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Kevin Carr's Gloves

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Everything posted by Kevin Carr's Gloves

  1. Ok I bet you £50 the vote will go ahead.
  2. Well the latest figures show Now at 52%. However you went on about the rest of the UK which wasn't mentioned on that graph. Honestly I have had runny shits with better grasp of current affairs than you.
  3. You posted a picture which I believe is a bit out of date showing the No campaign has a lead over the Yes campaign.
  4. I fink yaouw wull find I yam considerably mower intelligent than yaouw.
  5. Well it's not intelligence.
  6. So you're a second rate midlander I see that explains your desperate need to mask your inadequacy.
  7. But you're a brummie I still win.
  8. As opposed to Desmonds single minded consistency. Cunt all the time
  9. Yeah it's dead in the water now. Nevermind be funny when the UK votes to leave the EU though.
  10. Except I'm not a liberal and you couldn't kill the lights.
  11. Well there you go see that wasn't hard. Of course you're wrong but we expected that because you have the intelligence and charm of Jimmy Savile 's pubic lice.
  12. Why do you think that. I just ask cos you are thick as fuck and I don't think you could put a cogent argument together for your standpoint.
  13. That wouldn't have happened though. in 1997 if all the people in Scotland had voted Tory Labour still would have got in. Same as in 2010 all the people in Scotland voted against tory but they still got in.
  14. Pretty much the first nails in the coffin for independence I reckon. But I do think Labour have shot themselves in the foot and are handing Holyrood to the SNP for quite some time.
  15. Arrested for being in the city? Is he banned like, can you get banned from a city?
  16. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-berkshire-26453576 Cunts.
  17. Didn't Liverpool lose £50 million last year?
  18. The BBC but much the same thing really. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-26415508
  19. The thing is Russia has a point albeit a small one in that the new Ukraine government has far right extremists on it.
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