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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. I prefer to do both it makes me a multi tasker.
  2. Except Moron £23,000 is not the poverty line. For a couple with one child under 14 and one over it is £17,992. http://www.cpag.org.uk/content/uk-poverty-line
  3. No It's like you turning up in the Politics thread.
  4. Better explain that for DTT's very limited intelligence. DTT it means you're a cunt.
  5. FFS I can't believe people are arguing about this! It's like what would you buy with your lottery winnings! Fucking either would do me but neither is what we are going to get.
  6. Oh christ they do don't they! Sorry Cath I will check them now. That one was just on a plate though.
  7. Buy your wife completely crap presents which neither fit her, suit her or anything she likes. She will then just go out and buy her own presents and give you them to wrap / put in a present bag.
  8. What's the oddso n them getting beat off Norwich now?
  9. Not only is the poor bloke dead but the makems are trying to claim him as one of theirs. http://www.sunderlandecho.com/news/local/all-news/he-spoke-the-queen-s-english-but-peter-o-toole-was-an-safc-fan-whose-dad-ran-a-bookies-in-sunderland-1-6319557
  10. In that Re:Brand show didn't he wank off a bloke in a bog just to challenge his own sexuality. Apparently he was off his tits on Heroin the whole time he was filming too.
  11. Anybody else glad we didn't spend £15Million on him in the summer?
  12. Got my Brown Wings with a German girl. She lived in Fenham at the time like.
  13. Hands all those who give a toss? CT is your hand up or do you just want another pasty?
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