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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. We already have his replacement. We will buy no one. It is clear to me now Ashley realises he is never going to get his cash back from a sale so he is trying to get as much back as he can from the club so he can sell without losing anything.
  2. Blah blah blah "managed to hold onto Yohan" blah blah "like a new signing" blah blah "makes up for no actual signings" blah blah.
  3. And how long have you been a member on here?
  4. Put a penny on it if it comes off you could buy the club.
  5. Put a penny on it if it comes off you can retire.
  6. Unless of course you're a bird and winging is your only means of travel.
  7. Listen arsewipe you are a sad bigoted fuck who manages the almost impossible task of making youself look smaller with every sentence you type. I say almost impossible because you looked pretty fucking small with your first ill advised uneducated sentence you wrote. However you have since then failed spectacularly to emulate even it's dizzy hight of mediocrity.
  8. Where's that from it only mentions one bride you said he despised them all. Soon Yi was Legally Allen's sons sister. She was the adoptive daughter of Mia Farrow who was Allen's partner from Soon Yi being 11.
  9. 3 times Soon Yi's age and her father!Sauce for the fact he despised these girls? He married an 18 year old and lived with her the rest of his life. In Ancient Greece there was a culture of pederasty.
  10. Chaplin Married a lass 16 years old. Polanski anally rapes a 13 year old. Aye exactly the same.
  11. A month short of 17 but I don't see anything hugely scandalous about it. It certainly doesn't make him a nonce.
  12. Aye he got her pregnant after they were married.
  13. Labour need to accept the blame for PPI
  14. Are you sure no one foresaw the crash.
  15. He liked 16 - 18 year old girls. What's your issue?
  16. Scratch that it was nominated not won.
  17. You ignored my guess of Taxi Driver
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