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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I was walking down Northumberland street when one of the groups of punks came and and said "Alreet big man seeing as how you're a bit to big to mug could you spare a quid?" Laughing my arse off I gave them a fiver. I was flush at the time.
  2. Keegans Debut Keegans departure Beating Leicester 7-1 final game of the 1993 promotion season.
  3. ££££££££££££££££££££?
  4. Thankfully they reckon he was just downloading stuff. One of the other families is a couple of coppers the wife used to work in child protection. She is raging more than anyone. All the kids seem ok it's his family I feel for the most he has 4 kids one still at school.
  5. Cool. We are waiting for our childminders husband to go up in court.
  6. Squash is just for middle aged bank managers isn't it?
  7. What happened to that bloke who was going to get arrested?
  8. I have decided my favourite ever Sunderland player is Nicolas Medina.
  9. So what are the odds for the year of the next election?
  10. Higher, Faster, Stronger no mention of more skilful.
  11. Can we Euthenase Piers Morgan. He causes a lot of pain.
  12. I bet you a million quid if we ran a poll it would not win.
  13. Red Seas under Red Skies good sci fi fantasy stuff.
  14. And the really sad thing is Sikhs have been mistakenly targeted before in America because morons don't know the difference between Sikhs and Muslims.
  15. Pink FLoyd, Led Zep, Madonna, Amy Winehouse, Status Quo, Oasis.
  16. Occam's razor "other things being equal, a simpler explanation is better than a more complex one.". In this case the simple answer is the moon landings were real. My reason for this conclusion is based on secrets. Secrets are like a team only as strong as the weakest link. In secrets the less people that know the better. For the moon landings to be a hoax then too many people would have to know and at least one of them would have said by now. my reason for saying somebody would have siad is based on other government attenmpts to hush things up failing. And most of them only relied on one person being involved sch as Daniel Ellsburg, Ryszard Jerzy Kukliński, W. Mark Felt, A. Ernest Fitzgerald, Duncan Edmonds, Mordechai Vanunu, Gary Webb, Paul van Buitenen. Unless someone (not Wofy someone sane) can come up with a plausible simple explanation as to why hundreds if not thousands of conspirators and their families have kept quiet so long then I think I will stick with Moon been there done that..
  17. How far up Joe Allan's arse dose Lawrenson want to get.
  18. They are a newco so shouldn't have all their trophies and titles they have a transfer embargo for a year. That should be it anything more is taking the piss.
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