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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I can't imagine any manager with any self respect taking the Chelsea job.
  2. Basically in resigning he is saying the conclave made a mistake appointing him.
  3. I think the history of league cip winners recently may worry people.
  4. Anything by One Direction, Spice Girls, Justin Timberlake, Justin Bieber etc...........................
  5. He took some shite free kicks last night
  6. Methinks he dothed protested too much http://m.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-21572724
  7. So who will be the next "Nonce Protector Geneal" a european, asian or african?
  8. Scottish Independence may have taken a step closer. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/energy/oilandgas/9891447/North-Sea-oil-to-give-George-Osborne-25bn-boost.html
  9. Bollocks he has us down for a win on Sunday.
  10. Played well for a change last night. Doesn't change my view he is shit though.
  11. My wife brought a school trip of 16 - 17 year old schoolgirls to my work today and we all had lunch before hand. So i am really looking forward to tonights dream.
  12. Barcelona have real problems against clubs who park the bus. Look at their games against Celtic. Theynever play a long ball which always gives the opposition time to regroup.
  13. I used to have dreams all the time that I was back in the army. I would try and tell people I was medically discharged so couldnt run anymore but no one would listen.
  14. Faun. Get it right next time or I will send round the beaver gestapo.
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