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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Then the Viagra wears off and it's your turn to be "loved" again?
  2. He was a Labour MP while he was abusing young boys too. Also appeared on Jimmy Savile's show clunk click.
  3. Man for a minute there I had flashbacks to the end of (insert managers name here) 's reign. Talk about Boethius's wheel.
  4. I can seriously see us not getting any more points for a couple of weeks.
  5. I can't wait til Ashley dies and his family sell the club to any fucker.
  6. Is it bad to want Simpson to get a bit of an injury?
  7. Could you not plumb the line to bypass the filter
  8. Absolutely true. I on the other hand am a lefty twat.
  9. I assume CT you don't live in the North East where water purity is at 99.9% making tap water just as good as most bottled water. Because this of course would make your expensive hard to find filter totally redundant.
  10. I can't get on the board using Safari or Firefox I have to use Opera on my phone and IE on my computer at work which is annoying because IE screws the layout.
  11. I do always cheer for whoever is playing the old firm bigots mind.
  12. I didn't have before though as the Accies are back in the first.
  13. They keep going on about the pen but surely the most shocking refereeing decision was giving Shane Long a yellow card for being fouled.
  14. As an adendum I hope he has a mare apart from tearing Liverpool apart when they play them next.
  15. Anyone else hoping Benitez has an absolute mare and ruins them?
  16. Yes they did just after Virgin started using them in 2009. My Aunty lives in Sunderland if I win the lottery I am going to buy her a house in a nicer area, Gaza would do I think.
  17. The wife and I were watching the John Bishop Sunshine tour which we TIVO'd from BBC a while back. In it he talks about Sunderland he describes it as one of the most important cities in Britain. He says this is because everyone should visit Sunderland because it would stop them moaning about how shit their own home town is in comparison. He goes on to say that if you ever wondered what a town would be like if it's entire population was like the people from Big Fat Gypsy Wedding it's Sunderland. Yes that is how a SCOUSER describes Sunderland.
  18. Are the makems the luckiest team in the league this season? They must have played for more minutes against 10 men than any other team. They have just generally been too shit to profit from it.
  19. Proof positive that incestuous relations produces offspring with learning difficulties and mental abnormalities.
  20. Surely the 5 day rule and general rules on playing for your country are a breech of EU rules on freedom of movement.
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