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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. They are going to be upset when they sell Sessegnon to pay for Fletcher and Johnson.
  2. A guy on RTG said "if Sunderland played in Europe and only took 50 fans to an away game would the mags take the piss?" Obviously the correct answer to this conundrum is "We will never know".
  3. Yahoo reckon he is staying put and not going anywhere.
  4. According to the previous posts that's what they have said.
  5. They are immensely stupid if it is the case. He could take them for constructive dismissal and get out of his contract for free. Clubs have to start realising the the eu doesn't like the contract rules and if they intentionally refuse to play someone regardless of performance one player will fuck them.
  6. I thought ebt's were all about dodging tax thats why Arsenal settled with hmrc out of court.
  7. Except Celtic have admitted using at least one EBT as well.
  8. Why does protesting in a church make it worse?
  9. Jesus man there are some nutcases on here. Also the people trying to argue with them why? You're telling a paranoid schizophrenic there are no voices.
  10. I am going to predict RVP gets less than 20 goals in the league this season.
  11. Led country. You mean spent money he didn't have in re arming and building an infrastructure for war. His great economic plan meant they had to go to the destructive war because outherwise they would have ended up worse off than they were before he came to power. 1929 was his great leap of poularity by co incidence the year of the wall street crash. It was also a year after he almost bankrupted his Party with the costs of parades and rallies if not for a benefactor the party would have been barred from the following elections. Hitlers whole economic recovery meant war was inevitable so you can't say he was great for that without concluding that he was an idiot for leading Germanty into a war they could not win.
  12. Yeah but we would all be upset if Sunderland completely ran out of fans. No one to slag off.
  13. Obviously fake he has to stop and take in breaths from a hidden oxygen source because he is underwater. You can even see a big gold coloured bubble bouncing around.
  14. The position he led Germany to?? I assume you mean before the country was split up after being seriously fucked.
  15. The man was also a lazy fucker who did about 2 hours of work a day. Don't get me wrong that's still twice as much as I would do if I could get away with it but there are some who sincerely think he was a genius.
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