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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. If Scotland's obesity is why they are so crap is the opposite true for Africa. They are so good because they are skinny / starving with a lower life expectancy and constant war etc?
  2. It took you long enough to find a report you think backs your wild generalisations but I don't really think that the level of skill in Scottish football can be simply attributed to poor diet which you claim with the flimsiest of evidence. As per usual you shot your mouth off based on half remembered factoids and personal prejudice.
  3. Have we booked the club in to the post window proctologist I want to make sure not too much damage has been done after being fucked up the arse so hard.
  4. The average life expectancy in Glasgow is 71 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-glasgow-west-15368400. Newcastle has a higher obesity rank than Glasgow http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obesity_in_the_United_Kingdom#Statistics. The level of football skill comes and goes in cycles all over the world Scotland has a very low population coupled with the best teams over many years playing very few scots and the detrimental effect of poor coaching and scouting means that Scotland currently has a paucity of talent.
  5. . Your complete lack of knowledge in pretty much every area outside of Newcastle combined with an ability to jump to a conclusion due to uninhibited generalisation is a joy to see. I think I should just shoot my kids as living in Scotland will mean they will have a life of unparalleled misery.
  6. I spent three months in Berlin in 1988 went back in 2008 and the place had completely changed.
  7. Foundation of Celtic you can see Brother Wilfrid's alternate agenda was to stop Catholics receiving hand outs from the Protestant church and the apostasy or threat of this brought. http://books.google.co.uk/books?hl=en&lr=&id=CJxIbXQfE1IC&oi=fnd&pg=PA23&dq=history+Celtic+football+&ots=cGRQXShAS5&sig=0o7bdmKoSviJDGaZZx87vi46SyQ&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=history%20Celtic%20football&f=false
  8. Except I am educated I didn't make it all up. When I did Scottish history at uni one of the lads a Celtic fan delivered a paper on the founding of Celtic. That's where I get my info from.
  9. You were set up to provide a catholic team for Catholics to play in to stop them mixing with Protestant boys. There was no Protestant team at the time. But the catholic church was going through a crisis in Scotland so the church needed its own representation in sports. Lots of catholic sport and association clubs were set up at the same time. The true bigotry didn't really kick off til the 20's and the depression when Protestants seeing the labour crisis started to protect their own and Catholics suffered disproportionately. It was further fanned by the troubles in N.I. Remember the first Orange lodge was set up by immigrants from NI.
  10. What has that got to do with my statement. You were also the first team set up with a religious ideal.
  11. People support Celtic for no other reason than religion. That is bigotry
  12. Ha ha ha you don't know I live in East Kilbride and work in Glasgow. I hear the bigoted shite from both sides every day.
  13. Celtic fan talking bollocks shocker. They all think they would piss the EPL deny any bigotry and misrepresent their creation.
  14. Munich Red from the West brewery in Glasgow.
  15. So you're saying the tactics on the pitch have nothing to do with the manager.
  16. Hang on while not yet in the Pardew out camp fully whose fault is the shit hoofball tactics?
  17. Quite possibly the funniest thing I have read in a long time.
  18. But launching longballs all fucking game is the perfect tactic? Well it fucking must be it's all we fucking do.
  19. We played shit hoofball against a depleted Norwich ffs. Our captain wants out and we couldn't create a fart out of a gallon of beans. Unless the 4 below us stay consistany shit we are fucked.
  20. I detest Steven Gerard he is a despicable human being.
  21. Why do you just make things up in your mind when you have no idea what so ever.
  22. The stitching was very neat on my legs.
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