken? Over? It never existed it was self delusion on a massive scale.
  10. I still can't stand the players on the ENgland team just too many wankers for me to hope they succeed at anything.
  11. My view is that Blair is a criminal because of both counts however the argument headed off to a cul de sac as per normal.
  12. KSA and Leazes have both been intimating that the deaths of British soldiers was a worthwhile price to [ay to get rid of Saddam. I translate that into expendable.
  13. My point isn't about being pro or anti war. My point was about those who think soldiers lives are expendable and deaths acceptable for this purpose. I was pointing out that if you think it is so worthwhile to die for this cause why are you not doing it. Dulce et decorum est.
  14. The war was passes through the houses of parliament purely because of the WMD dossier this has been proved to be a myth. Saddam was a nasty cunt and should have been got rid of but that was up to the Iraqi's to do not Blair and Bush deciding to waste British and American lives on. Especially when they pick and choose which murderous cunts to do over and which ones to pal up to.
  15. Most of my mates thought it was bullshit. I won't speak for Col. Put your survey up then.
  16. I was in the army so was a mate of mine sgt maj Colin Walls of crook. He died in Iraq. I assume if you say most soldiers support the war then you have performed some form of survey. None of my mates supported the invasion of Iraq but it was their duty to go on multiple tours to support their mates and honour their regiments. LM might be to old but you're not. I assume you are too much of a coward to fight the good fight.
  17. Ulster is still in Britain and there are still soldiers there. Volunteers is a funny word "did you volunteer to join the British army" "yes" "did you volunteer to die in a war based on a lie which lined a lot of rich peoples pockets" "no". So my point still stands if you think it's good for British soldiers to die for a foreign country then join the fuck up or shut the fuck up.
  18. I assume all those saying the lives of British soldiers is a price worth paying for pseudo democracy in a far off land will be joining up next time they are used for said purpose.
  19. Liverpool stalling on the fee. http://www1.skysports.com/news/12040/7788211/ If I was a Scouser I would be very worried about the amount of money any new manager was going to be given. I would also be a smelly dole waller.
  20. I think this appointment speaks volumes about their spending plans for the coming seasons.
  21. I saw a documentary a while back and it showed a copper saying whenever they suspect a family person they try and get them to do an appeal video to see there reaction and have a couple of psychologists watching them too. Now whenever i see one I think uh oh.
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