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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Was Onan killed for disobeying god or wanking?
  2. Is "bored" a mood? I am exceptionally bored today. Only one in work with bot all really to do except read code. Extremely bored.
  3. Just married serial wife Kate Winslet. Real name Abel Smith. Uncle is Richard Branson. Works for his uncle. Sorry Cath but all the available evidence points to him being a cunt.
  4. Confucious said "A man who loves his job never has to work a day in his life". I became a system tester 2 years ago and now after years of crap absolutely love my job and it does make every day very easy. Who out there likes their job and who hates the crap they have to do?
  5. I just worry about Shola's complete inability to play football.
  6. Marveaux yes. My dead gran maybe. Obertan no. Or Shola.
  7. Another guy in his 70's has been arrested
  8. I was playing the Sherrif of Nottingham in the Royalty Theatre's production of babes in the wood. During the interval a young kid managed to wander into the green room and I bellowed "arrest that boy" he legged it and preceded to cry every time I came onstage. I gave him a free ticket for another performance and bought him a selection box afterwards.
  9. Pleased as punch QPR won their first game this week slighlty less portentous than playing a team still searching for their first win of the season.
  10. Figures by their inherent nature can not be biased. The way they are portrayed can be but never the figures.
  11. Hmmm Rogue with her knorcks out :wank: :wank:
  12. This game reminds me of something that happened a couple of years ago when I was working at Reliance organising prisoner movements in and out of Hospital and making sure prisoners in Hospital had officer escort. We had got a call from the Bar L to say a guy had been given a doing over and was away to hospital. I called two officers at their bas and told them the ward and the guys name and asked them to call me when they took over. I got the call from one of the officers about an hour later and she asked me how old the lad was. I advised about 35 and asked why and she said he looked about 90. I asked what had happened and she said the guy was in the showers and had got a complete kicking with broken nose, ribs eyes black, he had no teeth anyway so at least they couldn't knock any of those out. She then said but that wasn't the end of it as it looked like after the kicking somefucker had decided to rape him as well. So when this poor fucker was lying on the tiled floor bleeding and in agony someone had come along and thought "go on then I might as well". I see us as the guy on the shower floor and Man City as the horny other prisoner with no scruples or morals.
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