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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Maybe Graham Carr has come back and said "there's no on I would recommend at the moment"
  2. On the plus side at least we haven't left it too late to bed in the new guys.
  3. I have SSN on my phone and am listening at work. Not one mention so far.
  4. Depends on which definition of class but by any definition owning a business makes you not working class.
  5. 1 it was a rant. 2 owning a chip shop is not working class you fuckwit.
  6. What has Tia Sharp got to do with a parent killing themselves and their kid you thick cunt.
  7. It was just a rant after reading about the nurse who killed her daughter then tried to top herself. Got me a bit radgee.
  8. And you think your children would also be better off dead then please don't touch them. Just fuck off and kill yourself but leave your barns out of your pathetic delusions. Hope there is a hell just for fuckers who do this. Rant over.
  9. So who is going to be our number 11 or was that paddock lads prediction?
  10. So when you state that the aim of muslims is to cleanse the earth of non believers you are in fact talking bollocks and what you mean is you have been told that some Muslims want to do that.
  11. Which version of Islam and which interpretation of the Qu'ran?
  12. Not the worst place he worked. Someone pulled a gun on him when he worked at Jollies in Sunderland.
  13. I did karate on and off for 23 years boxed for a few years in the army did tae kwon do for a year and aikido for a year. Martial arts are good for fitness but my dad used to be head doorman at the sombrero / crocodillos in Chester le street. He taught me how to fight.
  14. ALthough considering my injuries making a "beeline for" is a bit of a fancy way of saying "If I connect with anything your probably fucked".
  15. Dratted honesty. Off to America to buy an assault rifle.
  16. I cry at the end of Despicable me when Gru reads the Unicorn story. Still don't think there's anyone on here I worried be worried about getting a kicking off mind. Cept maybe Cath she's from Weshey
  17. Now I have slagged Labour for their part in the national debt and refusal to admit they did anything wrong but this bit is bollocks. Labour spent huge amounts of money but generally on upgrades to services and buildings which they financed through PPI's which it turns out was like doing your banking through Wonga.com. Where they went massively wrong was believing they had actually got rid of the boom bust cycle and stupidly believed national income and GDP would keep on growing thus providing the tax and council tax needed to pay for said upgrades. When the crash happened government income dropped hugely overnight and the more people get laid off and become unemployed the more the debt will grow becuase the less tax is being paid. No doubt someone will follow thi shouting the odds that Labour had nothing to do with any of it and it's all the yanks fault.
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